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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by I-HATE-CREDE

  1. You took that long to write that?


    Go back to trying to impress all the other college students, that's more your speed.


    I'm at the games all the time, smarmy 24 yr. old hot shot.  I'd be more than happy to have you see how old I am and whether I wear depends.


    Let me know, if you can string the words together.  Let's see if you can step out from behind the computer and the dictionary.



    Next game I'm at, you'll know.

  2. I hope you read my post about my impression of you, smarmy 24 year old hot s***  wannabe grad student.


    If not I'll be glad to dig it up for you.


    Keep being a smartass, I'm right here to get in your face.  You're on thin ice here, if I were you I wouldn't push it.  If you want to add to the thread, do it.  If you're here to take pot shots at people's word usage and grammar, get the f*** off the site and stay off the site.


    I presume you get my point.


    Ornery, huh. Did your nurse not change your depends tonight, Gramps? If I misused a word I would want someone to point it out, so as I wouldn't make the mistake again. Perhaps you prefer to stick to the 12-15 words you already know?

  3. One thing... Carl is a funny dude.  It wouldn't surprise me if he was just screwing with the reporters.  This is right up his alley with the sense of humor he has.  I watched him about make a girl cry at Soxfest by telling her that they had told him not to sign for her.  He thought it was hilarious.



    Yeah, I'm sure Carl is a master manipulator of the media. Anyway, you guys are obviously close, since you saw him at Soxfest, so you would know better than anyone.

  4. If I'm a reporter, I'm asking Everett questions about every controversial topic I can think of. Like, where do you stand on the Terri Schiavo debate or what do you feel needs to be done to achieve peace in the Middle East. There is no limit to how unintentially funny Carl's answers could be.

  5. I'm not saying he should be traded.  Never did I say that.  All I am saying is that hanging onto the concept that Frank is an icon and is untouchable no matter what, could be contrary to the overall goal of winning.  It is the mindset that Frank can't be traded regardless that I am attacking here.  As I have already mentioned, the likelihood of it happening is remote



    I think there still exists, even on my part, a longing to see Frank end his career with the White Sox. The feeling that the White Sox don't have a great, great offensive monster in the Hall of Fame to call their very own probably drives this, to some extent.

  6. I'm not the biggest Carl fan either, but I think the key here is that nothing is going to happen real soon.  There is no way they will trade anyone until they are assured that Frank can stay healthy and that he will hit.  Who knows if that will happen this year?


    I know discussing trading Frank is pointless because the options to do so are extemely limited, but one can't make the assumption that trading Frank would make the offense worse until you see what they get in return and how it affects the team.  What if they traded Frank yet were able to get a 3B to step in and contribute (just an example)? 


    My only point is hanging on to Frank as a fan and having a desire for the Sox to win this year, COULD be conflicting.  It's a moot point anyway, but it is POSSIBLE trading Frank could help the club win.



    In order for Frank Thomas to have any trade value he would have to show that he can stay healthy and hit. However, if he shows that he can stay healthy and hit, he will fill one of the White Sox missing puzzle pieces (a hitter that other teams actually fear). Why should they trade him under these circumstances?

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