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Posts posted by traydragen

  1. Hell yes I would do that deal....that is a good enough deal looking from both teams that the Astros would probally bite on that deal as well..Crede has probally the most potential out of any young third baseman they could get and he has showed signs of being very good. Munoz would be a loss but hell for Carlos Beltran added to our already depleting line-up sounds pretty good to me...that is if we can sign him, if we cant then screw the deal

  2. I dunno if this has been mentioned but on BBTN late tonight they had a little tid-bit of Mags being on the DL and I just assumed it was the usual crap about 4-8 weeks deal but they said that he had a bruised knee cap and is walking around on crutches and they also said that he could be gone for the season...also said was ofcourse that this didn't have anything to do with his previous injury which I think it BS, somebody is trying to cover their ass....soo I guess guys just bruise their knee caps from swinging a bat now adays....?

  3. Chaos I agree with everything you said about identity, kinda an example of that is the Olivo trade, I think a lot of people here were kinda hurt by that b/c it was like he was one of our kids or something. Granted he did start in the A's system, he was with the White Sox for the greater part of his career and he was one of the best clubhouse guys we have. As far as being able to win it this year, I think you hit on some keys that we need for this team to win this year, I think #1 being this team turning it around in the second half and playing like we know they can #2 being the cather position b/c although sandy is a good catcher, he can not go out there the rest of the half and do an adequate job, #3 it is a "MUST" that we get some help in the pen, Shingo and Marte are the only decent guys we have going now. so maybe that should be at number 2, but I think the big key is for this team to start playing like we are a playoff team, wait a world series team..

  4. This is getting pathetic, I think ever since mags has been gone we haven't strung together anything worthwhile for anyone. 1) For some reason our pitching has gone to hell 2)We seem to can't hit any longer and 3)Ozzie is starting to make some really bone-headed moves....I wonder if and when Mags comes back if he will make this whole team "mesh" well again..

  5. 1)I'm a USC student and I wanted to know how it felt to not be going to the CWS and if you are going to be watching the Gamecocks tomorrow on ESPN....lol..just kidding with ya buddy, it's nice to have you on the White Sox.

    2)Being from USC I did hear some things about your picting abilities and I also heard that you were Clemson's "ACE". What do you think makes you stand out as far as being Clemson's "ACE" and also as one of the top pitchers in the draft this year?

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