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Posts posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(Hatchetman @ Dec 29, 2007 -> 06:14 AM)
    Cobb sliding into third is a thing of beauty. Ott was helped immensely by playing in the Polo Grounds.

    No question. Ott did the clever thing, and adapted his game to his home park. Look at that swing -- dead pull, committing very early on the pitch. It was 257 down the line (both lines, actually) at the Polo Grounds and about 475 to straightaway center, and Ott knew how to keep the checks coming. Pull it and kill it.


    You know what sport was never played in the Polo Grounds? Polo.

  2. Anthony Bourdain:


    "People have differing opinions on what we should do about immigration in the future. How open or how closed our borders should be. Fine. But let's be honest, at least, about who is cooking in America NOW. Who we rely on--have relied on for decades. The bald fact is that the entire restaurant industry in America would close down overnight, would never recover, if current immigration laws were enforced quickly and thoroughly across the board. Everyone in the industry knows this. It is undeniable. Illegal labor is the backbone of the service and hospitality industry--Mexican, Salvadoran and Ecuadoran in particular. To contemplate actually doing without is to contemplate mass closings, a general shake-out of individually owned and operated restaurants--and, of course, unthinkably (now) higher prices in the places that manage to survive. Considering that our economy and employment picture is now largely based on us selling hamburgers to each other, the ripple effects would be grave. I know very few chefs who've even heard of a US born citizen coming in the door to ask for a dishwasher, night clean-up or kitchen prep job. Until that happens--let's at least try to be honest when discussing this issue."


    I think he overstates the danger, but in most big cities, he probably isn't far off.

  3. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 28, 2007 -> 11:37 AM)
    Aren't a good percentage of Mexicans catholic? (I know in Joliet it's the case) Catholics aren't supposed to use birth control or participate in planned parenthood. I wouldn't be surprised, as always, it involves religion.


    True, plus reproduction is a biological imperative.


    Alpha, I know where you're coming from, and I agree with you that people shouldn't have kids they can't afford, but it happens, and will continue to, for many reasons we cannot or refuse to deal with.


  4. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 10:27 PM)
    Rich Rodriguez has told all current Michigan assistants they will not be retained. Word is some may actually be re-hired, but there is no guarantee.


    Gotta be a strange time in Ann Arbor. This move has to make recruiting, including the current commits, very dicey. Yet, the old staff, including Coach Carr are still there coaching the team through the Capitol One Bowl.


    I guess nothing is ever smooth when you hire an outside coach, but this seems a bit off from the norm to me. We shall see if the current commits overreact and start to jump or if his new staff can re-recruit them quickly enough to not lose which seemed to be a pretty strong group.

    I think you can be reasonably certain that most of those coaches knew that they wouldn't be back. That's life as an assistant.

  5. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 18, 2007 -> 09:14 AM)
    That's why the next step needs to be better testing with near-zero advance notice.


    Do you think that no rule or law should ever be enforced unless there is a 100% airtight perfect enforcement solution available?

    As I stated in the general Mitchell Report thread, a bona fide testing regimen should be the best thing to emerge from the report. Not run by MLB or the MLBPA, but by an \outside company.


    If you are an Olympic-class athlete in many sports, you are subject to out-of-competition testing 365 days a year. That's what should happen in baseball.


    I'll freely admit that I'm not exactly holding my breath at the prospect, though.

  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 17, 2007 -> 12:00 PM)
    I was shocked when I heard this on the radio this morning. Only 56?!? Very sad.


    First Ike, Now Fogelberg. Who's going to be "lucky" number three?

    Well, I am going to be wearing my Devin Hester jersey at the Metrodome tonight...

  7. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 05:54 PM)
    Both are off of hearsay technically. Again, if Roger steroid/hgh use isn't true, why hasn't a lawsuit even been mentioned yet?

    Probably because Roger's legal team knows that they have an extremely slim chance of prevailing in a defamation suit.

  8. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 01:38 PM)
    I agree that would be good, but, still leaves the HGH hole. Need to come up with a plan on how to address that. Still requires a blood test, I think.


    Well, you dictate that any missed test is considered a positive. So you visit a player and ask him to come to a hospital lab that's affiliated with the testing authority, If he refuses, that's 50 days (or more, depending what new punishment is negotiated).


    I think it's ridiculous that the sports leagues run their own drug testing programs.


  9. Sorry if I missed this, but I think that the most important thing to come out of this report (if MLB and MLBPA implement it) is an independent testing authority. If they have the right to randomly test at any time of the year and do it, it will be a great benefit, and the benefit may leak into other USA based sports, such as football.


    I sincerely hope that this gets done without Congress having to step in again. Whether Don Fehr will allow it, I don't know.

  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 11:22 AM)
    You know, whoever the heck it was around here :) that used to say "they all do it" may have been on to something after all.

    ...or maybe he's just on something?

  11. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Dec 11, 2007 -> 02:32 PM)
    Go see a magic show then. Someone like a David Copperfield is just as impressive as them, and he's on stage.


    I saw Penn and Teller about 10 years ago and it was great. As my roommate said after one of the tricks (that involved rolling giant dice down the aisles of the theater) "They could have walked a moose across the stage right now and nobody would be the wiser."


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