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Posts posted by swissarmyknife

  1. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ May 13, 2017 -> 10:16 PM)
    Hell yea and that probably wins about 10 games every year. Why 10? I dunno. But the Sox will dominate close games.


    Kahnle is about 27/28 but he should have quite a good 4/5 year run left in him if he contonures to pitch this way. I don-t offhand know of his prearb/arb status though.

  2. QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 13, 2017 -> 06:24 PM)
    It's tough. Mentally with him, it's probably best to pull him. Him being at 84 pitches and him really needing to hit this wall he has in 6+ innings... they should leave him in. I say give him one batter and depending on how he looks with him should determine the next outcome.


    Oh well, he got pulled after 6. I think they are really satisfied with this outing and he can build off of it. Nice way to try to start and put it together.

  3. QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 13, 2017 -> 06:16 PM)
    First batter Giolito faces in the 6th... homer.


    Get it together kid. C'mon.


    Nice response. Gets the next 3 guys out via flyballs.


    Exactly, he is at 84 pitches with 52 thrown for strikes, think he goes another inning or is that enough? I say let him try and go 7.

  4. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ May 13, 2017 -> 10:41 AM)
    Call me crazy, but I think things finally start clicking for Giolito tonight.


    I hope so because the life span for a TJ surgery is supposedly 7-8 years. He had it in 2012 which means he should have another good 2-3 good years left on his elbow before it should theoretically start to give him issues again. Maybe not. But I really hope he can both regain solid repeatable mechanics on his delivery and also bring his velo up to mid/upper 90's on the heater.

  5. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 12, 2017 -> 12:18 PM)
    Because 2 months ago he was a pitcher we viewed as not being able to find the strike zone. The way baseball players are valued is not static.


    I am new but have followed the Sox for quite a while. I am going to take this rebuild nice and slow. No use worrying about something I have absolutely no control over. If they complete the process in 2-3 or 4 years and it yields a competitive team that is challenging every year for a championship then great. If not well just take it one year at a time.

  6. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ May 11, 2017 -> 01:50 PM)
    Welcome to Soxtalk! Sox would definitely go best available to matter the position at 11.


    I hope so. It has been a while since the Sox had a top 2-3 farm system. I believe they will add more high end prospects if they decide to trade the veterans come the trade deadline.

  7. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 11, 2017 -> 01:06 PM)
    Cheers! Welcome to Soxtalk! In the offseason, MLB.com had the White Sox at #3. Not sure how the developments in the early season affect that.



    Yeah, I agree. Fulmer has good stuff and has been really limiting the BBs. Lopez on the other hand is nasty. He gets hurt sometimes because his curveball is so nasty he leans on it too much. The pitch dances.


    So if they sign Robert what would be the focus in the draft at 11? Would it be the best hitter available? The pitching is good on most levels and the historical weak point has been hitting.

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