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  1. Congrats to Frank for finally getting his 2000th hit, I admire his class and his consistency. I wish we could have a player as good as him, then we might win more games. As far as Sweeney. Who the hell knows. We have won without him, so if we get him back, all the better, if we don't oh well. As far as Royalboard.com, it's not the greatest by any means, but it works.
  2. Congrats on sweeping us. We swept you in April, you swept us in July, but we are leading the series and the division for now. If any of you care to join us over at Royalboard.com feel free. You may even want to chime in on us posting Frank "The Greatest Player Ever" cell phone number on our board.
  3. Shouldn't you and your Dad be in court today fro sentencing. It's nice to know what classy fans the southside has to offer. The only thing worse than losing to your awesome team is watching all the fans get excited when you beat us. It's awful.
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