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The Human Borch

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Posts posted by The Human Borch

  1. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 05:05 PM)
    THUNDERSTRUCK, not thundersticks.  you know that song, by AC/DC, that they play before every game??? 


    Or did you not attend any? :bang


    :lolhitting I love Thunderstruck! Gets me pumped up before every game, its gonna be awesome getting to watch the sox again in just one week.

  2. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 04:35 PM)
    :crying  :crying  :crying


    I have no problem with people jumping on the bandwagon, driving out to the cell, filling the park, and getting are payroll UP UP UP.


    No problem.


    I understand this point of view because I'd much rather see the Cell filled up than seeing an ocean of empty seats. All I'm trying to say is I'd rather see loyal fans filling up those seats than people who didn't care about the Chicago White Sox until October of 2005.

  3. QUOTE(SouthsideBlitz @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 04:31 PM)
    I'm with you buddy, I was in school and some Cubs prick was mouthing off about their team, so some kid walks in with a Konerko jersey on and is like are you making fun of my Chicago Champs, so these nerd baits argued for some. Not knowing s*** so then I asked the so called sox fan to name 5 sox players on these year's team ... His reply ...




    3) Umm some other dudes


    I nearly lost it right there, sorry for talking on and on but that got me very pissed off.




    What a dumbass. I hate people like that, people who are fans of a team because of the star player. For example, people who are fans of the atlanta falcons because of Michael Vick, the list goes on and on.

  4. If we turn into "Wrigley South" I will be so pissed off. I'm tired of bandwagon fans, they know nothing about the team except a star player and the fact that they are winning games. The fact that bandwagon fans take seats from people who get the MLB package on TV just to watch the sox play is ridiculous. Plus, people like this are exactly what could turn the Cell into a place like Wrigley. So these idiots better not turn us into exactly what we hate. :fight

  5. I was in Chicago recently and driving by the Cell I could see a little bit of the green seats, and judging by what I saw they look great. I know there was a thread on this a while back, but I was wondering if anybody has some pics of the progress so I can see what is going on up close. Thanks. :gosox1:

  6. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Mar 11, 2006 -> 10:10 PM)
    I believe Dr. Dre popularized the Sox 'tilted brim look circa 1992.  No doubt the Sox baseball cap (and baseball caps in general) have a certain popularity among the hip-hop generation--that is great.


    I've been looking for a picture of Dr. Dre in a white sox hat for a long time. So if anyone could find one that would be great.

  7. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 08:16 PM)
    Ok so I was bored the other day, and figured out something pretty cool on Google Earth.  Obviously, you can zoom in on anywhere using it (including The Cell) but what I figured out is that you can do direct line measurements in feet.  So I tried this out, doing it twice to assure accuracy (yeah I was really bored lol).  I did my own measurements of the outfield dimensions at the stadium using google earth, with a line starting right at home plate and going out to the walls.  I can say that using zoom capabilities, angles, and getting the same numbers doing this twice, these measurements are about 99.9 percent accurate.  Here is what I came up with (all numbers are rounded within half a foot, ex 325.71 feet=326 feet or 395.17 feet=395 feet.)


    Left Field Pole=326 feet (marked as 330 feet on official website)

    Left Center Field Gap=369 feet (marked as 377 feet on official website)

    Straight Away Center=395 feet (marked as 400 feet on official website)

    Right Center Field Gap=373 feet (marked as 372 feet on official website)

    Right Field Pole=330 feet (marked as 330 feet on official website)


    Also of note, the deepest part of the yard are the 2 crevices (for lack of a better term) that are just to the left and right of straight away center, marking between 396.1 feet (left side) and 396.3 feet (right side). 


    The area from the right field foul pole to where the bullpen bar/patio turns to bullpen is all between 330 and 345 feet (very favorable) but once the bullpen starts, the wall jettisons out pretty quickly to the 373 feet at the RC marking just past where the bullpen ends, and then again at a more modest rate to the 396 at the right side crevice.


    The area from the left field foul pole to the Comcast sign is between 326 feet and 348 feet, before jettisoning out pretty quickly to 369 at the LC marking in the midst of the retired players, and then again at a more modest rate to the 396 mark at the left side crevice.


    So what does this all mean besides I have too much free time (although I only needed about 15 or 20 mins to do this)?  Not a lot, as the measurements I came up with are pretty close to what are marked.  But it shows the markings are deceiving, as other than certain parts of the wall which quickly jettison so that the markings are accurate, the park has VERY VERY favorable home run distances. 


    Also, IMO left field is a bit more favorable for home runs as it has slightly more favorable dimensions overall, and also IMO the fundementals deck blocks some swirling winds, allowing a more true flight of the ball to the favorable dimensions.  Ok I'm done now, feel free to call me a nerd and such but I thought this was pretty fun.



    :huh: Thats pretty interesting research, but wow. You sure do have a lot of time on your hands.

  8. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 02:46 PM)
    True, but just look at who led the league. Gooch himself. As much as I want to see him free-swinging, he was invaluable in the #2 hole.

    Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

    I am so damn excited about this year. So excited that I am actually a little scared about a flop.


    I'm really excited too and I agree, I'm scared we're gonna flop on that Sunday Night opener and I'm gonna be pissed off. Anyways, I never saw those stats and I didn't realize Uribe had all those productive outs. I was excited about this move in the first place, now I'm ecstatic. If all works out well this season, we should have a real shot at repeating. I still got my fingers crossed. :cheers

  9. Its good to hear this about Crede.I've been looking forward to trying to get a deal done with him ad hopefully Bora$$ doesn't get in the way. If Crede is really healthy, hopefully he can hit arount the .270-.280 range and have about 20-25 hrs. :gosox3:

  10. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Oct 29, 2005 -> 09:10 AM)
    My standards have definately been raised for the guy.  I hope he keeps his hair long and his facial hair as long as he's on our side. :gosox1:


    Yeah, Joe is dominant with facial hair. Hopefully he will continue developing into the player we all expected hiim to be. :cheers

  11. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 07:20 PM)
    leave it blank my friend.


    You can't go wrong with that! The two easiest ways are leaving it blank, or having a name that will always be known as a White Sox (Minnie Minoso, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio, Big Hurt, etc.) I have my jersey blank.

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