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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by timotime

  1. After the Cubs lost out on Furcal, I was hoping that Nomar could return to them....He seemed open to playing the OF, and even SS could have been possible if Cedeno struggles early on...

    The Cubs at this point still don't have a proven SS (they do like Cedeno), LF (Murton looks like he might be ok, but still a risk) and RF....


    *sniff* whats that i smell?? *sniff* is that cubs sympathy?


    thanks for the update on the cubs lineup (WHO CARES)

  2. good for nomar. i always felt bad for him with that freak injury (despite him being a cub), and its good to see he has another chance to shine and the only way he can hurt us if in the world series- if the dodgers make it there (cause i count on us being there in 07)

  3. stupid trade for cleveland. crisp is a good outfeilder, and has potential. my opinion may be biased, but i think arroyo blows, and clement is sub-par (mainly i draw these two conclusions from how much they both blew during the playoffs, but i thought they sucked anyway). unless something else is thrown in the mix for cleveland to get, they are getting shafted by shipping crisp out.

  4. I'd rather have Uribe and Chone Figgins


    I wonder if the Angels would be interested in a trade involving Garland and Figgins?  Figgins could start in CF for the Sox but also play 3B, 2B and a little SS.  With him and Mackowiak on the team Ozzie would have a lot of flexibility and they could even carry 12 pitchers or a third catcher if so desired.


    interesting, but i think i remember figgins signing to a sizable deal recently. i could be wrong about figgins contract, but anaheim would be foolish to let him go. it would be great to have him with the sox, and id gladly trade garland for figgins, but i dont think it will happen.



  5. dont forget urbina's status in venezuala. he is a god down there.


    i have looked into the cases facts. it's basically a he-said she-said (urbina and his friends accused say one thing, and the people who claim they were tortured say something else). my money says that urbina walks.


    theres also the chance that hugo chavez, venezuala's president, will simply pardon urbina since urbina is so famous in venezuala. and dont forget how corrupt chavez is (along with the venezualan justice system).


    bottom line, urbina is rich enough to buy himself out of this- if he is guilty.

  6. Here's the exact quote...


    It is speculated down in Dallas that the White Sox are on the verge of sending Jon Garland and Joe Crede to the Rangers for Brad Wilkerson, Hank Blalock and a major prospect.

    Submitted by: Ralph Malph

    4:17 PM CST, Dec 14, 2005


    ralph malph?? look, just because some schmo says something doesnt mean it's true.


    but watch espn report it anyway.

  7. Remember, his good stats were in the National League.  Anything in the mid-3's in that league becomes a 4+ ERA in the AL with the DH.  And I haven't compared Arizona to the Cell, but I'm sure our ballpark isn't going to help his stats.  He gives up a LOT of long balls.  68 in 2 years??  Is that right??


    Personally, I'm not sold yet.


    im not sold either. obviously vasquez has great potential. those stats above are impressive, but i find them to be a little too optimistic. cant ignore what VA fan is saying with the longball.


    i trust ozzie and coop to make it work though. vasquez certainly has the potential.


    and before you say anything, VAfan, yes, it is too late to trade for or sign brian giles.

  8. i think people are still in shock over what is happening this off-season, and refuse to let go of the cash-conscious way they have felt the last 20 years.


    I think our payroll is taking quite the hike this year... this is what winning a World Series does!


    i agree completely. it's the same as any other business- you have to spend $ to make more $. does anyone know what our payroll is going to look like if a reasonable tejada deal goes down? i cant even speculate because i dont know how much tejada is paid, can anyone else?

  9. Well I wanted the White Sox to shake up the bullpen a little bit. I have a deep concern that El Duque's absence may really affect Contreras, and I have no doubt that either Garland or Contreras or Vazquez or Garcia will be dealt before spring training to fill the bullpen void on this team and maybe add a prospect or 2. Losing Chris Young is a killer to me. With Vizcaino and Marte gone, if Timo sticks he's going to have to take on the burden of being Soxtalk's main whipping boy.


    i sure hope the yankee-to-white sox effect happens (in which a player is mediocre in NY and shines in Chitown), cause i dont like this deal at all. if vasquez turns out to be just another average player with a much too large salary, then we have wasted chris young. viz doesnt matter that much to me, and el duce is past his zenith (lets face it).


    in kenny we trust. until he actually screws up, i wont believe that he has yet.

  10. Ummm, yeah, right.


    Personally I think Garland does not want to play here, he wants to play on the west coast.  And therefore he is intent on exploring free agency, unless he gets traded out west in the meantime.


    But what do I know.


    and what if garland becomes buhrle-esque this season? he could continue the brilliance from last season (or he could fail), and no one can predict what will happen. you want to trade him now, when he still has another year on his contract, after an incredible year, when we arent paying out of the ass to have him? and on top of that, you want to trade him for vasquez (who is, at best, another average-skilled overpaid yankee player)? while we are at it, let's trade mark buhrle for randy johnson.

  11. Maybe they know more about these players than we do?


    They do not want to lose Garland for nothing.  He turned down a contract offer.  His value starts going down immediately, as of right now.  If he's not going to stay here and they can get a comparable pitcher, why on earth wouldn't they do that.


    we have another year to sign him for big $$$. everyone is waiting for him to prove that last year was not a fluke. everyone needs to stop jumping the damn gun.


    and vasquez sucks, i dont care what anyone says. thank you, dick allan, for that comparison to danny wright.

  12. I hope it happens.


    Garland doesn't want to stay with us, so let him leave.


    you are right except that vasquez is overrated and just plain blows in comparison to garland. just because the yankees pay him million upon millions doesnt actually make him good. see raul mondessy- check that, see all except about 5 or 6 yankee starting players in the last five years. and see their entire pitching staff (including all bullpen) currently.

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