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Posts posted by whitesoxgt

  1. I'd honestly like to see Casey Rogowski get an opportunity if Paulie leaves (free agency) but im not sure if he will because Ozzie wouldn't give Jerry Owens a chance because he plays in Double A. Worst excuse ive ever heard. Chris Young or Brian Anderson should be taking Jermaines spot. I think. :pray


    Pitching: I'd give McCarthy a spot in the rotation for next year and release/trade El Duque.

    Release/trade Vizcaino he hasn't been that bad i just expected a lot more from him and give Felix Diaz a shot at the bullpen last year he was decent for A ROOKIE but ozzie gave up on him after one start. ONE START and he only had one bad inning in his debut giving up a couple home runs.

  2. HE SHOULDN'T BE!!!but unfortunately we have the one manager who would be dumb enough to do it and theres 2 reasons why


    1.-) He's his close friend, ive realized that if ur good friends with him no matter what goes wrong ur job is secure (el duque getting lots of second chances and Freddy Garcia's inconsistancy)


    2.-) Ozzies going to leave el duque in the roatation because hes a "big game pitcher and has playoff experience" wow, he cant even win a game for crying out loud.




    McCarthy's been :fight

  3. QUOTE(whitesoxgt @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 07:02 PM)
    I totally like what u said bout signing Mueller but wouldn't u first try to sign Furcal and move Uribe to third. Im not really sure what u think but Ozzie has already said he would like to add more speed to this team for next year and Furcal has both speed and power.  :huh



    and he gets on base a lot, unlike Crede :finger

  4. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 04:37 AM)
    The thing is, you could sign Bill Mueller for 2 years and that should be enough time for Josh Fields to sort out the issues in his game down at B-Ham. But would the Sox rather get another 3 years out of Crede, just one of the many questions for this off-season.



    I totally like what u said bout signing Mueller but wouldn't u first try to sign Furcal and move Uribe to third. Im not really sure what u think but Ozzie has already said he would like to add more speed to this team for next year and Furcal has both speed and power. :huh

  5. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 02:02 PM)
    When the score is 5-0, can you tie the game with one swing of the bat? 


    The answer is of course no...and I think someone needs to tell that to atleast Everett and Dye, perhaps Rowand too.



    i agree, i would have put Anderson as a DH for Dye cuz hes no good with runners in scoring position. But i heard Anderson is going to need Surgery, could that be why hes not playing or is he still good enough to play for now?

  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 03:07 AM)
    There's just something in his head that just kinda flips on and off almsot worse than anyone else on this team...he'll get bloody hot for a couple weeks, then his swing will almost instantly lengthen and he'll start swinging through everything or popping it up.


    I swear, if he could keep his swing together he could hit .300 or better, but he just hasn't done it, and I'm really doubting he will.



    thanks Balta1701 , glad to c im not the only one that sees how bad he really is, and i agree if only he could keep his swing together he could hit .300 or better.

  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 03:07 AM)
    There's just something in his head that just kinda flips on and off almsot worse than anyone else on this team...he'll get bloody hot for a couple weeks, then his swing will almost instantly lengthen and he'll start swinging through everything or popping it up.


    I swear, if he could keep his swing together he could hit .300 or better, but he just hasn't done it, and I'm really doubting he will.



    hey bighurt2719 u honestly cant tell me im the only one who sees how aweful crede is and is going 2 be. Hes not worthy enough to be called "the 3rd basemen of the future" if he really was why do u think they drafted a 3rd basemen in the first round!

  8. QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 07:36 AM)
    yeah crede is really hurting us...especially last night in th 10th when he won the game for us. that was horrible!


    wow any other pitcher would have caught that ball , thrown it to home, and first


    Double Play !


    and after the game Crede said that he learned how to hit the ball through the middle in the minors, THATS BS like hes really good enough to hit the ball wherever he wants to, if hes that good is he really good enough to pop up the ball whenever he wants ?

  9. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 02:51 PM)


    Smarten up.  We don't need a manager, that's why.



    I thought the same thing. Back when we were 18 games above the Indians but now that ive seen the kind of things Ozzie says and does ive realized he doesn't deserve this award b'cuz first of all , hes not taking el duque out of the rotation b'cuz hes his really good buddy same thing with Freddy, dont get me wrong hes been ok this year (a lil inconsistant tho) He also said he would give his september call ups as much play time as possible and so far i haven't seen Anderson that much, He also said he was looking for a speedster when Podsednik went on the DL but wouldn't call up Jerry Owens (MVP of his team) im not sure if he was the MVP of the whole league, anyways he wouldn't call him up b'cuz hes in "Double A" . He also said that he doesn't know why people would rather have McCarthy in the starting lineup since hes never won a Cy-Young Award. "HEY OZZIE!!! When has either Garland Or Buehrle won that award?" For all i know McCarthy Has been the Sox's Best Pitcher (no offense to Garland, cuz he has no run production when he plays)

    and last but not least he also said that he talked the sox into drafting Josh Fields and FOR WHAT?! Hes saying Joe Crede is the 3rd basemen of the future. Either hes not thinking b4 he talks or he just wasted a 1st round Pick!


    by the way he also wouldn't give up on Everett ever since his slump started like 2 months ago b'cuz if he sits in the bench he wouldn't come out of his slump................well thats worked real well hasn't it . :fight :jerry :gosox1:

  10. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 03:23 AM)
    Well said.  This has got to be his last chance to prove why the Sox got this guy.



    But knowing Ozzie hes not going to admit that el duque is bad and hes going to leave him in the rotation "just b'cuz he has playoff experience". I can tell he doesn't want to give a "rookie pitcher whos not a cy young winner" a spot in the rotation

  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:01 AM)
    How ironic is it that last year, we struggled all season for a leadoff hitter, so we traded Carlos Lee, our number 3 hitter.  Now, this season, we've basically struggled all year to find a number 3 hitter?


    Thank You! Ur pretty much saying Carl Everett sucks. Ur the first person thats agreed with me. I think its time for some prospects to get a crack at the DH spot at least next year. My candidates would be , Casey Rogowski, Brian Anderson, or Chris Young. :gosox3:

  12. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 04:09 PM)
    Crede has been playing well since returning from injury.  Therefore, this post doesn't make much sense as it concerns Joe.

    Thanks, but haven't u guys noticed that its not the first good streak Crede's been in, hes gonna get worse as time progresses and have u also noticed how we haven't won ever since he got back from the DL? we were doing good when he was on the DL

  13. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 01:36 PM)
    Santana vs El Duque.  LOL  You dont need to throw darts at the dartboard to figure out who is going to win this.



    Absolutely Right on this one, El Duque shouldn't even be in the lineup i still have no idea why Ozzie thinks he deserves another chance hes lost 7 out of his last 9 starts. oh wait"its cuz McCarthy isn't a Cy-Young Winner" last i heard garland or buehrle have never won a cy young award yet. :headshake

  14. no disrespect to Aaron Rowand, hes my favorite player but hes more dangerous than Everett and Crede put together. idk why ozzie sticks with Everett if the old man cant even run or hit. Why not put Brian Anderson in, ive always said he wont play rookies cuz "they have no experience" wow they cant do worse than what crede and everett are doing, can they? :pray :uhoh

  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 02:37 PM)
    But what about the anchor of our great offense, Carl Everett?



    Carl Everett , isn't he the old guy that ..............well he runs like an old guy, even i know how i would strike him out. and why the hell hasn't Brian Anderson played. What i dont like bout Ozzie is he doesn't know when to shut up and he doesn't know how to use his Rookies,He didn't use Jerry Owens when Pods was on the DL b'cuz "Jerry Owens plays in Double A" what is up with that, hey Ozzie, u were once in Double A, u were once a Rookie. Till someone gave u a shot at the Big Leagues! :pray Please Give Anderson a Shot hes going to be a SUPERSTAR!! i know this doesn't mean anything right now but he hit 2 homers and a double against Felix Hernandez, no ones been able to hit this guy but he did

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