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Posts posted by kwolf68

  1. If someone is going to be this negative maybe they need to give baseball a rest. That said, there are some things that worry me in the Sox organization and I think a healthy discussion on where the Sox are and where they are going is healthy and ultimately fun for us Sox fans. Last year the Sox were LOAD-ED with pitching prospects, mid level + rotation guys, but now:

    -Kopy injured down for 2019, and will likely be brought back slowly in 2020. I expect pitch limits and a probably shut down for him in 2020

    -Hansen. Once thought a potential middle rotation starter, has abysmal control problems and looks destined for the pen. This is a huge disappointment. 

    -Dunning. Promising. VERY promising and looked like on fast track and was my sleeper to make the Sox rotation in 2019, but then shut down in June. His status is uncertain.

    -Meidoris. Brought in from Milwaukee. Also destined for the pen with his control issues In my view

    -Stephens. Bottom rotation guy at best

    -Clarkin. Noting here. I believe moved to the bullpen this year. 

    The little bit of good I see so far with Sox SP prospects: 

    -Cease. A  "HIT" so far, but he is still coming back slowly. I suspect if all goes well he'll debut in 2019 at some point. 

    -Steivers and Pilkington. 2018 picks. I am very optimistic both these guys, lots to like about them both and I think both have very high floors though limited ceilings, which I think the Sox needed to get guys like this. 

    --This does not include relief pitching specs (Hamilton, Johnson and Burdi), who if pan out could help what has been mostly a disaster pen this year.

    Basically, we have ZERO projected starting pitchers from any of our prospects for 2019. I think in 2020 you could see Cease and Kopech join the rotation, but next year it will be Gio, Rey, Shields and Rodon. NOW, if Gio and Rey step up, Rodon continues to pitch as he can and Shields eats innings, we get the health then the rotation should be BETTER next year (a healthy Rodon, development of Rey and Gio). But to make that next step the Sox will need kids to start performing, because thats what the rebuild was all about.

    Basically as many have stated 2019 is a wash next year, but I refuse to think the season will be worse than this year. Our pitching should be NO WORSE, and should project to be better. Add Eloy to the mix, health around, Cordell getting in there, Palka moved to DH (because we have capable fielders), Castillo not on juice and maybe this team could project for 10 or so more wins next year. To get to 100 losses the Sox would need to go 6-12 over their last 18 games. I don't think they will get there. I project 64-98 record, add 10 to next year I think the floor for the Sox is 74-88 next year. Could they go +17 to make it to .500, very doubtful, but who knows. I'd guess on 74 and hope for 81. 



  2. 2 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

    ^^ Agreed. I have no clue if they were conservative. If anything I wish they would have been more conservative in terms of running more. Nagy said today he wished Howard would have had more than 15 carries. You're the coach, clown. Call more run plays then. He's starting to become Trestmany.


    Honestly, I am not wrapped around getting J-Ho X number of runs. I just want to win games. If that means 10 carries or 30, makes no difference, my issue is he should have gotten AT LEAST one more. He was by far the most consistent offensive weapon the Bears had going. He was running awesome. If the Packers stop him twice on 3rd and 4th and 1, fine, tip you hat and move on, but MAKE them stop our best player. Nagy failed to do that. He put the game in the hands of a very raw young QB, stopping the clock, kicking nothing more than a cosmetic field goal and became another notch on the Aaron Rodgers belt buckle. How he could NOT have seen the results before they occurred?

    The Bears may be fine this year, come back next week at home and beat Seattle and start working, but man a win last night would have propelled the credibility and emotion of this franchise ahead several levels. It would have bread confidence in the team. To beat Rodgers in Lambeau on opening night with a green QB, a defense that isn't "up to speed" yet and a whole bunch of new faces in the passing game would have been a real signal that the Bears are coming for you.

    Nope, today's Facebook is littered with  memes of "the same ole Bears". It f****** sucks!! I am tired of the Bears being the butt end of jokes. If Nagy is as smart as they claim, he'll learn from this and grow as a head coach. I think he will.  


  3. The bottom line is this game is with the offense (play calling) rather than blitzes. You have Green Bay with Rodgers sitting at 17 points with a few minutes to go, which is not logical. Its a given the Packers with this QB will score, even against good defenses. It is then incumbent on you to WIN the game before giving Rodgers a chance to win it. 

    So, either the play calling was poor on 3rd and 1 or the execution was poor. As has been stated, a "safe yet gutsy" play would have been to run Howard (who was very effective) two times. Go for the knockout. Heck, it's possible had the Bears picked up a measly 36 inches they win the game 20-17. Either way you do ANYTHING within your power to NOT give Rodgers 2 minutes needing only 6. 

    People say Nagy played it safe. I don't think that. He friggin passed it on 3rd and 1. That's being "too creative", he outthought himself. That situation calls for SIMPLE football. OK boys, we are going to run two plays and need 1 yard. If we get it, we probably win, so lets go. Kinda like the dumbshit Seattle did in the Super Bowl versus New England. I like creativity and innovation, but at some point the game and situation (such as last night) simply calls for the coach to KISS. 

    I am livid the Bears let this one get away, but also saw a hell of a lot of promise last night. YES, I still have huge reservations about Trubisky. He melted down badly on numerous throws last night. This is what you're going to get from a guy who has played like 5 meaningful games in his career. He only started the one year at UNC. So its not a shock he failed to make any plays in the 2nd half last night, but he's also woefully inexperienced and despite that inexperienced he has shown some glimpses so you have to give Nagy some time to develop him. His athleticism is legitimate, now he just needs to show a better feel for the pocket, more touch on short throws and more accuracy on deeper throws.  


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