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Mike South24

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Posts posted by Mike South24

  1. Originally posted by CubKilla
    Originally posted by Mike South24
    Originally posted by Spiff

    did the ref make dillingham throw that ball?


    No, but the ref did take a touch down away from ND IN THE 1ST quarter. :mad:


    WAH WAH WAH!!!!! You ND fans sound just like goddamn sCrUB fans :****


    You cant deny that call if you watched it. :****

  2. Originally posted by The Critic

    I've heard that imbecile's name pronounced "lig-whee", not "league".


    Either way, his name should be replaced with a correctional facility's ID number for a long long time.

    That "apology" completely smells of a lawyer setting up a "temporary insanity" plea. It's as fake as a 3-dollar bill.


    Next question: Mr. Lig-whee, was your son ALSO on 5 different medications that night, or is he just an angry, violent prick? Unlike YOU, of course...you were just a doped-up grieving father...doing what any grieving father would do...attacking a 52-year-old man at a baseball game...."letting the anger out"....totally theurapeutic, totally healthy....


    ....excuse me for a moment....




    ...okay, that's better...guilty as charged on all counts.


    O yeah! There's a Lawyer behind this one. A lawyer who's about to get embarrassed in court too. If you do something like that in Jerry's house, you have no chance. Especially when the cops already beat his ass that night and no one will ever make a big deal of it. Wonder who's got the advantage here?

  3. Originally posted by doubleM23
    Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

    doub.. nice article... but you foregot the part which says we wont ever have a winning team here untill kenny williams is gone..................sorry to burst your bubble but it just aint going to happen......kenny is riding this team right into the ground...........


    Hey, I'm 19... I'll outlive both Williams and Reinsy. I can be a bit optimistic.


    My Grandmother lived 65 years and never saw a sox WS winner. The way it looks, you and I wont either. :puke

  4. Originally posted by sideshowapu
    Originally posted by Mike South24

    both of you can suck me sideways.:****


    Mike, what would they suck because you don't have a dick? :bringit


    Then what were you begging for when you told me you were a homo and i told you i dont play that s***?:o

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