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  1. Ummm, HSC, I see no link to a chat room...
  2. Oh, and thanks again for the welcome.
  3. Yeah, I dislike the Cubs. I'd love to see their minor-league ballpark torn down for new condos, and the franchise moved to Vegas or Little Rock. But I do spend more energy boosting the Sox than hating the Cubs. Although the losers are very loathable.
  4. Hey people. Think I'll stroll down to the CoMa and watch some of the game through the fence.
  5. But if I had my druthers, I'd have an upper flat in Bridgeport!
  6. cw, yeah, getting better all the time. There are a few parts of town like that.
  7. Thanks for the welcome, folks. GO SOX!!!
  8. cwsox, my family's originally eastside, and I used to live at Warren and Cadieux, but I'm in midtown right near Wayne State U now... Second Ave.
  9. southsider, yeah, there are still a few diehards left. The Ilitch family has run that franchise into the ground.
  10. All right! The Sox should take at least two from Detroit... by rights, it should be a sweep.
  11. cwsox... no, I have the misfortune to live in Detroit. I always catch at one game when the Sox are in town, and I go to the ballpark in full Sox regalia! Sure bugs those Tiger fans... LOL
  12. Sigh... save me from Gary Glitter.
  13. I'll be at the Sox-Tigers game in Detroit on Saturday. Really, really looking forward to it.
  14. Thanks, SoxFan1. And I can't stand the Flubs.
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