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Stinky Stanky

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Posts posted by Stinky Stanky

  1. 19 hours ago, The Mighty Mite said:

    I wonder if he even knows how despised he is by White Sox fans.

    He’s not that despised in Nashville. I checked with my buddy who lives there. Be careful what you wish for. 

    Personally my level of dislike hasn’t got to that level yet. Just my opinion. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Texsox said:

    That's a deliberate misunderstanding of what I'm saying. I think a true cleaning of the house is required. Getz, Pedro, scouting, training, analytics. Don't you? The team can do any one or two of those things and it won't be enough. Do you disagree with that?

    This started with me agreeing with @WhiteSox2023 that Pedro will be the fall guy and JR will try to sell us on another instant cure. Again, that's been his strategy for decades. 

    He has a strategy?  News to me. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    Nothing against the writer, Julia Poe, but it's insane some of the people working what were formerly coveted, big time, career peak beats like being the Bulls' beat writer at the Tribune, as she's listed. She got her undergrad degree in journalism (not even J school grad) from USC in 2019 and 5 years later she's working a gig that in a previous generation would be reserved for someone with 20+ years experience and impeccable writing and reporting history. 

    Gone first was the  venerable Sam Smith then KC Johnson and the paper hired Julia who's working for a fraction of what the other two made in the budget conscious halls of what used to be the Tribune.  Nice of the Bulls to provide employment for the two guys.  She's an OK writer, don't get me wrong, but she's likely getting paid coolie wages.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, cuban_sammiches said:

    Counterpoint: I think Kopech is emotionally fragile, a bad starter and a worse reliever.

    When he throws 100+, he can’t control it. When he throws 96 it gets hit. And he’s a flake. I admit I still care enough to be mad about today’s flop. 

    • Like 3
  5. 4 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    Usually he's wild as hell though. Kopech needs to get it right. Sox can't get it right unless Kopech holds up his end. Holding him longer does not guarantee better results.

    He had control of the fastball unlike his last outing but was low in the zone with it and high is better. Will it last? Time will tell. He has the tools. 

  6. 1 hour ago, WhiteSox2023 said:

    When has a JR owned Sox team gone after the big fish?  They will do what they always do in free agency and spread their money out on a bunch of mediocre players, rather than signing one star that could out-WAR their entire offseason.  It’s sad but true and it doesn’t matter who the GM is — Getz, Hahn, or Kenny.  It’s Jerry’s call.  He doesn’t believe in paying the price that top free agents cost.  It will be more of the same strategy — sign mediocre, mid-level or lower tier free agents and hope they match their career years.

    Belle is the exception that proves the rule. 

  7. 23 hours ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    Just constantly replacing flotsam and jetsam with more flotsam and jetsam. Garbage in...garbage out.

    I can't see any rhyme or reason to what Getz is doing or trying to do.



    I’m the guy who keeps posting this, but you keep bringing in new bozos to replace the old bozos until you find the ones that suck the least. 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, T R U said:

    Why not? They’ve done it with guys like Leury and Keuchel and Grifol doesn’t make anywhere close to what those guys were

    Add Keppinger  to the list but it doesn't fit the narrative so it can't be true around this place.

    To be serious for a sec, what's the proper play on that ball hit to Ramos in the 10th?  Even if the throw home  is on target, do you risk a throw to first?  IMO what Ramos should have done is take a step toward  the runner on 3rd to force him to commit and if he returned to the base, throw to first, not second.  If Goldschmidt played by the book and headed home, start the rundown.  Either way, some ballsy pitching to get the win, thx CJ.


  9. On 4/25/2024 at 3:15 PM, chw42 said:

    Yeah but they spent that money on Benintendi instead and it's not like that's working out any better. Not saying re-signing him would have been right but it's not like the FO was competent enough to spend that money any better.

    Reminds of when the Wheeler money went to lesser talent as the wheels went off the track. That was the one that started the dominoes falling over IMO. Can’t blame management either. It’s the exception that proves the Sox rule about long term contracts for pitchers. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Soxfest said:

    Kopech basically gives up a walk and a run most appearances

    Usually no command, not even of the fast ball.  Has to keep it high and near the strike zone because the hitters sit on it, since the breaking ball command isn't there.  Needs to settle on one breaking pitch since he's now a two inning guy at most.  Not closer material until he gets it figured out.

    59 minutes ago, nrockway said:

    holy s%*#, did anyone else catch that Soroka's favorite author is the guy that wrote The Art of Seduction? ie the date rapist's manifesto. I know he's not the best looking dude in the world but you'd think being an MLB player would be enough. 

    Tell me more.  😈

    • Haha 1
  11. On 4/10/2024 at 12:19 PM, 2Deep said:

    Get Luis healthy and playing at a high level again and then TRADE him for the best package you can get.

    I love Luis as a player but he will never be healthy.  Last year was an outlier.  

    Never is a long time.

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