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Bob Saccamano

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  1. The sad thing is I can see the Sox doing both the Wendell and Henderson things.
  2. Who said that? Man is that funny. HE CAN'T BE SERIOUS. Johnson won 14 on the worst team in baseball last year. COME ON.
  3. AMEN. Well said. My philosophy is win now. What gives you the best shot at winning? I think Randy Johnson does.
  4. Love the idea of getting Hudson if the D'backs do not offer to trade Johnson to us. But I would perfer Johnson over Hudson though. Flaws in this arguement. 1. A's will not give us Byrnes. No way will they trade a cheaper talent for CLee who will cost them much more money. If we get Hudson it will be CLee and a prospect for Hudson with us eating some of CLee contract. 2. I would rather have Uribe over Harriston Jr. With the season that Uribe had it would be a crime not to award him a starting position. 2B will be his to LOOSE. 3. PK is not going to be traded to the O's. O's will sign Carlos Delgado in the off-season. Moving Raffy to DH. No room for Paulie. So if we were to make a trade with the O's CLee would be part of the deal, eliminating the A's trade. So....go get the Unit. IT IS WORTH THE RISK
  5. Ok maybe not a bad fielder, but horrible range. How many times have I seen a ground ball sneek through the infield that a 1B with at least decent range would have fielded.
  6. Ok let's break down this trade: Paul Konerko: Fan Favorite. Good Power hitter who hit 40+ Hr’s. Debatable if he is the teams MVP of the year. BUT: Horrible on the road. Too many DP’s. SLOW. Not a good fielder and Last year of contract. Garland: Young, consistently average, possibility to break out. A solid #5 pitcher. BUT: Headcase (when/if ever will he be as good as we thought.) Also a free-agent after this season. And a prospect We get Randy Johnson. Ok let me type that again. RANDY JOHNSON. Has it sunk in yet. The Big Unit. Mr. 300 K’s a year. Ok back to the debate. Why would a team pass up on a trade like this. EVERY TEAM IN BASEBALL WANTS RANDY JOHNSON ON THEIR TEAM. I wander why? Because he is a dominating pitcher. He will win you close to 20 games a year if not more. Here is another question that people should think about….who would you want to have starting game 7 of the world series if you were a manager. I bet the majority will say RANDY JOHNSON…that’s right. He is a guy that ends loosing streaks, that wins the big games, that DOMINATES an opponent. And why we don’t want him. So we loose 2 rent a players and a prospect for an ace. (Which many Sox fans have been b****ing about.) People will say what about his age, his health, or what if Garland breaks out. I say this. It is a coin toss. I like my chances with Randy Johnson than with Paul and JG. Randy gives us an Ace that has a lot better shot at winning 20 games than JG and gives us the best starting 3 maybe 4 in baseball. Now that leaves the dread 5 hole. But again, I like my odds with Johnson+Grilli, then FA (IF WE FORK OVER MUCHO DINERO FOR AN ACE but most likely settle for a 3 or 4 type pitcher)+Garland. I say pull the trigger. Welcome to Chicago Randy
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