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Posts posted by JuliusO1274

  1. 3 hours ago, The Sir said:

    Yes. Is this supposed to be a hard question? I'm glad he's improved this year, but we blew a year of control by having him up here K'ing 217 times. Fine, whatever, he's cut down on his Ks and is now looking like a superstar. That's great, but with Robert, let's be patient, let him work on his swing-and-miss issues in MiLB on a slow timeline, and come up when he's truly ready.

    You don't understand how it works. The only way to get better at hitting MLB pitching is to face MLB pitching. If we delayed Moncada's promotion we would have also been delaying his eventual success. 

  2. 6 hours ago, OneDog847 said:

    Terrible logic. Houston lost 100 games for three straight years during their rebuild. The Sox are tanking and we need to embrace it cause it aint ending any time soon. 100 losses this year and 95 plus losses next year are pretty much locks at this point. The Sox need to keep stockpiling top 5 draft picks and let the kids develop. 

    95 loses next year then the rebuild has failed and we are going to have end up doing it all over again. If White Sox are awful next year, where are these great players going to come from to make this team good? Are we going to wait until Moncada finale season with the Sox until we start expecting to compete?

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  3. Seems like an attempt to save a dying franchise and I support it. Last year White Sox had the lowest market share ratings in baseball, this season they are probably trending even lower. Meschandise sales are probably way down too. Have you seen game threads lately? Have they ever been less active? I made it through last season but even I am struggling to pay attention this year. Bringing up more of the young guys may not help us win right now but it will make the team more interesting to follow.

  4. 3 hours ago, Whitesox27 said:

    I know Hansen has been a starter his entire career until this year, but do you guys think there's any chance the Sox keep him as a reliever moving forward? He seems to be thriving in that role.

    He was thriving as a starter too before 2018.

  5. 13 minutes ago, TaylorStSox said:

    Among young people, Latinos probably use it more than black people and I've never seen a black person really care. 


    It's as if MLB intentionally goes out of their way to alienate young black men. Who the fuck are they to tell black people how to talk? 

    https://twitter.com/SeoYeongChae_/status/1115700104785272833 Well click that link and you will see your first black person caring about latinos using the N word. You can also go on twitter search and type "latinos n word" or similar type search and see thousands more complaints from black people about latinos using that word.


  6. 28 minutes ago, SoxAce said:

    Any minority is cool (mostly common in Black and Latin cultures). Let's just say I highly doubt Angel Hernandez (who is terrible in his own right) does this for example. 

    Maybe I am mistaken but are you implying that it is okay for all non white people to say the N-word? Because most black people would strongly disagree with that including objecting to latinos using the word unless the latino was also black. Also Angel Hernandez is a white cuban which why it was funny for him to claim racial discrimination a few years ago. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sox Fan In Husker Land said:

    I don't think the Sox will bring him up this year due to the fact he has a grand total of 383 PA, including 198 above A ball, in the Sox minor league system. If he is brought up this year, it's due to the fact that he's hitting like this in AA & AAA. 

    Who cares how many at bats he has had in minors, look at his results because that is what matters. Should Sale have stayed in minors for a year or two just so he can get enough minor league innings? When a guy is ready he's ready. I think the problem is Luis Robert has clearly made some enourmous progress since the last time we saw him but most fans refuse to alter the original time frame we expected from him. This isn't the Robert we seen in previous years. He was showing very little power at all and now he is hitting home runs almost every other game. Time to alter the original time frame because this is a new Robert we are seeing.

  8. What is the point of keeping keeping Robert in A+? I have a feeling White Sox don't want him up this year at all, similar to Eloy last year, so they will delay his promotions as much as they can. If they promote him to AA soon and he continues raking it will be hard for them to keep him in the minors all season.

  9. How is defensive WAR calculated? I decided to look up Moncada's WAR numbers and noticed virtually every player on the team(including Moncada) are rated negatively in defensive WAR on Baseball Reference. The only 2 positive defensive WAR players are Engel and Sanchez. How the hell does Yolmer have a positive defensive WAR right now?

  10. 39 minutes ago, Timmy U said:

    Yankee announcers are morons.  They think Fry was pulled cuz he can't get out righties.   Truth is, he was tough on everyone last year.  Ricky just overthinks frickin' everything.  Also, he doesn't realize Nate is a shell of his former self.

    Ricky is the moron. They assume that because why else would a manager pull him after getting one out in the 7th with no one on base and a 3 run lead.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Fan O'Faust said:

    100% agree.  He’s got a decent, all around skill set.  It’s just been the damn injuries that have held him back.  

    Being benched in place of Engel for 1 and a half seasons even he was healthy held him back. He won the starter role in 2017 and was good but got injured, when he came back he was never given the starter role again until this season.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

    I didn't mind that pull. Nova gave up a hit to start the inning. The bad move was to pinch hit Sanchez for Rondon.

    Why didn't GIo have a short leash in yesterdays game? He let Gio go over 100 pitches despite battling most of the game but pulls Nova who cruised the whole game. Renteria's strategy is awful. I haven't even mention the ridiculous pinch hit of Sanchez for Rondon just because a pitching change. He puts way too much emphasis on righty/lefty lefty/righty match ups which causes him to make awful moves like that. I'm not someone who uses managers as scapegoats. I never jumped on the Robin hate bandwagon like most White Sox fans. I didn't use him as a scapegoat for bad White Sox teams. Robin was hated for managing a team that failed for many years but his managing was never as bad as Ricky's. 

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  13. 10 minutes ago, Tony said:

    I always love this type of response. 

    Sanchez had a tailor made DP ball and booted it. Ricky can go fuck off?!?


    Nova shouldn't have been pulled. Why did Ricky put Gio and Lopez back out there but needed to pull Nova who was cruising in this game? Nova should have had a chance to finish the 7th.

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