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Posts posted by raff

  1. all im gonna say is no upgrade at C + no #5 SP= hell for Kenny at Soxfest. I will almost guarentee he makes a move right before Sox Fest, else he will be trampled. It will prolly get to the point of him walking out on an open forum. :chair :fight :stick :rudolph

  2. im gonna give ben the benefit of the doubt, this is his last year to prove himself, as well as a free agent year i believe. i look for him to hit .240+ if he gets 60% of the games, but if we get AJ, I wont complain, he will outproduce davis any day.

  3. im raff, the fiesty irish kid who already has a couple enemies :finger , just kidding. as long as your a sox fan your good with me. im a freshman at central michigan university, but i live in orland park, the southwest suburb of Chi town. dont worry, i give the tigers fans a lot of s***, but they know the tigers suck. i love beer :cheers , and i can drink with anyone. i went to PC and was a freshman when Honel was a senior. i hate the cubs with a passion. :fthecubs . "rock on chicago" wesley willis

  4. im not a newbie :angry: , ive been reading these boards for months, just havent had the or need to register. i do not remember a post quite like this one, but since im not on this site every hour of every day, perhaps i missed it. too bad i have a life. i hate to say this but some of you are acting like stuck up, know it all, better than everyone CUBS fans. loosen up.


    by the way, i dont want to make enemies, we are all sox fans here, so we are obviously all solid human beings. :fthecubs :cheers :cheers :cheers

  5. it appears there is a chance that we may stand pat, maybe a couple small moves :angry: . who is the most important player (in terms of stepping up and producing) to the offense next year? i would say that a lot is going to be expected from crede, rowand, and dye. crede will need to be a .280/22/85 guy in my eyes to help this team. rowand and dye will both have to be at least .290/25/100 guys to replace what has been lost. posednik will have to bat around .280 with an obp around .350 at least

  6. Tony Armas, Jr. was possibly going to be non-tendered by Washington. Possible pickup for the #5 spot. I hope we keep Davis, he showed some signs of life. Ozzie likes holding 3 catchers, if we get AJ :pray :pray then we will be set with some left handed batters.

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