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He'll Grab Some Bench
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  1. To avoid confusion, you are saying that you plan to beat me up, correct?
  2. Ornery, huh. Did your nurse not change your depends tonight, Gramps? If I misused a word I would want someone to point it out, so as I wouldn't make the mistake again. Perhaps you prefer to stick to the 12-15 words you already know?
  3. Thanks, old timer. It was a decent post, other than the misused words and minor grammar errors, which I'm willing to overlook.
  4. The word reactionary means conservative, not "quick to react".
  5. Extremelly witty. Do you write for Letterman?
  6. No, but I saw Kenny Williams at a 7-Eleven and he told me the joke about the priest, the rabbi, and the hooker..........that guy is so funny.
  7. Although, I agree that making little kids cry is very funny.
  8. Yeah, I'm sure Carl is a master manipulator of the media. Anyway, you guys are obviously close, since you saw him at Soxfest, so you would know better than anyone.
  9. If I'm a reporter, I'm asking Everett questions about every controversial topic I can think of. Like, where do you stand on the Terri Schiavo debate or what do you feel needs to be done to achieve peace in the Middle East. There is no limit to how unintentially funny Carl's answers could be.
  10. I have a strong feeling that the CIA, FBI, and possibly the NSA are behind the White Sox September schedule. And I'm not ruling out foreign intelligence services, either.
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