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Princess Dye

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Posts posted by Princess Dye

  1. i vote no trading Carl (and trading Frank is impossible, no one will take on the automatic extension)


    here's why no Carl trade:


    first of all, you just wont get a lot for him. would you take what the Sox gave up to get him? Jon Rauch? Carl's only gotten a little older since that point.


    he wont be in a lot of demand. he's a DH, not too mobile a OF. Angels are very left-handed already, so I dont see them ponying up much to get him.


    the article says teams are calling, but i'm sure they're just trying to get him for ultra-cheap at this point.



    secondly... we need BOTH. this team has no longball PH threat. why not have one that is a switch-hitter? whats more, if Frank gets injured again, like he does EVERY year... then lo and behold we need a DH.




    the article's concerns about team chemistry are on target too.... Carl is always seen joking around in the dugout and what not. i dont think he will become a nuisance over the demotion (like Frank would)

  2. it's usually the case though that fans fall in love with that backup IF (see Graffanino) simply because they can do no wrong.


    how many games did Graffanino ever cost us? nearly zero, so we're used to wondering "why doesnt he play more"



    of course Jose Valentin cost us tons, and we were all sick of him: but he was still far and away the better player of the two.





    NFL is even more hilarious: the young untested QB pretty much becomes "God With Clipboard"

  3. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ May 25, 2005 -> 10:53 PM)
    No, I'm not debating whether or not the game was well announced. Until the bottom of the 9th inning,  I had been listening to ESPN 1000 returning from work.


    I was merely asking Hideaway to explain why DJ and Don had "reached a new low." For anyone not watching the broadcast, as was my situation,  they would have had no idea.


    ah, apologies.

  4. QUOTE(The Bones @ May 25, 2005 -> 10:49 PM)
    I thought there were a few hilarious moments. Specifically, DJ's "might as well Jump, Jump" and when he said "that just sucks" referring to the Sox being 14-38 in their last 52 games in Anaheim.


    i sort of find DJ's wackiness endearing alongside Hawk. thats not to say i might not prefer a solid announcer..... but yea comments like that end up being more brutally honest than most other announcers out there



    so i appreciate that.... assuredly northside fans know the way an honest announcer gets 'rewarded' these days

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