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Posts posted by Scwible

  1. Let's move on: A call placed by Brandon McCarthy to Guillen on Friday night quickly settled any minor difference stemming from comments made by the former White Sox pitcher in a Feb. 21 newspaper report and Guillen's ensuing radio retort.


    McCarthy told MLB.com on Friday that they wished each other well during the conversation and had the chance to put forth their points of view on the matter. Guillen echoed McCarthy's sentiment of tranquility.


    "It was good. I think we made it really clear about what happens," said Guillen of the talk with McCarthy. "I don't know if it was a misunderstanding by him or by me.


    "He said he wasn't making that point about the clubhouse, it was a little different between this one and the other one. He said he likes the guys here; he doesn't have anything against them. I said I wish him the best. This kid has a chance to be a good pitcher. Everything's clear and good."


    Both sides agreed this matter is officially over, and Guillen said he would talk to McCarthy and give him a hug when the two teams met in Surprise on March 13. Guillen also had a meeting on Friday with center fielder Brian Anderson, who was caught in the crossfire as a close friend of McCarthy, and let him know everything was good.

  2. Ohh no, has the towel drill found it's way to White Sox camp?


    Bobby Jenks will work one inning during Monday's "B" game against Colorado, even if he strikes out the side on nine pitches or retires three hitters on three total pitches. Jenks plans to feature all fastballs but also might mix in a slider or two.


    The White Sox closer, who left Wednesday's Cactus League game with right shoulder tightness brought about partially by poor mechanics from warming up, explained on Saturday how those mechanics have improved. He has used a form of the towel drill to work on that part of the delivery before he even steps on the mound.


    "After the last two days, it's night and day," said Jenks of the improvement in his mechanics. "My body is starting to remember, 'OK, this is how you pitch.' Muscle memory is starting to come back in play. Staying close, not landing on my heel -- doing all the right things."



  3. QUOTE(max power @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 03:49 PM)
    Its my home stereo, a pretty expensive receiver, about $350. My car is adjustible by ten, like most radios. This one goes up or down by 9 per notch. I guess I'll have to search the internet for an answer.

    It's prolly just an antenna problem, if it doesn't get a strong enough signal it'll just skip past it.

  4. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 06:20 PM)
    Please excuse me if this is a dumb question, I have yet to play this game. One of my boys bought MLB 2K7 for PS3 today. He claims that to swing the bat you actually have to swing the remote like it's an actual bat? Is this true? That sounds ridiculous. I told him he probably just doesn't know what he's doing. Any info would be apperciated.

    Yea, for the PS3 you can push the controller forward like pushing away a plate of food.

  5. Good to hear all the positives. From what I've been able to play of the demo, damn all projects being due around now, the game is pretty solid. Maybe I'll pick this game up after all.


    QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 27, 2007 -> 04:52 PM)
    Has anyone played this on 360 yet? I'm getting one next weekend and cant wait to play.


    The demo I have of it is on the 360. I'm willing to bet it's the same across all next -gen platforms.

  6. QUOTE(SnB @ Feb 26, 2007 -> 08:47 PM)
    oh man, you have no idea how excited i am about this, going to download now.



    i only have silver account so its not open to me for a few days, that sucks.



    I was pumped for this game/demo to come out. I'm not used to the 2k system yet so I'm not sure how great it is. It seems to play pretty smooth and the graphics are really good on my LCD monitor. I'll be sure to check back with more


    Dunno if anyone mentioned this yet but I really don't want to run back though and look but The Prestige is one kick ass movie and since it just came out on DVD i recommend it to all. Definitely was one of the few movies that I wanted to go back and watch again once i got out of the movie theater.

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