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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by C.Rector

  1. No, I'm a mod over there ... prick.


    Shove it, C. Rectum.


    PS - Instead of just copying and pasting my post from over there, come up with an original thought ... preferably one that doesn't come from your C. Rectum like all the rest of your crap.

    Guess you haven't been taking your medications lately?


    The reason why I copied/pasted your post at BHZ was that I can't see any real difference between my posts and most of the other posts made by folks here at Soxtalk and over at BHZ other than that I don't use either vulgarity or bad grammar/mispelled words. I also did a search for your posts on both forums and franky I can't tell any real difference between the way you post and the way I post. So, I can't figure out just what this "crap" you're talking about is.


    For what its worth, I've never been notified by any of the moderators either here at Soxtalk or at BHZ about any specific posts that I've made.

  2. Harris is batting .200 (5-for-25) in exhibition play and still looks tentative running the bases. If he fails to get on base and manufacture runs, the White Sox' offense will have to rely on the longball to score.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  3. Either Rotoworld has screwed up big time or Shingo Takatsu aka Mr. Zero is a time traveller since they give his birthdate as November 28, 2068 and says that he is "-65" years old.








    Shingo TAKATSU • Relief Pitcher • Chicago White Sox Height: 5'11' • Weight: 165 • DOB: 11/28/2068 • Age: -65

    Bats: • Throws: Main Page • Previous News • Career Stats • Game Log

  4. ..... I'd swear this headline was from the Tribune rather than the Sun-Times.


    Maddux still impressive despite getting shelled



    Sometimes, you just have to laugh.

    You left out the best part, the 1st paragraph in the Mike Kiley article:





    SURPRISE, Ariz. -- Even after allowing six runs (five earned) and eight hits in four innings Wednesday, Greg Maddux was impressive. Asked about the Texas Rangers' four stolen bases against him in as many attempts, including three in one inning, the Cubs pitcher accepted all the blame and showed what a dependable teammate he will be.



    Unintentional humor never gets any better than this.

  5. I saw Sweeney hit in 4 games last week in Tucson and came away very impressed.  He's definitely not intimidated out there.  His mechanics look very good and he stays back on the breaking pitches nicely.


    If a guy is that good, even at a young age like Sweeney, they tend to come very fast.

    Just curious ... aren't you that same guy over on the Blackhawkzone.com Forum who tries to jam his opinion down everyone's throat and manages to get into an argument frequently?

  6. Every article I read still has Willie Harris starting at 2B but I'm starting to wonder if he is even sure to break with the big club.  He's at .200 on the spring, including his 1 for 4 today.  He also got caught stealing.  Kelly Dransfeldt is hitting  .320 with more at bats, while Juan Uribe is at .241 with 2 HR.


    Judging from his bunt attempts on TV over the weekend he doesn't fit in with the 'give me guy who play the game the right way' approach either.  I'm a Willie backer but he's got to show he can earn his keep.

    Well, Harris only hit .200 or so last year too, but at Soxfest Hawk claimed that it was all JM's fault because JM forced poor Willie to bunt against his will. JM's long gone but Harris is still hitting poorly despite not bunting.

  7. I heard if the bulls get the top pick, they are going to package it will chandler, curry, or crawford and go for a veteran.  I heard a pax interview about the direction of the team and he played with that idea.  He said that at this point the idea of a "total overhaul" is not out of the question with the way things have been going.

    Problem is that the Bulls have already had too many total overhauls during the post-Jordan period and not enough times when the patiently develop talent for winning. Looks like moe of the same for Bulls fans next year.

  8. I'd rather say Kobe.  Actually there are a few players I'd rather have then AI, simply because he takes a lot of shots for a guy that isn't a great shooter.


    I love his heart, but you can't really have guys around him cause no one else gets many shots.

    Iverson is a cancer and Kobe is a rapist. Why would you want either one of them on the Bulls?

  9. Its clear that the Bulls have pretty much quit playing this season. Wonder if their having the top draft choice will enable them to turn things around next year. If they don't, then they could start experiencing the kind of attendance woes that the Hawks have been having.

  10. That's his job.  Nerve? ... OK ...  However we saw a lack of nerve for 6 years.  It's about time somebody pushed players to excel in this organization.  Ozzie the player has nothing to do with Ozzie the manager.

    If JM was as worthless as you say he was, then how on earth did the Sox win the Central Division in 2000? The way you and others write about him, you'd think that JM was nothing but a stick figure. JM may not have had the most outgoing personality, but he did know how to get the best out of his players. And he did it without trying to attract attention to himself, unlike Mr. Ozzie Publicity Monger.

  11. Judging how a team is doing based on its exhibition games W-L record is silly and stupid. These games are for talent evaluation only.


    Currently, the Brewers have the best ST W-L record and the Giants have the worst. Now, does anyone here seriously think that the Brewers will have a better regular season record than the Giants will?

  12. I'd go for it, because its the type of move that could catapult this franchise back into being a major market team.  It could also blow up, but I think if the team sucks this year, it will probably be blown up anyway, so they might as well take the shot now.

    How would this make the White Sox a "major market team" when it hasn't had the kind of consistent fan support for that since the mid-1960's? If you really think that picking up a washed up loser like Griffey would get fans to turn out for the Sox in droves, then you are either on drugs or in severe need of a shrink.

  13. Is this a joke?

    Well, in the Sox vs. Cubs thead, there was a poster complaining about having to switch back and forth between the Illini and the baseball game, and it just made one wonder what the sports fans here would prefer most.

  14. For those of you who missed it, here's Blackhawkzone.com's transcript:





    " This is a very happy day Troy. This is a very happy day for this Blackhawk fan because I am never again going to have to see Alexander Karpovtsev in a Blackhawk uniform.


    You know, Karpovtsev is actually a pretty good defenseman, I am going to qualify my comments by saying that he is a good defenseman (Video footage starts to play on Fox Sports Net Chicago) When he plays, and that is the rub. Because Alexander Karpovtsev looks for any excuse not to play and in his time in Chicago he is the worst excuse for a teammate that I have seen in my two decades of doing this job.



    A couple of examples: ten minutes before a warmup two weeks ago (Foley talking as Karpotvsev: My shoulder hurts) and forcing a young defenseman who didn't anticipate playing had to scurry into his uniform and dress in the game.


    He was ready to come back from an ankle injury earlier this season getting set to rejoin the lineup, had a collision in practice. (Foley talking as Karpotvsev: I have a concussion )


    Well Doctor Karpotvsev, always had an excuse, always milked the system. He came to the Blackhawks in a trade for Bryan McCabe, who has gone on to be an All Star in Toronto. Even before that, Bryan McCabe was a guy who cared and who tried. The Toronto Players, when that trade was made, we couldn't believe that they got Bryan McCabe for Dean Martin.


    Let me tell you something, Alexander Karpovtsev doesn't sing and when you are trying to bring along a young team, this is not the kind of veteran you want around young people in any way, shape or form.


    That deal was one of the worst deals in the history of the Chicago Blackhawks and when Mike Smith writes him memoirs about his time in Chicago, I have the title for that chapter. Disaster!


    So kudos to Bob Pulford and Dale Tallon for being able to get anything more than a role of tape for this overpaid, underachiever.


    Alexander Karpovtsev is now the New York Islanders problem and that will be his last National Hockey league stop.


    He basically in my opinion was a disgrace to the uniform when he was in Chicago.


    As he leaves Chicago, I have one feeling for Alexander Karpovtsev: Good Riddance!"

  15. no we weren't patient enough with miller and artest. but i sure in the hell didn't want to see brand go and was very pissed when he got traded and i don't remember anyone else who was happy with it either. so 1) how much of this is just a result of poor management, and 2) how much can artest's and miller's current successes be attributed to the bulls or how much are they a result of their current systems they're in?

    The mgmt that mishandled the Artest/Brand/Miller cases is the same mgmt that put together the Bulls Dynasty teams. Those teams were assembled with a great deal of patience. It is a lack of that same patience that has resulted in the situation that the Bulls are in now.

  16. Early on in his managerial career with the Sox, Tony LaRussa said that the biggest problem that he had was that a lot of the players remembered watching him play. That could be the problem here with the key difference being that while LaRussa realized that he was not a terribly good player, Ozzie suffers from delusions of grandeur.


    The Ozzie Experiment more and more seems destined to end up as a repeat of the Bevington Disaster.

  17. The big difference is that Miller, Artest, and Brand had great work ethic.  Tyson hustles most of the time, but Curry and Crawford are just lazy.  Ship them out.

    The problem with the Bulls ever since the end of the Dynasty is the lack of patience on the part of both management and the fans on rebuilding. Its either get in the playoffs now or get shipped out. Had mgmt and fans been more patient, then Artest, Brand and Miller would still be in Chicago and the Bulls would be over .500. Shipping out the current group of players would only result in at least one of them becoming a star on another team while the Bulls continue to wallow in the basement.

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