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The Ginger Kid

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Posts posted by The Ginger Kid

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 19, 2016 -> 10:21 AM)
    If the white sox weren't willing to pony up for what it takes for this roster to be competitive in the next 2 years then why did they trade for 2 different guys who are free agents in 2 years?

    If they don't make this move then my guess is that they don't agree with your assumption that it is NOT a competitive lineup w/o an upgrade in RF.

  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 4, 2016 -> 01:11 PM)
    Jim Bowden ‏@JimBowden_ESPN 15m15 minutes ago

    To clarify my last tweet I was asked what I thought the Angels should do and i was just giving my opinion that I would sign Upton &Kendrick

    A friend of mine who covers the Angels for FSW is also hearing Upton, fwiw.

  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 18, 2014 -> 10:16 PM)
    If not for Dybber, Sox win World Series that one year. Hoyt would have pitched deciding game of ALCS and he was unstoppable that year, simply unstoppable. Dybber cost the Sox gold rings. Worst baserunning blunder perhaps in Chicago history.

    not to mention his failure to get a decent bunt down. I still have no idea wtf he was thinking running through the bag at 2b.

  4. QUOTE (Thad Bosley @ Dec 18, 2014 -> 09:31 PM)
    Thanks! A great trip down memory lane, particularly getting, once again, to hear #53, Don Drsydale, calling the play-by-play, alongside his color analyst at the time, the One, the Only, Ken "Hawk" Harrelson. Double D and Hawk were a terrific broadcasting duo together, and would have been far more popular in Chicago had they not been the pair to replace Harry Caray and Jimmy Piersall. And, of course, had they not been buried on Sportsvision, the Reinsdorf/Einhorn brainchild that...well, a story for another day.

    That was my problem with them. Which of course is not fair at all. Took me awhile to warm up to Hawk.

  5. I'd be curious to see what would happen if you developed a genuine superstar the likes of A-Rod, Jeter, Trout or Harper on the club. A nationally recognized superstar. Pair that with a WS championship and the Sox could give them a run. But not right now. The cubs have an exciting young team. And at the end of the day, that's actually good for the game. Who knows, if they were a s*** team maybe the Sox aren't as aggressive.



  6. Props to Rick for making moves that have people even talking about being in contention. It's clear they gave consideration to the alternatives of rebuilding and opted to instead make a push for immediate success. Makes sense when you think about it.

  7. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 16, 2015 -> 11:11 AM)
    My reaction was what is next? I am no prospect lover, but they have to keep going if they are trying to win. They cannot stop here, or they lose the trade. If they do and fall short, whether you love Trayce, Micah, and Montas, hate them or are indifferent, it makes no sense to trade them for a guy who will be around 2 years, if you are going to be a .500 or so team. You need to do whatever you can to get into the playoffs. Now it is about spending some money. Spend it JR. Get the guy that will take you over the top, and melt the doom and gloomers like the Wicked Witch of the West. Then it is a huge White Sox win.

    well said

  8. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 11, 2015 -> 09:56 AM)
    Not really. Brian Anderson deserved every shot he could get. He raked in the minors, played elite defense in CF, was widely regarded as a top prospect, and deserved an extended shot.


    Hopefully Thompson is the inverse of Anderson and steps up his offensive game from the transition. He has the talent and potential to do so and also as the ability to be an elite defender. Of course I've always loved Trayce. I'd also say their is a good shot we see serious regression, but his defensive value alone (along with his ability to hit for some pop) help him, especially if you have him in centerfield (and his defensive proves to truly be elite).

    Do you ever wonder if there was something else going on with Anderson? Personal "demons" type stuff, w/o getting into specifics...

  9. It's like that Future Sox article alluded to -- if you have a plan you stick to it. I don't see how trading away key prospects at this point furthers the goal of building a winning team from within. Filling a gaping hole at 3B is important since development has failed to fill it, but the Sox shouldn't get trade happy IMO.

  10. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 03:40 PM)
    Lol, not that I'm doubting you it's just a White Sox move to throw money at those two for maybe enough of an offensive upgrade to finish at .500

    I agree. Sounds like they're counting on a big turnaround from the current roster which sounds good but I will believe it when I see it. But since they have to fill the hole at 3B I figured they'd be smart enough not to trade away top prospects and just slide Saladino over to SS.

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