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Posts posted by JoeC

  1. 33 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    If we are looking for player coaches who can't hit, might as well make it someone beloved by the players.  Maybe he can get through to the walking wounded.

    We can always use one of those.

    plus he can play every day, unlike the one we have now

  2. 40 minutes ago, Timmy U said:

    Is the Rate constructed on a radioactive waste dump or an Indian Burial Ground or something? It’s not just the guys they kept who sucked. The guys no longer with the team suck too. ReyLo is like the only one who escaped the curse.

    …just wait until you hear about what people say about The 78….

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, hogan873 said:

    Yeah, this isn't like Lopez and Sosa competing for playing time.  This is one of the best hitters on the team (and one of the better defensive catchers in the league) being sat for literally the worst player in baseball.  Lee should be catching 5 out of 7 games and batting somewhere in the middle of the lineup.

    Not just the worst player in baseball, but the player on pace to have one of the single worst seasons in the HISTORY of baseball.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

    There should be nobody on this team more infuriated than Korey Lee.  He has had a very good season and is giving up playing to to the worst player in baseball.

    Not just the worst player in baseball... but the player having one of the worst seasons in the history of the game.

    • Fire 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Rusty said:

    A team can absolutely build around guys like Luis and Crochet.  The issue is, that by the time the Sox are possibly good enough to compete, both will be due new deals and likely command $200m plus which Jerry won’t pay.  Therefore, at least convert them into a future asset.

    You have to have the right players at the right time.

    We have the right players (Robert and Crochet, assuming Crochet is legit) at the wrong time.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Quin said:

    Everyone knows that it's great for culture when the GM says "I don't like our team" and then assembles the worst fielding team in the majors, the worst offensive team in the majors, and the 28th worst pitching team.

    All while on track to be the worst team in history.

    Edit: And he did all this while s%*# talking the division that proceeds to whoop their ass.

    He built a well-rounded team.

    We DID want that, right?

    • Haha 2
  7. 8 hours ago, Tony said:

    It means you let one man change your fandom, which is usually something passed down from family, friends, community. 

    I don’t watch the Sox anymore, and don’t see that changing over the next few years. Not until they give me a reason to watch. 

    The difference is, Jerry Reinsdorf, or Bill Wirtz, aren’t what I was raised to love, or be a fan of. I wasn’t raised to root for the owner. When Bill Wirtz died, the Blackhawks franchise didn’t. Quite the opposite actually. And Jerry Reinsdorf isn’t going to make me totally abandon the White Sox, I’m just not going to support them while he’s the owner. 

    You do you, but if you were a Blackhawks fan previously, and you removed yourself because of a decision Bill Wirtz made in 1999, missing out on 3 Stanley Cups in the 2010’s, with new ownership…seems silly. 

    Yeah for me, it wasn’t one trade or decision. It was the long track record of  Wirtz’s decisions that led to the Chelios trade being the straw that broke the camel’s back. Off the top of my head from the ‘90’s, there was the Lindros ordeal, the way he ran Roenick out of town, not to mention the home games on TV.

    My anger was directed at Wirtz, and that anger disassociated me from the loyalty I felt to the ‘Hawks. At this point, I see the ‘Hawks the same way I see basically any other NHL team.

    That’s why, even though I am far too emotionally invested in the Sox to give them up as easily, I understand when people make these decisions.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Tony said:

    I got to enjoy three Stanley Cups and a modern day dynasty, while you sat pouting about a decision made 40 years ago from a long dead owner.

    You showed them! 

    Me personally, I ditched the 'Hawks when they got rid of Chelios.

    It makes me happy to have seen the 'Hawks win, but really from a "I'm happy for my friends who love them" perspective. I just stopped any emotional connection with the team.

    Does that mean I similarly "showed them?"

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

    And this is where the organization has failed so badly.  They have been utterly unable to generate even replacement level players, let alone someone who will contribute on a daily basis.  This has to change if things are going to have a chance at turning around.

    I see what is happening in Birmingham, and, if they are actually committing to a strategy of letting players develop as a unit or learn how to win or whatever, it at least gives me hope that Getz might be doing / directing something properly.

    But yes - generally speaking, our system has produced trash.

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