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Capital G

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Posts posted by Capital G

  1. I dont get the hate. He was not my top choice but he is a LH bat and had a high pedigree. Would he be the first ever player to put it all together in season 5? He is also, what? 24/25?

    I liked Walker but since its a straight up swap I am not that mad. We can platoon him with L. Garcia/Angel.

    Now move on to Ryu and Lindbloom + bullpen.

    If we miss on Ryu go for Lindbloom + Wood.


    Not exactly what we wanted but still improvement and were bound to get a player who you did not expect to break out to do so...... right? lol

  2. if it takes a 4 year contract I dont know man. switching to AL, injury history, age..... I think he ends up on the DL way more than pitching for us. but if the sox dont think it will handcuff them for future signings (including our own guys) then let's do it.

    I really want to see Lindbloom and Wood out of the remaining, realistic, SPs options. I know it's blah but it is what it is at this point. As many have said missing out on Wheeler was huge. The $/yrs for Bum and Keuchel just dont do it for me. I think they get lit up at the cell.

  3. why would you even trade Sheets straight up for Betts?

    We are not going to compete as we are built this year. Unless you think Betts playing w/ us this year increase the chances of him signing there's no way I trade anything of value for him.

    Now, if we sign Stras/Cole + a strong DH then I would try to pull the trade bc that would place us in contention this year and if he leaves next year oh well.

  4. 45 minutes ago, SCCWS said:

    Rays aside because I am not sure  they will  draw under any situation. , I wonder how good that is for fan support. Fans love winners but they also love their favorite players. A turnstile roster may frustrate the fan base. 

    Living in Tampa and the Rays being my 2nd favorite team I can tell you it does. The people that have true baseball knowledge know what they are doing, but your casual baseball fan does not.  I have several friends upset over this only bc they liked Pham and feel like we cant keep the same players around. With already low attendance things like these don't help get people to the park (terrible location aside).

  5. 1 hour ago, Chisox378 said:

    I'd skip out on Wheeler if we could get both Chris Archer and Jon Gray.

    I read the Rockies are not interested in trading Gray.

    Plus, why deplete our system to land them when we can just pay $ for other options?

  6. 22 minutes ago, soxfan3530 said:

    Sorry if this has been mentioned before but would people rather have the combination of Wheeler/Castallenos or Kuechel/Grandal? 

    Give me the former.

    Wheeler/Casty bc we need a SP more than anything else and Wheeler is probably the 3rd best SP available. Only concern with Casty is his D. But I'd take that over Dallas being our #1 SP addition.

  7. 8 minutes ago, mqr said:

    Is there any indication the Sox have any interest in Grandal?

    I have a feeling they're content with McCann.

    None that can quote from a Sox source. Just have seen his name tossed around often and I believe (I could be wrong) that we had interest in him last year.

  8. 6 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    I was vacillating between Gardner and Corey Dickerson. Both haven't played much RF at all so if that's a problem for just one year I understand. I don't really consider it a big deal. Dickerson won a GG in LF in 2018 , doesn't have a weak arm and is a hell of a hitter when not injured. Just look at his stats in 2019 in his limited AB's High BA, Slugging and OPS. I've been doing a lot of research on him and he's become a really good hitter the last 2 years by choking up and cutting down on the K's and making more contact. As he's progressed with the new style he's worked the power back into his game also and is capable of 20-25 HR's in a full season . I think he's way under rated much like Lemahieu was last year.

    He also isn't a liability against lefties like Gardner, Calhoun and Pederson. If you add Grandal, Moustakas, Dickerson and Luis Robert that could be an extra 100 HR's the Sox didn't have last year and 3 of those 4 are left handed. Along with the power of Moncada, Abreu and Eloy that's a real lot of power along with some OBP from Grandal and while Dickerson doesn't walk too much that high BA will put him on base and as a contact hitter along with Madrigal eventually you could have an ideal 2 hitter in Dickerson and 9 hitter in Madrigal.

    I'm not worried about Moustaskas getting AB's since there will be plenty to go around between 3rd when Moncada misses games  at 3rd and if Madrigal doesn't come up for a month then plenty at 2nd too. As primarily a 3rd baseman he could also play many games at 1st without much trouble. Also between Grandal , Moose, Abreu and the rest of the power hitters you have DH pretty well covered while keeping players fresh and having more power off the bench for those late inning HR heroics that we didn't have last year . The best part is Moose and Dickerson shoudn't cost the Sox all that much in AAV maybe $25M a year at most . I think Dickerson can be had easily with a 1 yr, base salary around $8-10M but with incentives based of AB's and performance make another $5M if he remains uninjured and productive . Moose is also pretty good against lefties so between him and Dickerson neither one has to be taken out of the lineup.

    I wish I could figure out a way to work Collins into getting a lot of AB's without removing Grandal but with his catching skills and hitting ability still a question there's vast difference between him and Grandal. However if the Sox are successful at getting starting pitcher adding Moose and Dickerson as the bats might not seem good enough for some people but it would be if Collins can add the OBP and power we lose in not signing Grandal. Guess we'll just have to trust that between Eloy , Moncada, Abreu, Anderson ,  Robert , Madrigal, Moose and Dickerson that its a good enough lineup to give Collins more of an opportunity . I think that lineup is pretty good, versatile and even better if Collins can step up. It's certainly much better than last years lineup. , more balanced ,more power , no black holes against left handers or right handers. Maybe Collins against lefties isn't the best but I'd be thrilled to see him mash righties. Imagine Eloy, Mocada and Robert all ending up great hitters. That lineup is sweet if that can happen sooner rather than later. I truly believe Moncada and Eloy will be hitting superstars next year .

    I would be excited with Grandal, Dickerson, and Moose as our bats. Land Wheeler and a RP or 2 and I'd call this a great off-season.

  9. I'm getting more and more turned off with a signing of Ozuna. He is an OK player. But for the amount and length he will get I'd rather just get a guy we can sign for less $ and years that can actually play some D. I dont want Robert surrounded by 2 players that cannot play OF. I'd rather sign a Dickerson/Puig type player.

    Then see what happens with Basabe/Walker/Adolfo/etc. If they dont pan out what's RF FA look like next year/2022?

  10. 3 hours ago, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    Probably the reason why most Sox fans are just aiming for Zach Wheeler right out of the gate. Wheeler and Ozuna are the type of consolation prizes we are used to, despite them both still being instant upgrades for this team. 

    I am def on that boat. The last thing we need is to wait around trying to sign Cole, etc. while the Wheelers of FA sign elsewhere. Then not only do we not land a big name we miss out on players we absolutely need to take a leap forward and possibly contend if all goes right.

  11. IMO, you go hard after Ryu, Wheeler, Bumm while everyone else works on Strasburg and Cole. Were not going to outbid others and I'd hate to lose out on the 2nd tier guys while we mess around with Strasburg and Cole. 

    Then quickly focus on RF and DH.

    I'd like for us to strike early on SP, DH, and RF. Then move focus to BP.

  12. The best I would offer a DH is a 2-3 year contract. I dont want to trade any of our talent towards a DH. 

    Only way I'd do this is if for some dumb reason they took our trash (Palka, Cordell, etc.) which wont happen.

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