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Everything posted by whitesoxjr27

  1. this game is blowing up in our face. f***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. tv is going on mute. cant listen too chimp and stone. :puke
  3. just got home. i see mark is pitching his ass off tonight.
  4. two out of three! f*** ya!
  5. guess marrioti is going to be pissed
  6. nice run production today!
  7. this twins sox series next week is looking better and better.
  8. never thought maddux would give up 6 runs in 3 innings.
  9. what a f***ing homer that was!
  10. lets get a few more runs. and up he can settle down
  11. cards are winning again. we win cubs are five back. nice. if it happens
  12. i would love a one run win but i dunno if will happen
  13. hey dj who cares if maddux is happy or not
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