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Everything posted by WHarris1

  1. Jesus cant the ump at least appeal. The 1st base ump has a way better angle.
  2. Alright, I should be able to get 1000, by voting for the whole night straight the correct way.
  3. I am 13 years old, and a die hard Frank fan. I plan to stay up all night and vote, but don't know which method to use. I would on type the correct validation to ensure that it works. Please give me your opinon.
  4. With my brother an Me combined, we have about 2500. And still going strong.
  5. I plan to do about 1000 every day.
  6. 1500+, I have been voting all last night, and all of this morning. I plan to do a little today, a ton more tonight, and same pattern for tommorrow, and wednesday.
  7. No I did not get an IM. Try again some other time, I am on most of the time. By the way: Me and my bro have over 1200.
  8. I've got 550, and my brother has 200.
  9. No I am not RobbieAlomar. I am a new member that just regiestered tonight. You can IM me at Marvelousmike23 if you want.
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