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Trent Lott


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I just wanted to see what everybody thought about the comments of Trent Lott @ Strom Thurmond's birthday party.


Wow, Trent is such a great Senate majority leader. That racist f***.

I sat and read his apologies. His initial apology did not say that racism was wrong! He just said it was a discarded theory, he never stated it was wrong. I am not saying that he can't be a racist if he wants to be, but should he really be our Senate Majority leader?

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Oh boy, this one could really get heated. How about two voices of sanity? Jack Kelly is a conservative Republican and Dennis Roddy is a liberal Democrat. I enjoy reading both because in addition to writing well, they don't just submit the usual partisan crap.





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Ok, usually any thing political that sideshow posts dives me crazy. This proves there is a first for everything. I feel like I would be a hypocrite to say I am against racism and not call Trent Lott a racist and wish for him to resign. To me racism is a serious issue and making excuses just isn't good enough.

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Originally posted by bjmarte

Ok, usually any thing political that sideshow posts dives me crazy.  This proves there is a first for everything.  I feel like I would be a hypocrite to say I am against racism and not call Trent Lott a racist and wish for him to resign.  To me racism is a serious issue and making excuses just isn't good enough.

What Trent Lott said was indefensible. Most of the heaviest heat that has come down on good ole Trent has come from the right, not the left. Many conservatives will not let this die, you can believe it or not. One example is the Jack Kelly column I linked in this thread. In the past others like Jimmy Carter, Coleman Young, John Dingell, Robert Byrd and Rev Jesse Jackson have made some tactless and insulting comments and gotten away with it. That doesn't absolve Lott. I'm either old enough or dumb enough to still believe there is such a thing as right and wrong and in this case Lott was just plain wrong. Unlike the above mentioned Lott will pay for his mistake.
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