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Posts posted by hogan873

  1. QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 01:03 PM)
    What would it take to aqcuire this Cody Johnson? A reliever perhaps? Maybe Atlanta is interested in Linebrink? And if Baltamore is interested in Fields, seriously they could have the guy. Just give us a Single-A prospect and were good.


    Fields looked utterly lost at the plate last night. Even Hawk was making some comments about how the guy never hits. Good choice for a DH.

  2. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 12:08 AM)
    I'm don't know what's more surprising: Papelbon's high WHIP this season or Rivera putting up Nathan-like numbers at age 40.


    I love me some Jenks, but I still have a difficult time putting him in the same tier as those three.


    I'm just surprised that there's a guy named George Sherrill pitching.

  3. Cubs and Yankees. Cubs because of the "fans" and the very biased media coverage in Chicago. Yankees because they are the Yankees. Huge payroll, they always try to build a superteam (I love when it backfires, though), and of course the unnecessary media lovefest.


    I don't really hate any of our division rivals. I suppose I dislike the Twins the most, but mainly because of the Metrodome.

  4. From Wikipedia:


    Morgellons (also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome) is a name given in 2002 by Mary Leitao[1] to a proposed condition characterized by a range of cutaneous (skin) symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations; finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores). Current scientific consensus holds that Morgellons is not a new disorder and is instead a new and misleading name for known illnesses. Most doctors,[2] including dermatologists[3] and psychiatrists,[4] regard Morgellons as a manifestation of known medical conditions, including delusional parasitosis,[5][6][7] although some health professionals believe that Morgellons disease is a specific condition likely to be confirmed by future research.[8]


    Despite the lack of evidence that Morgellons is a novel or distinct condition and the absence of any agreed set of diagnostic symptoms,[9] the Morgellons Research Foundation and self-diagnosed Morgellons patients have successfully lobbied members of Congress and the U.S. government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to investigate the proposed condition.[2] The CDC states that while it is not known at present whether the condition represents a new disease entity, or whether persons who identify themselves as having Morgellons have a common cause for their symptoms, share common risk factors, or are contagious, it has begun an epidemiological investigation of the "Unexplained Dermopathy (aka 'Morgellons')."[10]



  5. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 10:09 AM)
    I believe Morgellans disease


    There is still some debate about the disease as some think it's not real. From what I read, it sounds like he was actually having pain when with the Sox. I'm not one to say whether or not he was actually suffering from a disease, but he certainly was not himself from that point on.

  6. I'm not a big fan of how the All Stars are selected. I agree that the fans should have some say, but there were guys playing last night that were batting .270. Why didn't Dye and Konerko make the team? Well, I know why...I guess it's a rhetorical question.

  7. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 14, 2009 -> 04:47 PM)
    The Sox aren't getting Halladay, and they'll never trade Beckham in the next decade.


    I agree that the Sox are not realistically in the sweepstakes to acquire Halladay. KW will not trade away Beckham, and I don't see him trading Alexei either. If KW were to get Halladay without giving up Beckham, Alexei, Poreda, or the other few "untouchables", he'd be a thief.

  8. I'm not sure dealing one of our best pitchers (along with others) for Halladay would be worth it. I would think any deal the Sox come up with would be more prospect heavy, although I know the Jays would be looking for someone MLB ready.

  9. QUOTE (GO CHI SOX! @ Jul 14, 2009 -> 03:32 PM)
    Dye and Konerko going back-to-back to both hit their 300th home run should be #1. That will probably never happen again in the history of baseball. I was ticked off last night during the pregame of the Derby when they showed highlights for the first half of the season, espn had absolutely no mention of this but mentioned Giambi's 400 HR and Dunn's 300 HR. Beckham's first hit on June 9th is high on my list because that is my birthday. The Low moment of the season has to be that 19-1 beatdown the day Jake Peavy rejected the trade to come here. What a terrible day.


    Konerko could hit three grand slams, Dye could hit for the cycle twice, and Buehrle could pitch a perfect game and ESPN would still talk about the Yankees, BoSox, Mets, or tennis first.

  10. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ Jul 13, 2009 -> 10:44 AM)
    You mean like signing Sandy Alomar Jr. for a backup catcher role?


    And his brother as a back-up 2nd baseman. Then Billy Koch as a back-up temper tantrum thrower.

  11. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 12, 2009 -> 05:34 PM)
    You can send all the backstrap to me . . . ;)


    I am off the lease I had been hunting on and looking for another that will not be too expensive. Y'all up north do not know how lucky you are. Instead of helping farmers by controlling the herd, down here the deer are more valuable than the crops. So we actually buy feed corn to fatten them up before harvesting and pay several thousand to get on a decent lease.



    I was just going to post about the backstrap being the best.


    Otherwise, I like venison sausage. I had some with cheddar and jalapeno. I could have eaten it until I made myself sick.

  12. Sometimes realtors will let you out of a contract. One of the biggest concerns they have is that you will terminate the contract and then turn around and sell it on your own. Of course then there's the issue of a lawsuit. With the housing market being the way it is right now, I would imagine most realtors are not too keen on letting people out of their contracts.

  13. I only have about 120 friends on Facebook and most are family, old friends from high school, etc. But I see some really silly status updates. One of the worst offenders is a guy who makes remarks about how much he "hates" his wife. She's not on Facebook, but a lot of her friends are. I think she knows, dumbass.

  14. It's going to be a tough second half...I think the schedule is a bit harder overall. If the Sox continue to play like they have been (taking away Danks' walk-a-thon and Buehrle's uncharacteristic bad start) I think they will be okay and a have a decent chance at the division. I don't see any big moves being made by KW. I think we'll see one or two that are not exciting but will elicit some head scratching.


    Some sure fire predictions: Bobby Jenks will sweat, Clayton Richard will give up a home run, Beckham will not move from 3rd base, Konerko and Dye will continue to have solid seasons, Hawk will say hell yes a lot (hopefully), and Colon will continue to stress the seams of his uniform pants.



  15. I've never been to the Metrodome, or any dome for a baseball game for that matter, but I hate watching games on TV broadcast from there. It just seems dreary. I suppose my dislike is fueled by the fact that the Sox cannot play well there. I look forward to seeing the new park next year.

  16. QUOTE (BlackBetsy @ Jul 12, 2009 -> 08:40 AM)
    It was a double off the baggie. That game is almost seared into my memory at this point. The Sox had just gotten to .500 after a set at Baltimore (I went to the Sunday game, Baldwin was "effectively wild" in that game). Foulke blew that 4 run lead in the ninth (I was already counting it as a victory) and the season went downhill from there.


    I also remember that game vividly. I can still hear Hawk, in a painful monotone, describing the long drive bouncing off the baggie and the winning run scoring.

  17. Great win. A needed win. I was ready to tip my TV over when Jenks gave up the bases loaded single. Then I was ready to tip it over when they turned the DP.


    Joe Crede is not now and probably never will be the Joe Crede of 2005. He's a good defensive 3rd baseman that can't hit very well now. I know, I know two homers tonight...but it was against his old club, and Floyd did not pitch to him well. But I will always remember what he did for our Sox in 2005. Without him, the Sox do not have that WS championship.


    We take the series tomorrow, and we go into the break in great shape.


    Go Sox!

  18. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 10, 2009 -> 03:29 PM)
    I thought some jobs were only available to veterans? I've seen signs at the post office where they were only accepting applications from vets.


    This could be the case, I'm not sure. I never looked at all of the different types of federal jobs available, but the ones I looked into were not geared towards veterans only.

  19. Yes, picking a job that will translate to the civilian world is very important. I often got slack, called a p****, etc. for doing what I did, but when I got out I got a job right away dealing with the same thing I did in the CG. Not sure the guys who spent their whole career at sea could say the same thing. There was a common saying, "Choose your rate, choose your fate".

  20. I was in the Coast Guard for ten years. It was a good experience until after 9/11. Up until that point, I specialized in pollution prevention...inspecting oil and chemical facilities, inspecting freight containers, inspecting cruise ships, responding to oil spills, etc. It was a good job and pretty fun, actually. I spent time in Alaska, Connecticut, Maryland, and Chicago.


    But, after 9/11, it all changed. There was a standing order that we did not respond to oil spills less than 1000 gallons. Most spills, even big ones, were pushed off on the EPA. Our job was to sit in the office and wait for the phone to ring telling us of another terrorist attack. Now, I firmly agree with having a strong Homeland Security, but it just wasn't organized right within the CG. Someone earlier posted that the days of rescuing sinking boats and such was a thing of the past. This is true. Although the CG is still there and will respond if needed, the logistics have changed. The primary goal of the CG nowadays is to sit and wait.


    Now, I wouldn't tell you to join the service or not. I just wanted to put out there what I have experienced. Navy, Army, Marines, you might have a good chance of going overseas (Iraq or surrounding countries). Even the CG has some cutters over there. If you want to have a good chance of staying stateside, the Coast Guard is your best option. But, like I said, it's not what it used to be.

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