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Posts posted by xSouthsider2

  1. 6 minutes ago, Saufley said:

    Wow!! I hope you took your heart medication this morning! I was just bringing back a small sampling of my memory from the "good old days", with another "old timer". If I left out some history from the old days I'm sorry and I apologize. I'll resist, in the future, of getting involved in any of your posts! I hope this "old man" didn't offend anyone else out there and if so shame on me!

    No need for you to apologize at all. I took no offense to what you said. I meant no offense to you either. I was impressed there is still a few of us that remember Battey and Romano being traded. I just pointed out that Veeck screwed up and let other potential stars go also. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Hawk was awful, but LaRussa was no better. LaRussa was a cheater for one thing - amazing how everywhere he went, big time steroids followed. LaRussa thought he was reinventing the game when analytically speaking he was a moron. 

    LaRussa was as bad a baseball ops guy as Hawk - what he did in Arizona was laughably bad.

    Managers don't win World Series in baseball; nor do manager "take their team" there. Players do. LaRussa has had some very very gifted players in his career, but his attitude and arrogance were always laughable. Tony always thought he was the smartest guy in the room.

    I never said LaRussa was good in the FO. He sucked the big one in Arizona. Maybe managers don't "win" WS but you got to get to the WS to have a chance. He got there and he won there(three times). That by coincidence is how many the Sox have won in 118 years. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    LaRussa the most overrated mouthpiece in the history of professional sports. Getting rid of that blow hard was the best thing Jerry ever did.

    How many WS did LaRussa get to? How many did he win? Hawk was a GREAT announcer. He was NOT a GM. It was a personality clash and Hawk won JR's favor.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Saufley said:

    It wasn't JR's fault that the Sox didn't win that 1959 World Series for us and it wasn't his fault the Sox traded away Battey and Romano. I agree with you that we have been disappointed many times. So yes, JR, it's time to do something now and make us happy, for a change.

    No, JR was not part of the team in 59. Veeck traded away Battey and Romano(He also traded Norm Cash, John Callison, Bubba Phillips, Don Mincher and Barry Latman. JR also was not there in 67 when the SOX lost TWO double headers to second division teams late in September and fell from first to fourth. JR was not there in the 60's where TWO STRAIGHT YEARS we finished ONE game behind the Yankees. But JR HAS been around for about 30 years and we have 2005 and only four other post seasons under his tenure. JR hired Hawk as GM and allowed a HOF manager to be fired, yet stayed with Manuel and Ventura when we had decent teams(especially with Manuel) but won nothing. We got outbid for Tanaka, Gordon, and Cespedes(I admit we dodged a bullet there, but it seems we ALWAYS get outbid). I don't advocate "bidding against themselves". I just would like to see the Sox put forth whatever it takes to bring in this once in a lifetime chance to make the team a winner. Yes, we have "prospects". So far the "prospects" that have come up have disappointed, so I am pretty confident "prospects" alone will get us to another WS.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Orlando said:




    As I mentioned in a previous post, I am a little pessimistic how this is going because of past history of Sox disappointments. If Hahn knows we are NOT signing Machado and says something like the fans "will be fine" then he is in a dream world. BUT, as a couple other fans have pointed out, negotiations probably are still on going. If Hahn came out and said something like "Yes, the fans will lynch me and we could end up with zero attendance", then Lozano would be going "kaching" and another $25 million would be added to Machado's asking price. I hope we sign MM.

  6. Another reference to the White Sox on www.mlbtraderumors.com today. Most I have seen probably since 2005 and 2006 in national recognition. Sox FO you would think HAS to be taking notice of this and realize that WHATEVER they pay Machado(or Harper or both) will be returned many times over in recognition and money coming in on tickets, jerseys, concessions, etc. 

    I have to admit I am in the pessimism column here on all this. I have been a fan since 1956 and believe me our beloved Sox have DISAPPOINTED me MANY times. Until I see him standing there in a Sox uniform being announced by Hahn, I will have to be pessimistic based on past history. Prove me wrong, JR.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

    Call me crazy, but I think Moncada and Giolito are going to show Sox fans why they were once top 3 prospects in the game this year. Did anyone else listen to LG on the Score yesterday? He says he can still hit 97 when his mechanics aren't out of whack.  It is painfully obvious he's been fighting his delivery for the better part of 3 seasons since Washington tinkered with it. Perfect example of if it isn't broken, don't fix it. It also sounded like he had a healthy amount of confidence in his ability and has the right attitude about last year. He also mentioned that he's seeing a sports psychologist. 

    Our players are seeing psychologists? I will need a psychologist if Sox do not sign Machado and/or Harper.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Orlando said:


    I don't think Sox fans could be blamed if they "lost their minds" or got pissed if we don't sign Machado. Sox did this to themselves if we strike out. All this hype from the Sox implies to me at least that they were serious and would NOT be outbid. If they have trolled us and strike out, how else would we be expected to react?

    • Like 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, chetkincaid said:

    Right. It’s not Hahn’s money. Jerry is the one approving the offers. 

    If after all this hoopla by the Sox about spending, if Reinsdorf nixes a signing because it is $300 mil or over, then he should sell the team. We have had FIVE post seasons under his helm. He now says he will spend and if he allows Machado to go somewhere else because he had a limit after all, then he should sell. He would have no credibility with me. I hope we are all over reacting and this will not happen, but just saying enough trolling us. The money is there. Spend it.


    • Like 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Joshua Strong said:

    Its not up to the Sox. 

    I think it is up to the Sox. Unless of course, he just doesn't want to play here and wants to leave a LOT of money on the table. But it is "UP' to the Sox as far as making an "offer he can't refuse". Missing out and hearing the "but we were at the table" does not cut it. FIVE post seasons in the entire time this ownership has been in charge is unacceptable to me at least.

  11. OK. Here is my thoughts on this. I am a LONG time Sox fan, but a newbie on this site, so you can take it for what you think it is worth. This is quite likely the only time the stars align like this for the Sox. The "Big boys" all seem to not be spending. Machado is 26 years old. He plays 3B, probably the ONLY spot we do not have a sure fire prospect in the system. In my opinion, this is a MUST signing for the Sox. They can NOT blow this chance. After all this national coverage of the Sox on this potential signing, there is no freaking way they would let someone like San Diego(or anyone for that matter) outbid them. The Sox FO would lose ALL credibility and leave themselves, and unfortunately us Sox fans, up to national ridicule. Harper as a "Plan B" sounds good, but who would take us seriously? And we have Jimenez, Robert, Adolfo and Rutherford coming up. We don't need Harper. We need Machado. Plain and simple. I am a Sox fan since the mid 50's when my Grandpa and me used to watch the Sox. Sox can't blow this. NO EXCUSES. No "we are at the table" crap. Time to put their money where their mouth is.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, GREEDY said:

    These were the deals i thought the Sox would be doing this offseason (albeit with prospects attached, not players with 2 years control remaining).

    So many clubs seemingly fighting to stay under the tax, feels like a real opportunity.  

    I think it could make some sense if we signed Machado. Instead of another mega contract for Harper that might make money tight in the future, we have Peterson in RF with his lefty bat for two years while we wait for Robert, Adolfo, Rutherford and the rest. In Hill we have a veteran starter and I think there is just one or two years left on his contract at about 14 a year(that is off top of my head). And because of us taking Hill's contract our return to LA should not be any body we want to keep?

  13. While I would love to contend in 2019, there is one caveat. If Nova is the only vet in the rotation could our young arms in the rotation extend into a post season without risking injury? Both Cease and Giolito have had TJ. Rodon had the shoulder. I think if post season is a goal if we got Machado, then we would need to spend some money on the rotation. IE, Hill(take on his salary and NOT give up much in prospect capital) and/or Keuchal?

  14. Even if the Sox sign Machado, there is still money available. Maybe even enough for Harper, but that is not realistic. That would be too much tied up in two players while we still don't know for sure what we have on the farm. So why not take on most of Hill's salary plus Joc and NOT have to give up much in trade? Hill could help stabilize the rotation for our young guys and take some pressure off. Then there is money in 2020 and future for holes the farm does not fill.


  15. Sox do not need to trade for Pederson, although he would help. But they do not NEED to. They certainly do not need a blister prone pitcher in Hill regardless of how much salary they take on. But he also would help if they could keep him healthy. My point is the Dodgers need to trade to shed salary. Dodgers need this trade a lot more than Sox do. So it sounds pretty dumb to be putting a Bush or a Colome or an Abreu in this trade. Fulmer yes, as he seems to need a change of scenery and has only one option left and we do have a lot of pitching depth in the minors. Hahn is in the driver's seat here. Don't give in and trade more value than we have to.

  16. How is our new trainer in handling BLISTERS? Just wondering because Rich Hill is mentioned as a possibility in this trade with the Sox taking on salary. If it is a salary take on, then I don't think we need to offer LA anything like a Bush, a Fulmer, or a lefty like Bummer. Just a lottery ticket in A ball. We would be doing LA a favor so Hahn should be in the driver's seat.

    If all the above is true, then I think it would be a good use of money. We get a lefty power bat MUCH cheaper than Harper(let's face it, Sox are not going to tie up $600 million plus for Harper AND Machado). We also get a starter to maybe stabilize the rotation in Hill, if the blister issue is no longer. I think this is a trade the Sox do NOT have to make, but under the right conditions, it could be a decent approach to plugging some holes. Now, GO SIGN MACHADO!!!!

  17. 7 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

    Yes, and honestly, I think they sign Harper too

    Wouldn't that be great? Only problem a lot of older Sox fans are not used to that kind of stuff from our Sox. You might find some of us still sitting at our desks in front of our monitors(or tablets or phones for you modern techies) still looking at the screens and decomposing.

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