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Wong & Owens

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Posts posted by Wong & Owens

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 11:57 AM)
    Now, this does open the Doctor up for a malpractice suit, and he will have to defend that his treatment offered a chance of cure and did not veer too far from established medical practices.


    And in the real world, the hospital that employed this doctor would be f***ed ten ways to Sunday, even if this doctor was technically in the right. Especially if it's in a public hospital, where a doctor with those beliefs has no business working in the first place.

  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 11:39 AM)
    And yes, a Christian Scientist Doctor can refuse to offer treatments inconsistent with his beliefs.


    Not at a public hospital he can't.


    I guess the best solution is to ensure that if there is a pharmacist working who would not dispense the morning-after pill due to religious beilefs, the pharmacy will have another pharmacist on site that will.


    Everyone wins?

  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 10:38 AM)
    I've been reading a site that somehow has access to the "sides" which I guess are snippits from the filming.. (if someone could elaborate on that I would appreciate it).. and Matt is going to take some twists the next 3 episodes which will rule him out.


    A little tease... Cara Fitzgerald, the girl Matt hit while joyriding stoned with his friend last season.. comes back to haunt him.



    Could you post what site it was that you saw those? I'd love to check it out

  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 11:10 AM)
    It's a moral decision I can understand some people taking. I would not have a problem dispensing the pill, but respect those individuals that have a moral objection to helping an abortion.



    The laws are clear, so those people should seek different jobs--period. If pharmacists are allowed to break laws based on their own beliefs, where does it end? Do we let Christian Scientist doctors treat patients only through means that coincide with their beliefs? No.


    I couldn't actually kill an animal, so I don't work ina meat processing plant. I hate guns, so I won't pursue a career in law enforcement. I don't believe that marijuana should be illegal, so I am not in government. You play by the rules of the game, or you get out and go someplace else.

  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 09:28 AM)
    Of course..


    They "yea" for Walgreens is because they didn't fight for them, like the pharmacists thought they would. It's not an automatic suspension.

    I doubt potential employees would be so forthcoming.. "Oh.. FYI.. if I don't agree with a script. I aint fillin' it.. When should I start..?"


    Good point, I guess as long as they weed them out as soon as it becomes evident that they will do this, that's probably the best the pharmacy can do. Yea Walgreens indeed!

  6. Shouldn't the yea be directed at Blagojevich on this one? If there was no law, do you think Walgreen would have suspended them? I'm guessing no, but it would be great if they'd just stop hiring pharmacists who would try something like this.

  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 11:57 AM)
    I dislike Fox News as much as anyone, but dude, seriously, go look at the pages Nuke referenced...4 out of the 5 are direct newswire stories from Reuters, and the 5th says at the bottom "Reuters contributed to this report".


    That stuff is actually hard news - it's a wire service story reporting actual numbers.  Doesn't matter if it comes from Fox or the World Socialist Web Site....if it's a wire service story then it's a wire service story.


    If you have a problem with Reuters for some reason let me know.


    That's a good point, I didn't notice that.


    And yes, I wasn't saying the economy is good or bad, I was just saying that using a clearly biased source as "proof" of a position isn't usually a good plan.


    Personally, I'm pretty confident that the economy is both good AND bad. Good if you're an upper-middle class or upper-crust type, bad if you're a blue-collar worker or someone in the lower middle-class. And I don't blame any level of gov't, though I do think that there are way too many easy ways for the fat to get fatter. The simple answer is supply and demand. Manufacturing workers are getting screwed, simply because the country doesn't need them as much anymore, whereas Internet Consultants, for example, are in demand, even though their job didn't even exist 10 years ago.

  8. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 09:55 AM)


    Nuke, I'm just guessing here, but I think that anyone who has a different opinion than you regarding the current administration and its effects would point to those links and say, "well, it's Fox News, of course it will say things like that."


    I mean, if someone trying to take the other side posted only transcripts from an interview on Air America, would you think it was an objective piece of evidence?

  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 06:13 AM)
    I'm shocked that the resident defender hasn't swooped in here to scold you that these are "just allegations" at this point..  :headshake



    Maybe he/she finally took my advice.

  10. You could see this coming after the fallout with Delphi. Because of union regulations, it was easier for GM to continue to make cars at plants that they didnt need, than it would have been to simply close those plants and not make those cars. Now that the unions are starting to lose ground on their ridiculous benefits coverage and other issues, GM now can shut those plants. IMO, the autoworkers union had benefits they had no right having in today's marketplace.


    On the flipside, most of GM's problems stem from simply not having any cars people wanted. They did put too many eggs in the SUV basket, but a bigger problem(and this goes for all the big 3) was that nobody wanted anything those manufacturers put out other than pickups and SUV's. They continue to shoot themselves in the foot as well. Take the Solstice -- the hottest car out there right now, to get one you have to be on a waiting list a mile long. GM finally makes a car that people are clamoring for, have extra space in various plants to make them, and instead completely under-estimate demand and can only put out 30,000? or so a year, when they could easily have doubled it.


    Daimler-Chrysler's the only one that gets it, and they also have a huge interest in the SmartCar company, which i believe is already selling in California and Florida.

  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 12:09 PM)
    I know.. I really wasn't looking for it to be answered. Ya know when you are just so baffled by something that you just say "why.. how.. can it be...." over and over again.. ? That's how I feel about this..



    LOL, I hear ya. When I read this type of stuff it really enforces my decision to go atheist.

  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 12:01 PM)
    I just don't understand it. Why, why, why... would the church NOT want to have these sicko's prosecuted and put away.



    Because when it's revealed just how many priests were involved, and how the diocese hid the violations, it's going to make the L.A. church look REEEEAAALLL bad.

  13. Woman Plans to Marry Man Who Shot Her


    By Associated Press

    Published November 16, 2005, 5:36 AM CST



    SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. -- A woman says she still plans to marry the man who shot her in the groin and then held her hostage in his family's garage for six days.


    Tina Marie Stebbins revealed her intentions in a letter released Monday as her boyfriend, Christian Leroy Lindblad, 37, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for shooting her in June 2002.


    "I love Christian today as deeply as I loved him before this awful thing happened to us," Stebbins wrote in a victim impact statement. "We are soul mates."


    She added: "I want to tell you all that I have forgiven Christian. And I pray that Christian has forgiven me for failing him when he needed me most."


    Lindblad and his parents tried to cover up the shooting by treating Stebbins with home remedies, according to a San Bernardino County Sheriff's report. They also threatened her young sons and her family, the report said.


    Critically wounded, Stebbins was airlifted to a hospital after Lindblad mentioned the incident to a family friend who was a firefighter.


    Lindblad pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted murder as his trial was about to begin in early October. He has said the shooting was an accident.


    His father, Robert Leroy Lindblad, 72, pleaded guilty in 2003 to being an accessory and was sentenced to three years in prison. His mother, Shirley Royann Samantha Lindblad, 62, was sentenced to three years probation after pleading guilty to the same charge.

  14. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:20 PM)



    Hey!, If we can solve any problem

    Then why do we lose so many tears

    Oh, and so you go again

    When the leading man appears

    Always the same thing

    Can't you see, we've got everything goin' on and on and on


    Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you

    Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you


    Go on and go free, yeah

    Maybe you're too close to see

    I can feel your body move

    It doesn't mean that much to me

    I can't go on sayin' the same thing


    Just can't you see, we've got everything do you even know




    Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you, oh

    Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you


    I can't go on sayin' the same thing

    'Cause baby, can't you see, we've got everything goin' on


    On and on


    Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you

    Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you



    Quoting Paul Young should be grounds for immediate __________.

  15. I dont know why you people continue to argue with ___. It's obvious that_____, pompous ass that he/she is, considers him/herself to be all-knowing and infallible. Therefore, trying to debate anything with an arrogant windbag like _____ is pretty pointless, no?


    If I can learn that, believe me, anyone can!

  16. Yah, and this article doesn't even get into the SmartCar or the Tango. Dealers can't give away late model used SUV's or trucks. If anyone's interested in buying any kind of car, but especially used, now's a great time to do it -- dealers are HURTING all across the country.

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