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Posts posted by ChiSox9

  1. So, I have not posted in over 5 years and have been checking in from time to time ever since.... This whole Manny situation actually got me re-energized for the White Sox and the future to come. I had season tickets with them from 2000- 2010 and finally decided enough was enough when they raised my prices a the same time putting a Minor League club on the field.  I don't feel as though a Manny signing would take place at SoxFest so I would not be let down if it did not happen this weekend.  Where I do feel let down is that this organization has lost a number of true loyal fans over the course of a short time span.  A move such as signing a Manny or Harper and being so open about the intentions of the organization to finally move into getting competitive and not just a team on the rebuild provided a lot of hope for the fringe fans that were sick of seeing garbage season after season.  It is sad to think that back in the early 2000's I use to average 40 home games a season and to realize that I have stepped into the park less then 10 times in the past 5 seasons is unreal.  To see Rick come out and basically say, we gave it our all and we will see how the cards fall is another major red flag with this organization.  I feel as though every year over the past few years there have been tons of smoke and mirrors within the organization saying we going to spend big and be competitive and we end up, as always, with James Shields and his inability to make it out of the 4th inning without giving up 2-4 runs!  

    Thank you for listening... I will now creep back into the shadows!

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  2. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jul 26, 2007 -> 06:06 PM)
    Normally I am all for this type of thing and I am currently a part of several Un-ban Joe Jackson organizations, but I question the legitimacy of this organization. What is this ipetition group?


    Considering they asked me for a donation after I filled out the information I have to pass. You could have my name but I have never in my life had to pay for my opinion to count.

  3. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 01:23 PM)
    I just hope that it happens in Cleveland.


    Not that it means much but MLB.com has predicted that Thome would hit 500 9/2/2007 at.....


    CLEVELAND. My prediction.... July 29th vs Tor!!! 17 games and only 13 home runs needed! I know a long shot but i just want to be there when it happens!

  4. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 05:27 PM)
    Well, keep in mind that two things were driving last night's attendance: 1) pre-sold season tickets; and 2) the possibility of it being Mark's final start on the southside.


    So if and when they trade Mark... his next scheduled start (after he is traded) all 35K+ should just boycott the game.


    I am not making fun at all, it was GREAT hearing 35K+ screaming for Mark in the 7th... soooo cool... it would have been nice for him to get the win.

  5. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 08:14 PM)
    Maybe Hahn is going to Tampa to ask the Count face to face to waive his no trade.


    Very solid point Dick. Mark is not the only player on the team that we are shopping! Hell, Mark's agent might live out in Tampa.

  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 08:02 PM)
    Many lottery winners have done exactly that.


    Most of the stories I have heard is those said lottery winners that piss away their funds usually end up A) Robbing a Bank B) Killing themself C) all of the above.


    Also, how does anyone on this board rationalize the difference between $10-$20 million plus to a person? I hardly make close to that money though it would be nice but for someone that has made money like that (at least $30 million for the past couple years) they can understand it more. To me $10-$20 million is a TON of money, for someone like Mark who seems to be a very simple man $10-$20 million might not be that big for him with the opportunity to stay in Chicago. I am sure there are ALOT of other factors playing into Mark's decision, family, his house, child (and one on the way), his team mates and the farm system/club that had faith in him all these years. Money isnt everything to some people.

  7. Seriously, I dont see a big difference in $50 and $70 million... and if a player has the mindset that: I want to finish my career with enough money to retire and sit on my ass, provide for my family, send my children to college at no cost and die a happy man why should anyone outside of the player himself get involved in the process. Hell, give me $1 mill for 10 years pitching for the sox and id die a happy man. Not everyone NEEDS the biggest house on the block, the nicest cars, the most expensive clothes... outside of inheritance to your kids what the f*** are you going to do will all the millions you got when you die??

  8. Murphy is talking about it now in-depth. Whereas the Union is going to be pissed at Mark but you cant blame a guy for offering a hometown discount. Yet they are continuing to go on the story considering it a done deal just waiting for the final $ value

  9. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 04:39 PM)
    Levine claiming to have spoken to Buerhle's agent, says no contract talks are taking place between the two.


    I dont know what made me puke in my mouth first... the fact the the Score is full of s*** or Dick Allen's beautiful picture of Rosie!

  10. So, again on the scoreboard update it was announce that a deal has been done somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 years and $50+ million. Why would they be continuing to broadcast this information if it is indeed bulls***??? Wouldnt someone at the Score tell them all to shut the hell up and not make any more comments?

  11. Its time for this team to find a REAL shortstop that can slap hit and not swing at everything except for pitches IN the strike zone. I know he lined out but seeing him swing at pitches over his head ALL THE TIME is not comforting at all.


    Before i get drilled for him going 3-4 today this team should not tolerate mindless errors and half ass playing on the field.

  12. I can hear Ozzie now "We ok, it was going to happen to Bobby sometime.. he has been over worked in the last 20+ games... you cant expect him to go out there every day for this team and shut the opponent down" I dont post much but I can tell you this ... this season is toast. Its a shame I have about 20 more games to go to this season but if i leave around the 7th inning and they have the lead at least when I leave I can pretend they won and not worry about the bulls*** coming out of our bullpen!

  13. My thoughts:


    Erstad LF

    Gooch 2B

    Thome DH

    Konerko 1B

    Dye RF

    Crede 3rd

    AJ C

    Uribe SS

    Anderson CF


    Makes the most sense with this. Erstad, similar to Pod's of 2005 (not by stats and i am not compairing) would be able to get into the pitchers head when he is on considering he could be look upon as a base path threat. Then when a lefty is pitching throw Ozuna in LF at the #2 spot, Erstad into CF still leading off and move down AJ and Uribe and insert Gooch in the 7th spot. We need a lead off hitter who can:

    1) get on base

    2) pose a threat on the base path to get into a pitchers head


    Think about in 05 when pods would get on and threaten to steal... Gooch saw ALOT of good pitches due to this. JUST A THOUGHT

  14. Yes, be it known AJ was on the Springer show this afternoon as celebrity security. Funniest moments was him responding to an audience member after being asked what happen last season for the sox: We were hung over because of 2005's WORLD SERIES Trophy. Then went on to make fun of Steve being a Cubs fan and telling him dont worry another 100 years is not that bad. But the best, AJ was told by a Tigers fan that he fits in to the Sox due to the crowd he was sitting with (Jerry Guests)... AJ's response... what, did you say something about the St. Louis cards and last years post season??? Yeah thats what I thought!


    Honestly, i never watch Springer... it just so happend that i was sick today and didnt go to work and thats the only s*** on... but AJ made it great!!!

  15. QUOTE(To LA from Chicago @ Jan 15, 2007 -> 07:23 PM)
    Did anyone see on the ESPN rumors page (I don't have that 'In' subscription) that Dye might get a long termed deal? I just checked and its still on ESPN.com. Maybe KW was clearing out some money for JD in case he gets Konerko-like deal next year. I just wish Crede would get that too..




    The ESPN rumors page is just a quick summary of the Chicago Sun-Times article about KW saying he wants to keep JD on the team. They also speculate that JD would ask for Carlos Lee type money. KW talks about it would be great to have him back but to throw that much money at one player can cripple a team.

  16. Per Rotoworld:


    White Sox agreed to terms with infielder Alex Cintron on a one-year, $1.9 million contract.


    This leaves Joe Crede as the team's only remaining arbitration-eligible player. Cintron settles for a $300,000 raise after hitting .285/.310/.392 with 10 steals in 288 at-bats last season. He'll again serve as the backup middle infielder next season, so how much playing time he'll get will depend on Juan Uribe's performance. Because of his defense and power, Uribe is the clearly better option at shortstop even when Cintron has the better batting average.

  17. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Dec 26, 2006 -> 07:28 PM)
    Actually, I said that "I think they might be down a little." We've written off the Twins in the past and they just keep reloading and coming back year after year. They have great prospects coming up and they have had great success with selecting and developing their pitching prospects. Plus they have some good young position players who are still on the uphill sides of their careers. The Twins could fall off a lot. Or they could avoid an early slump and be nearly as good next year. I'm just not writing them off. They are always in contention, even when people say they shouldn't be.


    Doesnt this just contradict everything you said about the Sox? Yet, the Twins can do it but hell if the sox do it they only have a "remote" chance of making the playoffs.


    I believe there are some people on this board that like to play the other side... like to be the one the injects the thread to get a reaction. I think everyone has to realize that like Danks, Floyd, Hager, and McCarthy... they are all question marks thats it. The only thinkg McCarthy has going for him was he has pitched with us in different occassions across 2 seasons. Who's to say Floyd doesnt come out on a hot streak and turn out like Lariano (sp?) who's to say McCarthy is not the second coming of Randy Johnson. Also, who's to say that they wont both be busts??? You never know.. a prospect is a prospect for a reason and in my eyes BMac is still a prospect until he is fully into the role that he was intended to be in.


    Its been said that Danks has no MLB experience, let it be known the BMac's has been on and off for 2 seasons. Basically (and sorry it went on so long) with the recent trade(s) all that has been given up is a proven pitcher (Garcia) and prospects for a bunch of pitching prospects. I would rather take my chances on 5 prospects and hope 1-2 turns out than banking on 1 prospect. Its the old saying "Dont put all your eggs in on basket"

  18. I found this on ESPN and I was wondering if this was valid:


    Albert Belle was the first player in baseball history to make more than $10 million in a single season for his "services" thanks to the generosity of the Chicago White Sox. But he wouldn't sign on the dotted line until the White Sox agreed to two special requests. One, a giant container of Halloween candy was to be delivered to his front porch every afternoon, where it was to be lit with a spotlight so children all across the neighborhood could see it. And two, Belle wanted a high-powered BB gun with a scope.

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