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Lefty Of Love

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Posts posted by Lefty Of Love

  1. QUOTE(Reddy @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 10:57 AM)
    no s***.  a dude doesnt break into baseball BECAUSE he wants to entertain fans.  players play for the game or the money or both.  yeah i know.


    I remember Jack McDowell made mention when he was filling in for the Hawk earlier in the season that this upcoming crop of managers will be the best in the game's history precisely because they don't need the money that comes with being part of pro sports. They are doing it for the love of the game. I thought it was an interesteing point then - Ozzie clearly isn't in it for the money that is for sure.

  2. QUOTE(Wiredawg1 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 10:50 AM)
    I'm calm Damnit!! :D Really though It bothers me when people in sort of a joking way think that something like that is funny. It could have de-railed his whole career. It's just lucky for tribe fans that Pronk has balls like church bells and was man enough to get back on the horse.  Looking forward to the next series with the Sox by the way. Man I thought a few times I was gonna need a triple by-pass.


    That is the price Haffner will have to pay for the rest of his career if he wants to hang over the plate. If he wants to stay in there to take away the potential to get frozen or bail out on a good breaking ball, he is going to get hit, pure and simple. In this case, what helps make him a good hitter is going to ensure that he gets hit by pitches.


    And please no more references to that neanderthal's balls. That is a disturbing image.

  3. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 10:50 AM)
    Does anyone else realize how important a consistant, dominating Jose Contreras can be in the final push to the playoffs and beyond.  This guy has been absolutely stellar his last four outings...and when I say stellar, I mean it in the truest sense of the word.  He has been outstanding.  His walks are non-existant, he is attacking the strike zone--with EVERY pitch--and he has a confidence and swagger about him the likes of which I've never seen him with before. 


    My point is this: if Jose truly has figured it out or did something to work on the stuff between his ears, this new-found ace could be like a trade-deadline SP Ace addition.  Now, that doesn't mean Kenny gets a free pass, I still would have liked him to pursue a SP--despite the market being an absolute mess. 


    Hats off to Jose Contreras and let's really keep our fingers crossed on this one.  If he can keep this up, the Sox have four devestating pitchers to throw out there in a playoff series.


    Whether or not Contreras is a member of the White Sox in 2006 is another story, but, at the very worst, he is at least driving his trade-value through the roof.


    Way to go Jos-e.


    He is getting some nice recognition about it too. The fans yesterday gave him a real nice ovation when ozzie took him out in the 8th. He's not a natural fan favorite like Garland, Buehrle or Konerko so that was real nice to see.

  4. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 02:11 PM)
    Eventually the Indians will cool, lose a series, get swept, etc, and next thing you know the Sox magic number will be around 10 with us still having a 5 game or so lead.


    The important thing is that although we have lost 10 games on our division lead, that the cost to the Indians has been significant - they have had to play their best baseball of the year to even get w/in striking distance. That we had a huge margin for error is a validation of wins and losses being equal - the ones at the beginning of the season count just as much as the ones at the end.


    Cleveland hasn't f***ed up really at all over the past month or so. In order to catch the Sox, they have to continue to play nearly flawless baseball and the Sox have to play s***ty. In other words, pretty much all the pressure is on them to buck the odds. I don't see it happening.

  5. I think Billy Wagner would make the best pickup at the deadline, making our bullpen ridiculously deep. Hermanson's health has to be a huge concern; the guy gets it done when he can play, but we all know he has missed closing situations in more than a few games now. Wagner might even push Hermanson down the chart into setup, which would give Ozzie ridiculous flexibility in setup: imagine being able to choose from Politte, Jenks, or Hermanson on any given night to set up (assuming Marte would either be gone or pushed out of setup into a left-handed specialist role or something).


    Philly would probably want a SP, something we could swing, giving them Jose Contreras. Given our large lead in the Central going w/Bmac to take JC's place wouldn't be all that bad. Besides, JC is the odd man out of the rotation come the playoffs anyway.


    What do you guys think we would have to give Philly for Wagner?

  6. Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but in the Trib today it was written Philly has pulled Billy Wagner off the market. However, if they change their mind, he's the guy KW should sell the farm for IMO.


    Also, Phil Rogers wrote in the Trib I think it was yesterday they could move Contreras to the pen if the Sox get AJ Burnett and don't give up JC for him. I don't lke that idea. You can't be a relief pitcher and have a penchant for walking guys, giving up HR's, and being extremely slow to the plate to boot.

  7. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 08:24 PM)
    I guess wanting the best player to be awarded for their play makes me a lesser fan than you huh.


    If we have learned anything from watching Nomar lead the league in all-start balloting at SS despie spending more time on the DL than on the field, it's that the AS game has nothing to do with rewarding the best players.


    The AS game is a popularity contest. I don't mind. But let's remember that who gets chosen for the team is largely independent of whhich players are the best this season.

  8. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 07:02 PM)
    Seems to me they're trying to serve customers who show up despite the Sox telling them there are no seats available.  I'm not sure why you're upset.  They said they didn't have seats left, they said not to come down if you didn't have seats ... you went down there anyway and they accomodated you with a standing room ticket.  I'm not sure how they could have made you happy no matter what?


    If you're upset they said they wouldn't sell standing room tickets, and yet they did to accomodate fans ... one of which was yourself ... they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.


    The problem as I see it is that their strategy played right into the hands of ticket scalpers, rather than an honest Joe fan such as myself. Since those standing room tickets are all that's left very close to game time, someone is going to have an excellent opportunity to purchase a lot of them for resale opportunity. If they had sold those tickets along with the rest of them, it wouldn't have gone down like it did. Instead, they gave scalpers a lay up and I paid a markup that had I not been mislead, I may have avoided paying.


    In short, I am upset because what easily can be construed as a bald-faced lie lined the pockets of a ticket scalper at my as well as other honest folk's expense. I don't condone lying in any walk of life, and it is discouraging the White Sox would knowingly publish and publicize incorrect information.

  9. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 04:46 PM)
    Simple....money. Which team doesn't want more? It doesn't seem like to much of a deal to me but everyone has their opinions and preferances.


    I don't have a problem with them wanting more money at all. I don't care to be lied to, especially by a business I think I have been a good customer too. Why would they explicitly say they were not going to sell standing room tickets when they could've said nothing on the subject at all?

  10. Let me start off by saying I am not a person who will complain about the price of tickets, food, etc. at the ballpark. I understand entertainment involves a markup and that the Sox will take full advantage of opportunities like the Cubs series to make as much dough as they can.


    However, I believe the Sox acted innapropriately in regards to this past weekend. According to an official press release you can read here release that clearly states no standing room tickets will be sold over the weekend.


    I bought a standing room ticket on Sunday outside the park, and having read this press release, it seems pretty clear something is amiss. It makes me think that the standing room tickets made their way out the back door instead of the box office and that the Sox had no intention of trying to sell these tickets to their fans - in other words, they were destined for resale.


    I don't know why the Sox did this, but it certainly wrecks my opinion of the organization being a first-class customer-service oriented team. I thought it was only the other team in this town that purposely deceived their fans.

  11. I know Timo isn't very popular on this site, but I never liked the guy more than when he scored on Ben Davis' double from first last year. I heard Hawk's call - "cmon timo cmon timo" later. Davis had a great at bat, fouling off a bunch of pitches before he delivered into the gap.


    Marte blew the save that game. I was also at the two games he blew saves at against the Angels earlier this year. Good things happen when Marte blows saves I guess.

  12. QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 27, 2005 -> 09:21 AM)
    Agree, good post.


    Farmer and Harrelson have both mentioned the Sox have had 4 guys get plunked vs. the A's zero.  They rarely make casual observations about that kind of stuff, IMO they're suggesting to even things up at the right time and place.


    The Ozuna plunking wasn't intentional, Pablo kinda turned right into the pitch.  The Everett plunking was very obvious and merits payback.


    If I remember both times Ozuna has gotten hit this series he's turned into the ball rather than away from it. That's happened a bunch of times this season, hopefully they'll stop hitting themselves in the hands and s*** otherwise our players are gonna start getting injured big time. I think Uribe got hit in a similar fashion.


    At the time, I was glad that Jurassic didn't charge Harden b/c the A's were playin like s*** and to get them goin woulda been a bad thing. However, payback is clearly due.

  13. QUOTE(Allsox @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 12:12 PM)
    I had to vote for "c'mon Timo!" because I was at the game and jumping up and down like an 8yr old as Timo was rounding the bases....I didn't hear the call until Sportscenter replayed Hawk's entire call....At that point, I was on the floor laughing hysterically  :lolhitting

    Great call to a great game that day! Can't wait till April 3  :bringit



    I was at that game too, and at first I didn't think the play was gonna even be close....turned out it was really close at the plate. I was jumpin up and down too screamin my nuts off.


    Afterwards me and my buddies were so thrilled we went to the ESPN sports bar to drink and watch highlights of that game. That's when I heard that call too. Pure hilarity.

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