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Posts posted by HeGone!

  1. I was wondering what hotel the Sox are staying at for the July 18-20 series in Detroit. Does anyone know where they're staying or where they stayed at during the series at the start of the year? Any info will help. Thanks.

  2. Yeah, I agree. After The way they responded last year to all the naysayers, and people who said they couldn't do it, it kind of gets me worried about the high expectations set on us this year, but hey, the Sox are just going to have to prove what they can do. Overall I think (and I hope) that they'll prove everybody right.

  3. There were 2 kids playing baseball at the park when a mean, savage dog that was foaming at the mouth attacked them. The dog jumped on one of the kids and the other kid, trying to save his friend started beating the dog over the head with a baseball bat. Soon the dog was slumped over dead on the baseball diamond.

    During this whole ordeal a newsreporter had been watching. He rushed over to the boys and started interviewing the boy who had saved his friend. He scribbled a headline on his notebook that read, "Courageous young man saves best friend from wild, savage dog."

    The Reporter then asked the boys which baseball team they liked, the Cubs or the White Sox. Both answered that they liked the Cubs.

    The reporter then scribbled out his initial headline and replaced it with a better one.

    " Deranged, phsychotic brat kills innocent helpless little puppy.

  4. QUOTE(Wanne @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 03:03 AM)
    I really don't want to hear any bulls*** about we actually "tied" for the best record with Cleveland.  I know all about the series total and all...but I'd feel alot better if we at least got one W there (as moot as it might seem).


    Plus...I don't want to go into the playoffs on a "losing" note...and I'm sure nobody else does either.  The good thing is...WE'RE IN though.  A good friend of mine is an Indians fan...and I know he'd whine all f***in winter about it.


    You nailed this one on the head. I don't want to end the season on a sour note and tie the Tribe for the best record. Yes I know we'd still be the Champs but it just feels better if you can be on the top by yourself.


    Also the Sox have to play to win because they haven't clinched home field advantage yet and I know I'd rather play more games at the Cell in a 5 or 7 game series than at some place like Boston or New York.

  5. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 05:00 PM)
    Idea for one of the computer geniuses out there...


    Could some kind of email card be developed to celebrate our division championship?  Cool graphics and sounds would be essential.


    I'd love to send this sort of thing to all my friends...and Cub fans too.



    Great Idea! I personally can't help you on this one, but if someone can it would be greatly appreciated

  6. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Sep 25, 2005 -> 04:40 PM)
    At the end of this week I did not expect to still have the division lead

    Why not?

    The Sox play the worst team this month and one of the worst this year. Be optimistic. The Sox sweep the Tigers and the Indians lose one to the D-Rays and all is right with the world. (For Sox fans at least)

  7. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 02:25 PM)
    The problem is Cubs fans who dont know s*** about baseball.  There are inteligent ones out there

    I can relate to this. The other day a Flubbie fan came up to me after the game Crede hit the walk off winner. First thing he says to me is how the Sox lost and how they are going to choke. I played a long with him for a little bit saying "yeah, I was devestated after they lost. That sucked." and then just when he was about to say some more about the Sox choking it away I said, "Yeah, that really sucked for you because they won last night you idiot!" I can't stand those retarded Flubs fans who every day say something about how the Sox suck and I just say Oh yeah, well were not the ones already eliminated from the playoffs

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