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Posts posted by RagahRagah

  1. 2 hours ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:


    And your skin is as thick as a razorblade. Amazing, honestly.

    Keep attacking anyone who doesn't always pat you on the back buddy, it's hilarious to watch. Not only can't you take a little joke, but you spaz out every single time. 

    Your lack of self-awareness is almost Trumpian. Telling someone to stop acting passive aggressive (who really isn't) while you are being passive aggressive.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, SoCalChiSox said:

    When do u think Joc will get signed? Is he just waiting for Springer first so that the rest of the market will then rush to him or is there a chance he signs early?

    If the Sox sign Joc early and they end up being serious about Springer/Bauer they can still do that. Joc isn't going to cost that much so there's a silver lining in any scenario, at least.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Just weird to see the guy who tweeted this carrying water for not spending on premium free agents again by justifying a Pederson signing. 

    And yes I read where it was justified behind "if they sign big money pitcher" but one besides Bauer does not exist, and you know all the well the White Sox aren't signing Trevor Bauer.

    Again, wait until the ship has set sail before you bash the captain. This is a rather rudimentary concept you are not willing to accept. The fact you can't see that that is all some of us are doing is just ignorant. You just keep ignoring that and putting words in peoples' mouths.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    The only person here swearing and getting personal is you pal. Get a grip of yourself.

    Sox haven't done something for 120 years but the smart thing to do is make sure they don't it one more time before assuming they wont lol. Great take. 

    Because you don't listen. You keep casting stones for things people aren't even saying. Yeah, nothing ever changes until it does. I don't expect it to, but I'm open to the possibility. You said there is no scenario where Joc signing here is good. You're 100% wrong, period and I explained the scenario. You make a false claim that a high contract will never be paid here to try to make yourself right when you aren't. Highly unlikely doesn't mean it can't happen, and until it does or doesn't you need to stop being such a dick.

    I'm not really getting personal. You don't listen and you're being an asshole. That's just a fact. I don't have a problem with you thinking the Sox won't sign a big one because that's what I myself have been pushing hard lately. But I'm not trying to claim it can never happen or acting like a dick to people for holding out hope. Sorry you can't see the difference.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    I live in reality buddy, you live on another planet apparently.

    Oh no, someone on the internet is gonna rip me. How will I ever recover.

    You're just basically advertising loudly that you're an asshole right now.

    I said that I don't expect it. At all. You clearly don't fucking listen. You keep making these absurd assumptions that I keep invalidating and yet you continue to make them. But I'm going to be smart and wait until it doesn't happen rather than make assumptions and lose some of my dignity. I can see why your rep is what it is now.


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  6. 3 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    There are zero scenarios where the sox sign pederson and have the off season they should have. 

    The only hot takes are the clowns trying to win the Value Series. 

    Yes, there is. I just fucking mentioned it. If the Sox sign Bauer, it's actually a great move. That's an offseason they should have.

    If you're so convinced the Sox will not add top starting pitching, fine. It's expected. But wait until it doesn't happen before you act like a jackass to everyone here. Because if we do sign Bauer, I'm sure as shit gonna come back at you and rip you. Not for being wrong, but for being a dickhead. Quit while you're ahead.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    They're not signing bauer, you guys have lost your mind. If they wont pay for the position player they wont pay for a sp. 

    You keep extrapolating things people aren't saying. That's a side effect of hot takes. You really need to stop.

    I don't expect them to sign Bauer. I'm saying *if.* Put it this way: there are scenarios where signing Joc is acceptable and even a good move. I don't expect any of those moves to necessarily happen, and in fact I've been telling a lot of people there's little reason to think they will, but you still have to wait and stop acting like the offseason has already happened. If the Sox get no top FA players and sign Joc, I'll be the first to rip Reinsdorf a new asshole but doing it now before anything has even been done just needs to stop. It's one thing to be pessimistic but you're being so pompous about this that if the Sox actually pull off one of these guys you are going to look silly and get ripped and it will be justified. Being wrong is fine, but being wrong while looking like an asshole is another thing.

    Calm your ass down.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    So I guess we're not getting springer lol.

    This team is a joke honestly. Never play in the big kids pool.

    Sox have two real holes and they're gonna plug them with bargain deals. Its embarrassing sox fans are excited or ok with this. 

    Jimmy been telling us the Sox been in on springer. Now selling us on joc. Lol

    Joc is a solid player. I'm fine with him being our RF if we sign Bauer because then we don't need that much offensive production out of that spot. But we can't honestly expect the Sox to sign Bauer AND Springer. Now, if we sign neither and end up with Joc, then yeah... I'm with you. But making it out like signing Joc in any scenario is a joke is a false narrative. You're ignoring a lot of factors and not thinking straight as you keep spewing these overly aggressive hot takes. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, poppysox said:

    Giolito, Keuchel, Cease, Dunning, Lopez, Lambert, Kopech, and Crochet are a good nucleus for Katz to work with.  A Quintana type might be nice but not essential if the pen is the type pen KC used a few years back.  All of this mix and match starter talk is so that we don't spend it all on one guy.  Quality pens can piece together very solid staff performances.  Also, we do need to see what we have in this group of high-end prospects.  I do want to see what Katz can do with the young guys.  

    This is really shortsighted. That nucleus is what we already had and it was messy. Another year will likely work out some kinks but then they might not, and a possiblity someone (especially Dallas) could regress means you need AT LEAST one more quality starter, but at least one TOR starter specifically to move the needle. Adding guys like Paxton and Quintana alone will not do that. (I'm really hoping we can get Lynn regardless of who we do or don't sign)

    If we want to go all the way, we need to aim higher than being the Twins. We need to be able to win playoff games.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jack Parkman said:

    Ever heard of schadenfreude? 

    It means pleasure derived from others misfortune. 

    I wouldn't want it if something actually bad happened to another person. But in sports, it is very real. 

    I was actually happy for all of my friends who were Cub fans when they won. They got theirs, back to schadenfreude. 

    That was the term I was originally going to use.

    More of you guys need to have a heart. 

  11. 35 minutes ago, Tony said:

    After reading some of the comments here, it's perplexing to me how there are users on this site that somehow figured out how to turn on their computer, find this site and able to create a log in and password.

    If you don't like Len Kasper's voice or delivery as a broadcaster, that's one thing. Everyone has different tastes. But the lack of critical thinking skills shown by what I assume are fully-functioning adults is crazy.

    Why do you think there is so much outrage from Cubs fans? The guy was the voice of the team for 15 years and fans fell in love with his calls, his style, his "homerism" for the North Side. Guess what.........he'll now be doing that for the team you all love. Are you really that immature and naive to not be able to see that? When Eloy cranks out a bomb at Wrigley and you're driving in your car listening to Len go nuts, you're still going to find him insufferable? 

    Again, the amount of petulance shown here because he called games for a franchise you hate is just laughable. 

    Absolutely this. I get sports rivalries fire people up as they should, but the amount of spite shown here is silly.

    Seems some people are taking pleasure in seeing Cubs fans "cry" because they feel their franchise is crumbling again. I would think Sox fans, of all people, would have a little more empathy.

  12. 51 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Why is he more of a risk post TJS?  He’s already shown his velocity is back.

    That's not the only thing to worry about. I feel he will be ok but TJ raises more potential long term issues. 

    Either way, for Snell it's an easy loss for me.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Yet you're still as overly negative and concerned as always.

    This is SUCH a blanket statement. There are a considerable amount of things to feel pessimistic about right now, honestly.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

    Yeah. Snell is one of the few pitchers I'm ok trading Kopech for. 

    Kopech would have to be the top guy going back imo and the Sox have to hold on to Crochet and Vaughn here. 

    I don't think many here are considering how much of a potential risk Kopech is after TJ. It's a toss up but in a package without another pitcher I think I would let Kopech go in a trade for Snell.

  15. 1 hour ago, ChiSox1917 said:

    Robert can cover 75% of the outfield anyway, so im on board with schwarber in right. His arm has drastically improved. Its better than leurys who played a lot of right the last couple years.  

    offense is more important than defense anyway

    Just because he can doesn't mean he should have to. All you do is increase injury risk. This is a bad argument.

  16. 53 minutes ago, KrankinSox said:

    I understand the luxury that a more passable OF provides in terms of lineup flexibility, but we are talking about the DH spot. You want the best hitter. Leury and Engel provide defensive OF depth.

    If the Sox sign or trade for an everyday RF, let's just say Joc, then who do you propose we use at DH (taking Vaughn out of the equation)?

    Which specific FAs do you prefer to DH instead of Schwarber? I'm not saying he should be option #1,  but he should be considered.

    Lol Schwarber isn't exactly a good hitter either and arguably sucks in the OF. If we're going low budget for an OF then Joc is the man. I think I'd prefer JBJ also.

  17. 3 hours ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Harold also thinks the Sox desperately want McCann back (at starter dollars) and would still keep Grandal around for some reason.  He clearly has access to some inside info, but let’s not assume everything he says is gospel.  Even the best insiders get shit wrong.  Also, James has just as good of a track record and says we’re still in the mix so no one should be losing hope yet.

    I love James but I'm not sure why they would pay serious money to keep him when they are paying good money for a top 3 catcher and have desperate needs elsewhere. Unless they really are gonna go all out and I highly doubt that.


    4 minutes ago, KrankinSox said:

    Schwarber as a DH placeholder until Vaughn is ready makes sense for the Sox in 2021.

    -LH Bat

    -Can play LF a couple times a week or everyday when Eloy hits the IL. (Quite frankly he's a better LF than Eloy but the Sox want to give Eloy the reps out there)

    -No guarantee that Vaughn will be ready to be in the everyday lineup this year. 

    Schwarber is not a perfect option but he does make sense on a cheap 1-year deal.  If Vaughn is ready and mashing at the MLB level, Schwarber will be expendable. But if Vaughn isn't ready to be hitting everyday for a team that expects to be in the World Series, there are worse DH options than Schwarber on a 1-year deal. 

    I'm fine with it.


    2 hours ago, 2Deep said:

    Keep in mind.....Adam Engel would play 60-80 games in right and Schwarber can DH as needed. Adam would be a late game replacement. 


    I'm in for Schwarber 

    You guys are killing me.

  19. Just now, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    Well that's just silly. It's physically impossible. What's the point of raining on everyone parade ?

    It's not that. It's that I get annoyed by being attacked as someone who is overreacting and thinking "the sky is falling" because I'm being fucking realistic. If you want to have hope, that's fine. But I'm not going to be condescended to for being realistic and skeptical when I have every reason to.

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