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Posts posted by justBLAZE

  1. 10 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    That was based on a report from one particular "insider", and that person insisted up and down, over and over, again and again, that we should not panic, that the White Sox would get this done, and even that the White Sox liked signing guys on Wednesdays.

    Basically, every insider was hearing the message that the franchise put out, including that line, the franchise is a bunch of inept fools, and the insiders were passing along the confidence of a bunch of inept fools. 

    Honestly, I think the Sox very much thought they had him.  I don't blame the insiders here much, Sox are so out of touch with the current market or reality though.

    I hate to say it but I hope Sox park stays empty next season.  I already live out of state so it doesn't matter to me where I travel to see the Sox, but if I had a choice make it Vegas.

    I hope the: Is he signing with the Raiders line sticks with Hahn as much as Development isn't linear or If I had my druthers.

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  2. 2 hours ago, JuliusO1274 said:

    I never got a response to my previous question about whether the White Sox offer to Manny including any opt outs. If not then that was likely a major reason for him choosing the Padres with the 5th year opt out.

    They did not offer opt out, and now Levine reporting Sox do not belive in such.

  3. 24 minutes ago, TaylorStSox said:

    Like I said from the very beginning, the Sox aren't signing any big name FA's. I'm glad I didn't really follow the saga. The Sox have to produce stars to succeed, not buy them. The South Side of Chicago just isn't an attractive place to play baseball. I'm fine with it. I like a lot of the young talent and my favorite thing in baseball is watching kids grow into MLB players. I still have hope that some of these guys will be stars.

    Not gonna happen when you're blowing 1st round picks on Carson Fulmer and Jake Burger, all due respect to those guys.

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  4. 1 minute ago, xSouthsider2 said:

    Sorry for my negative posts since this was announced today. I just really want to see another Sox winner. I am pissed that we did not sign Machado. BUT....I will try a positive post that maybe will make some fans less pissed. Now that I have thought this out, I feel a little better(I am still pissed). They are saying Machado took the "guaranteed $300 million" instead of the "potential" of $350 million if he met incentives like ASG's and such, but a less than $300 million "guarantee" from the Sox. Maybe, just maybe, Machado knows that he is not a "Charlie hustle type of guy" and will dog it the next few years and NOT perform? Just a thought.

    That's now how it works bud, you always take the guaranteed money, injuries happen.

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