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The Ginger Kid

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Posts posted by The Ginger Kid

  1. Great write up, very thought provoking. Here's my favorite point: "Again, inconsistent with the narrative," written in regards to Hahn's moves last winter the cost the team valuable draft picks while pumping a placebo into a dying team.


    The narrative from the front office, the 5-year plan (or is it the 3-year plan?), the "Braves" strategy, etc., they all sound great. But these deviations come back to haunt them. I've never thought the Sox cheap and I'm surprised others do. You did a good job of dispelling that notion. I've just thought them lacking direction. And for that I blame the loyalty the owner has shown the man who makes the key decisions. And that notion hasn't been dispelled.


    But I'm glad you illuminated the valid points of progress and Hostetler gives me a lot of hope (liked that interview, too, btw). Let's hope the commitment they've shown him lasts. I'd rather model the Sox after the Cards, but the Braves aren't bad either.





  2. He's definitely one that I really wanted to succeed and take his place among the all-time favorites. I had him pegged as the face of the franchise for years to come. Shame it didn't work out but it certainly wasn't for a lack of effort on either Gordon's part or the Sox.

  3. 6 years ago I was given an authentic white sox jacket for Christmas by my boss at work. For some reason he assumed I wor XXL when I'm an XL. I tried to wear this jacket a couple of times but it's just too damn big. So it's sat in my closet all these years and it's time someone got some use out of it.


    The closest picture I could find on google was this:





    It's an insulated jacket that retailed for over $200 on Sox site. Pay me shipping through venmo and its yours. Like I said, I've worn it twice! It's in mint condition. Why am I hard selling this thing?


    Anyway, let me know. First come first serve. Unless you're on my blocked list :o

  4. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Nov 25, 2015 -> 08:56 AM)
    If platooned properly, I think the combo of Flowers and Avila has a shot of putting up a 2.5 to 3.0 fWAR. For a combined $6.5 or so that's not too bad.


    Flowers has .751 and .732 OPS against LHP the last two years and Avila had a .720 and .767 OPS against RHP in 2014 and 2013 (I'm discounting his 2015 due to injuries but for the record he was .666 in 2015). Avila is a good defensive catcher and Flowers is solid. I would definitely take solid defense and a low .700s OPS from our catchers. I am actually okay with our catching situation now and think it's time to move on to much more pressing needs.

    I just don't think tyler flowers is a solid defensive catcher. I think this "framing" stat is way overblown and falsely assumes some sort of presaging of an umpire's call. But that aside, he's not good at balls in the dirt. At all. His lateral movement is terrible and you can bet that if there's a runner on 3rd against the Sox the batter can pretty confidently be sitting fastball with Flowers behind the plate. But if we're just talking Avila vs Soto, then it's really just a wash. Alex hasn't been the same since he started battling concussion symptoms and I'll assume he's going to be banged up by the time he leaves Glendale.

  5. We don't need fixing. We're the team that gave the sports universe Kiss Him Goodbye....


    The song is often used as a sports chant aimed toward a losing team, popularized in particular by stadium organist Nancy Faust at home games of baseball's Chicago White Sox, and is often chanted in WWE events whenever a performer or authority figure is fired, or an unpopular politician is defeated.


    ...and resurrected Don't Stop Believin' as a sports anthem....


    The song has been a rallying cry for a multitude of sports teams, first by the Chicago White Sox in their successful run to the 2005 World Series, when catcher A. J. Pierzynski and teammates heard the song being sung in a bar in Baltimore.


    How can we not win?

  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 12, 2015 -> 02:30 PM)
    Pitch recognition is one of two key problems for him as a hitter, though. It's also his swing plane - he slices down on nearly everything, and when he does try to loft he tops it. Both need fixing. And none of that addresses his defense of course.


    I don't see him putting it together. I hope I'm wrong. But for me, if he can be optioned down to AAA, I do it. If he can't, I see if he can bring back something in trade.

    I disagree and think he has made strides. He went on some really nice tears last season and for a stretch was leading the team in hitting. Love his work ethic and believe he's going to be a stud.

  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 11, 2015 -> 11:43 PM)
    I'd be all for trading 2-3 of our lefties and bringing Mark back. Or like I said make Danks a lefty reliever. Teams with four lefty starters DO NOT win pennants.

    What would it take to bring Timo back?

  8. I know this thread is dead but I wanted to add that Mark Parent is the only Sox coach I've seen get pissed off at a player on the practice field, and I've seen it more than once in Glendale. He's a fiery guy and I even saw him lose his temper in the dugout when the Sox made some errors or other boneheaded mistakes. Does that make him a good coach or manager? No. But you at least knew this guy didn't like what he saw and let you know it.

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