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Posts posted by Cochise

  1. Did anyone hear about the Share the Name- Share the Game promotion that the Sox did yesterday? If you have the same name as any of the players or coaches on the Sox you got half price tickets. Pretty good promotion, especially for Latinos. Unfortunately I doubt there are lots of Konerkos or Jeks' or Thomes out in the Chicago area. I wonder if they made exceptions for the many Vasquezes out there.

  2. Beckham, a top 10 first round pick could be playing with the club as soon as 2010. It would seemingly be a good problem to have with ALexei, Getz and Beckham all on the team at once. Add CQ, Danks and Floyd to the mix and we have a pretty young and talented core on this team for the next few years, especially if Fields can finally make the adjustments needed to stay in the bigs..

  3. Since the ASB the Sox are 12-12 with only 2 multi-game winning streaks and only one that was longer than 2 games (4, July 22-26 vs. Tex and Det). The other was last weeks two straight wins at home vs. the Tigers. We need to start winning games and put together a little streak, because we could find ourselves trailing the Twins by a few games while they're at home for the next week or so.


    EDIT:We're also only 8-6 at home since the ASB. We'd all like to see our road record improve, but we need to win more home games, where we've been real solid all year. What this comes down to is pitching. Its improved a lot in the past week or so, hopefully that continues. Hopefully we can just dominate a few teams and put together one of our patented 5-7 game winning streaks soon.

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