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Posts posted by HawkFan81

  1. I wish Crede all the best. I hope he gets surgery and then has a nice start to '08 so we can get something for him (unless getting cut would keep him out longer?)


    Crede's best bet at this point is to have the surgery and become a bench player/defensive replacement. That is probably all his back will be able to handle.


    Well, he could always wind up DHing for someone else.

  2. The snap judgements, speculation and assumptions of what happened, and what may happen in the future is really sad. You people have no friggin clue what happened or what the situation is, and to sit here and say "oh Mrs. Count is a *****" or "Jose may have done this..." just stop. You dont know what is going on. None of us do. This whole thread is rather ridiculous.

  3. Didnt want Javi on the sox when we got him, and I still dont. I dont see what others see in the guy. As far as who we could have signed in his place for that money, off the top of my head I dont know. Maybe Vazquez is really all they could get. The money really isnt the issue I have anyway, its the fact that hes gonna be here 3 more years that bothers me.

  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 6, 2007 -> 03:30 PM)
    We we traded Young who was a great prospect for a guy that we were going to dump. Okay that makes sense. We ditched Young, because KW wanted Javy, and not for a year, and not for 2 years, but for a while.


    Fair enough, I see your point. I still dont like the deal though. :)

  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 6, 2007 -> 03:24 PM)
    There is a not so bright group that thinks that because Vazquez took 3 years and 34 million, that Freddy would of taken the same. Freddy is going to make silly money, probably with the Mets, next year. It will be for 4 to 5 years and for boocoo money.


    I dont think that at all. I was hoping Javi would have been traded before we got to this point regardless of the Freddy & Bmac deals.

  6. QUOTE(Scwible @ Mar 6, 2007 -> 03:20 PM)
    from what i can recall, they don't believe in long term deals for pitchers. The one they did do, they got burned on but the name of the player escapes me right now.


    And ya gotta love a stance that basis all pitching contracts longer than 3 years becoming a total flameouts based on ONE player.

  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Feb 27, 2007 -> 08:48 AM)
    Even though he didn't say this in exact words, KW basically inferred that if the Nats would have taken McCarthy straight up for Soriano, he would have pulled the trigger on the trade.


    He did no such thing. He said that last seasons rumors of the Nats trading Soriano for player X were false and that he would not hesitate to make any deal if he thought it would help the ballclub win.

  8. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 02:50 PM)
    Why the heck take such an apporach towards Iguchi? He isn't going to get top dollar on the FA market, we have no one even on the radar to replace him and, simply put, we really, really need him.


    Agreed. Its not like guch is gonna look for or recieve Konerko money. It simply comes across as an arrogant uneccesary comment by KW.

  9. Ive had Directv since 97, and very rarely ever does my satelite go out like others have described. If it gets REALLY bad out, then yeah it might flicker or go out for a bit, but its usually very minor. But you know what? My friends and neighboors who have cable have the exact same issues and problems when the weather gets bad out. Never had an issue with customer service either. Ive heard a lot of horror stories about DirecTV over the years, but thankfully I havent expierenced it.


    btw I think you get 20 bucks off Xtra Innings if you have it already and just auto-renew the sub. every year.

  10. Well, I know it's only Jan 19th, but the Sox havent won a single game this year. So, duh, of course they are out of contention. How could you even think that a team who hasnt won a single freaking game could possibily even think about playoffs? I mean lets get with the program here. Certainly cant gear up for that almighty post season run when you havent even managed to put one stinking victory on the board. Wait.. what's that you say? They havent won a game because they havent.. actually.. played a game yet? Oh. Well I'll be damned. I guess they might have a glimmer of hope afterall.

  11. Worst- The strike. I get so sick to my stomach everytime '94 comes up and some jag goes "everyone knows Montreal was winning it all that year, the Sox had no chance." That's a bunch of crap but regardless of who coulda/woulda/shoulda....That damn strike killed a lot of momentum for the team and the city... a tremdous fan base was building for the Sox, one that with a WS back in 94 and who knows after that may have truely eclipsed the Cubs.


    The 83 Playoffs were brutal. MASN has been showing "O's Classics" during this offseason and have replayed Game 4 a few times. Ugh. Its like bashing your head in with a hammer. It certainly can not be good to be screaming at the TV for players to do something different in a game that is 23 years old.. but whatever. It still blows.


    Best- Yeah it's cornball but AJ's walkoff against the Dodgers. When he first hit that popup, the whole place deflated and AJ was so pissed he slammed his bat down and broke it while jogging to first. Then the ball goes foul. I was screaming at AJ to put all that anger into his swing. Next pitch....


    Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. YES! From then on I felt like it was our year. I'll admit to being nervous while their lead shrunk like McGwires testicles on steroids, but I never waivered. The Crede heroics only further convinced me that there was no stopping them in '05.

  12. I wouldnt say theres no chance he doesnt have a decent year.. but Juan has never shown anything in previous seasons that proves he's able to stay focused and consistent for an entire season. With the added weight and legal troubles and factor in his regression from last year... it's not looking good for Sosa Jr.


    .219 12 31


    I hope I'm dead wrong.

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