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  1. Do any of you know where I can find some videos of him pitching, other than mlb.com? Thanks.
  2. I don't know if you guys could find scouting reports on Danks and Masset but I'll do my best to tell you guys what I know about them (I know alot more about Danks than Masset) in hopes I can find out some more information on McCarthy from you guys as all the sites I have check provide relatively weak scouting reports. Danks-Rangers best prospect and seems to of had the best shot of any Ranger pitching prospect to atleast be a solid #3 pitcher, with a chance to be a very good #2 or a decent #1. Alot of you may think that by me saying he doesn't have true ace potential means I think lower of him than some reports. Well I think there are only about 10-15 true aces in baseball today and I don't think that he will be in that upper echolon. To me though, this guy is as safe a bet to be atleast a solid #3 as the Rangers have ever had. Unfourtanately that isn't saying to much. Wow it hurts losing this guy. Drafted in 2003 out of high school and has been young at just about all of his minor league stops. At just about every stop he struggled at first, got things figured out and then dominated the league. Finally in AAA he pitched decent until his last 6 starts had an ERA in the low 2's giving up just one HR over that span. Oh and he was the youngest player in the league. He throws a good fastball which he commands well, sitting in the low 90's, touching 94. He throws what was the best curve in the Rangers organization and it was his best pitch early on and most likely still is. The thing that has set him apart from early in his career is the changeup he has developed, which is regarded as a plus pitch, and really helps him against RH hitters. Makeup is one of this guys best assests. He does what it takes to improve. For stretches in his minor league career he was not allowed to use his curveball in hopes he would develop his change, which he did. Because of this his numbers may not look as impressive as they could of. The guy won't turn 22 until next season and has already acomplished a great deal of improvement as a starter. Masset-I don't know near as much about him. I liked him and always thought of him as a starter, and still do. He has either 4 or 5 pitches which is why I think he should start. He throws mid 90's and I think he is ready for the pen right now and maybe be able to start next year. Any Socks fan's perspectives on McCarthy would be apprieciated.
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