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Adam G

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Posts posted by Adam G

  1. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 10:45 AM)
    Doesn't even know how to spell Shingo.


    I just don't like the guy and every opportunity I get to point out one of his errors, I will do so.

    I dont know who the guy is, but I know you're calling out his spelling of Japanese names and you made three errors in your thread title alone. You know what they say about people who live in glass houses. :bang

  2. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 29, 2006 -> 02:57 PM)
    No one is suggesting Frank is a saint.  But his play has never suggested anything but a player who rises to the occasion with run scoring & producing situations.  He has exhibited anything but selfish play on the field.

    One of the writers (forget who, it was a while ago) said he was totally obsessed with his personal statistics. The implication was that while his efforts helped the team, he was really motivated to bum his own numbers.

  3. QUOTE(Swivelhips @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 06:34 PM)
    I quess the question must be asked, whos the bigger health risk?

    Clearly that's Thomas. He's only played "full seasons" in two of the last five, he's 38 years old, and while he can still hit the long ball, his average nose dived after the 2000 season and has shown no signs of coming back. Thome had serious injury problems last year and last year alone, so he's shown much more durability throughout his career than Thomas has, and that's not even mentioning the fact that he's three years younger as well.


    And let's not forget that Thome is a lefty who has thrived at the Cell throughout his career. A lot of us (myself included) would like to think that Thomas is a still reliable .320/35/120 guy, but he's clearly not. Furthermore, Thome is capable of spelling Konerko at first from time to time while Thomas is not. Kenny made the right decision.

    and to follow up, whos contract $'s was worth that risk?


    What do you all think? :huh

    Yes, I do think it's worth the risk. $7 m/year over 3 years for a guy of Thome's ability is cheap. Thomas is cheaper, but there's a reason why all of baseball wasnt chasing him this offseason.

  4. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 04:04 PM)
    Well one thing you have to keep in mind is Contreras actually pitched well in the first half too just didnt get the run support and wasnt as dominant as he was in the 2nd half....

    I sat through three of his starts in the first half, the dude is the master of the 40 pitch first inning. :bang


    He's always had a low opponents' batting average, but that's because he was typically all over the place with his control. Jose used to beat himself, he did that less in the second half last year.

  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 19, 2006 -> 12:53 PM)
    Today they aren't... but who knows how things will be in 15, 20, 30, 40 years. This is his last chance to make the bucks. He's not crying the "Spreewell Cry". I think his requests are fair and in line with the market.

    Let's not confuse "fair" with "what the MLB free agent market will bear." :) The two are pretty much mutually exclusive.

  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 19, 2006 -> 11:54 AM)
    Out of curiousity how much money do you think it would take for you to support your entire family for the rest of their lives? 

    If I decided that I was going to sit on my ass and not work another day the rest of my life once I hit the age of 40? I dont know, but $1-2 million properly invested should be more than enough. A lot is going to depend on what kind of lifestyle he's become accustomed to.


    I dont dispute that he wants to rake in the bucks now seeing as how he's going to be old and busted once this next contract is up, but the whole sense of urgency that some of us attach to his contract situation gets on my nerves. It's his last chance to live a life of privileged leisure that probably no one on this board will ever get to experience even for a day, excuse me while I shed a tear for Jose.

  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 19, 2006 -> 10:49 AM)
    This is Contreras's last chance for a big contract in his life.  He HAS to make this one count as this is it. 

    We're being a weeee bit dramatic, arent we? The man makes $8 million a year, his family isnt out panhandling for food or anything.

  8. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 07:36 PM)
    Dude, referencing BP for your argument, than arguing a player's defensive value is in "errors" is like being a SUV driving vegan: it's bonkers.

    Heck, Carlos Lee didnt make an error all 2004, he must be infinitely better than Abreu.

  9. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 11:05 PM)
    He is trying to say that Billy Beane has no credibility, and therefore, we should all be skeptical of anything that he says, including his comments in regards to one Miguel Tejada. 

    So it's an ad hominem, not anyone saying that Tejada does not, in fact, swing at every pitch he sees.


    I dont really know one way or the other, just reporting what I read.

  10. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 07:03 PM)
    I've read Moneyball. Where's the chapter about their playoff series victory, again? I may have missed it.


    Since he's a genius, and obviously his methods have produced a World Series champion, we shouldn't touch Tejada. WWBD should be a braclet worn on the wrist of every GM.

    What does that have to do with Tejada swinging at every pitch he sees?

  11. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 05:10 PM)
    Tejada swings at everything?  83 K's in 654 ABs?  You must be thinking of someone else, like Richie Sexson.

    Ever read Moneyball? Beane used to call him Mr. Swing At Everything. He hated Tejada. He swings at everything, but he doesnt miss too often. The count doesnt get worked very much with him at the plate.

  12. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 04:47 PM)
    If the trade goes down, where would Tejada bat in the order?  3rd? 











    We still wouldnt have a #2 hitter. Ozzie wants to move Iguchi down in the order and Tejada swings at everything, so he wouldnt be good there either. It'd be nice if Anderson showed enough ability to move the runner over consistently, but it'll probably be Gooch again if we pick up Tejada.

  13. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 04:17 PM)
    They both are sponsored by Old Spice, so that may be why.


    I think that Count, Uribe, Sweeney, and a pitching prospect for Tejada alone would be a huge win for the O's, and a loss for the Sox.  The O's could let Count walk after 2006 and would have a lot of salary flexibility and still have Uribe for cheap, Sweeney, and a pitching prospect.  The Sox would only have Tejada, but that is still huge just not enough. 

    We'd have a huge upgrade at shortstop and we'd be moving a rent a player, because we're not going to give him a multiyear deal at $11-12 million per. I'd say that it's probably even money whether McCarthy has better numbers than Contreras next year, if given a regular spot in the rotation.


    And lets not forget that the prospects we trade tend not to pan out. All you really get when you trade for a prospect is a lottery ticket.

    If the O's gave up a couple of million or a reliever, it would make it very interesting.

    That would definitely help.

  14. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 02:37 PM)
    *submits vote to rename thread Rock vs. Adam G.....Prior or count and how to win a message board arguement*

    Nah, it's done now.


    2006 will be a very telling year for Contreras and Prior...Jose might revert to pre All Star break 2005 form and Prior might get injured yet again. If those happen, they both need to be shipped out of town ASAP.

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