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Posts posted by almagest

  1. In the last month Vaughn has an .893 OPS. We need to stick with him and see if he's finally turned the corner. Abreu can be a coach or sign a one day contract and retire a White Sox. Adding him to the roster would be complete malpractice.

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  2. 2 hours ago, DirtySox said:

    There's a twitter thread Jimmy is a part of discussing this. He posits that the White Sox need to maximize returns, and teams are very reluctant moving position prospects in today's landscape. So if teams are more willing to trade top end pitching versus top end position players, that's what they will take back.

    I'd be ok with getting guys like Samuel Zavala back as the second/third piece, then. Build up that next wave of position players. They could also use some of their lesser pieces (like DeJong) to try to get players they project for 2-3 WAR from teams that have some of those types blocked. The Fletcher and DeLoach trades are decent examples, just pick better players please.

  3. 34 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    Didn't see any toxicity but didn't see much positive vibes either. It was way too Church like in the dugout in general. Of course when you're on pace to set all time loss records and have blown over two dozen leads already it's hard to have a rah rah atmosphere.

    Again the one real exception was Lee. Dude was into the game all night.

    I was way better friends with the teams I've been on when we were winning than when we were getting our asses kicked every night.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, JUSTgottaBELIEVE said:

    Cease, Kopech, Giolito, Dunning, and López were certainly very exciting but it always felt very top heavy without much depth behind them. By and large, that group panned out very well but there was absolutely nothing behind them. Now I even see interesting arms like Carela and Batista at the bottom of the T30 or guys like Gowens that are intriguing that don’t even crack the T30. I guess we’ll see but it feels like there’s more depth already and they’ll be adding again in a big way to that depth next month.

    Same way I feel - Sox were top heavy with multiple top 50s, then nothing really behind them. Pitching depth is VERY encouraging now. Offense still a little bare, but we'll see as guys continue to grow. It's all about development.

  5. 1 minute ago, WhiteSox2023 said:


    We all joke that Hahn loved signing relievers but this is likely the reason he did sign so many.  The dollar range of contracts Hahn was approved to offer was probably in the range of a non-closing relievers, so he just tried to advantage of the free agent players he could actually sign in his price range.

    It's such a horrible allocation of resources, though. They would have been better off just not spending that money on relievers and the Melky Cabreras of the world.

  6. 2 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

    Not to give Pedro the benefit of the doubt, but I am sure he knows and is just not snitching and putting his business out there in case they come back and fine him.

    Something as simple as "I've talked to him" or "I'll talk to him" would help make it look like he's not a complete detached boob without exposing Crochet to anything. Better yet would him being actually aware of what happened and able to defend his player + deflect any blame off Crochet and hold umpires accountable for kicking someone out during a damn rain delay, but that's way too much to expect from Grifol.

  7. Quote

    "I don't know what happened. Something to do with the weather or something. I'm not sure," manager Pedro Grifol said after the game.

    Maybe, oh I don't know, go talk to your pitcher about it and find out? Make sure you're on the same page and understand him? Is there something else driving his anger (besides just sucking ass as a team)?

    • Like 3
  8. I don’t mind Nastrini taking his lumps and seeing if we have anything with him. What makes it worse is this team can’t score any damn runs, so every run pitchers give up is magnified.

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  9. It's weird to see people dumping on anyone trying to squeeze any last bit of enjoyment or hope out of this miserable season. Just let people be optimistic about that small bit of hope left in the bottom of Pandora's box. Sheesh.

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  10. 1 hour ago, greg775 said:

    I haven't studied the deal. Did the Sox get any can't miss stars in the Cease deal? Cause he, Crochet and Clevinger plus Lynn who we coulda signed for pennies would have actually been a decent rotation. It doesn't take much to contend and the Sox with their moves almost don't ever want to contend again. Disgraceful team.

    Thorpe (starter) has a 1.01 ERA in AA and was MiLB Pitcher of the Year last year. Iriarte (starter) has a 1.46 ERA in AA. Samuel Zavala (CF/RF) is struggling in A+ but is still only 19.

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