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Posts posted by NorthSideSox72

  1. 3 hours ago, TaylorStSox said:

    I really agree with this, but if Sweeney were a prospect today, I'd still rank him highly. You can't teach that swing. I'm still pretty shocked he busted.

    Sweeney didn't exactly bust either. He did OK for a bit in the majors before fading. The power never showed up and he wasn't able to stick as a full-timer in CF, both of which are risks with Rutherford too. Which gives you a sort of healthy, high-probability floor for Rutherford - effective 4th OF. If he can play CF more often and/or convert more power to games, the stock goes up.


  2. 1 hour ago, brett05 said:

    It's absolutely a possibility.  It's a deterrent.

    We are talking deterrent effect? OK... You think tens of millions of people would kill other people if they knew citizens were unarmed (which most are today anyway)? Again, you think, say, 10% of the population are only kept from murdering others by the fact that the other might be armed? It's not, ya know, the fact that they'd go to jail? Or that it's morally wrong?

  3. 2 hours ago, brett05 said:

    I never said provable.

    I used a stat from the government, a supposedly unbiased source.

    The only thing we can say with confidence is that there are lives saved, how many is debatable, it could be thousands it could be tens of millions

    tens of millions? Come on man, in a country of 300 million people, you think 10% or more are saved every year by guns? You can't possibly believe that silliness.


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  4. 28 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    More often they are true and buried with the offenders walking away scot-free.

    Exactly. To believe otherwise is to believe most people would flippantly throw away their careers and put a giant target on their back for others to hit. That just doesn't make any sense.


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  5. 14 minutes ago, brett05 said:

    I agree, but again if you take the low number more lives are saved than lost by a multitude margin.

    This is untrue because it is non-provable. You are assuming that all incidents involving a gun used in self defense saved a life. Clearly that won't be true - it will be some portion of it. And the part that is non-provable is that there is no way to know which ones. 80%? 10%? 50%? One would literally have to study each incident in detail, and even then still make assumptions. It isn't possible.

    The only thing we can say with confidence is that it is a fraction of what you re using here as a measure, that "DGU".


  6. 7 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

    It is a criticism of the structure of the Senate itself. The outcome shown above was entirely predictable, and some people (myself included) think it's a bad thing. It's the same old "Wyoming Senator represents 200,000 people, California Senator represents 20,000,000 people" criticism of the Senate. "Two senators for every state" is a bad model and the huge disparities in what Americans actually vote for and what they actually get from the federal government drives that home. No other national government in the world follows that model. No US state government follows that model and in fact they're prohibited from doing so. It's a bad, broken system based on a centuries' old compromise with slave power. It's beating a dead horse though because the only realistic way to "fix" it is PR/DC statehood.


    Wait, so your problem is that there are two Senators per state? Really? That's by design and a key to making sure the states have some power. You are suggesting a unicameral legislature?

    Look I'm 100% for getting rid of the Electoral College for Presidential voting because the President is by nature a single national position. State power should be irrelevant in that particular equation. But by suggesting the states have no leverage in he legislative branch, which is by nature representative, I don't get that at all. It is most certainly not a flaw, in fact I'd call it a feature.


    4 minutes ago, GoSox05 said:

    56,350 people voted for Art Jones last night.  I just don't know what to even say on that.


    Almost all of which were, I'd bet, party line voters who were not even aware the dude is a literall Nazi. In other words, lazy and uninformed.


  7. So in the end, this went about the way it's looked like it would for the last couple months. Dems take the house, probably a +/- 20 seat majority. GOP holds the Senate and adds 2-3 seats. Dems make pretty big ground on governor chairs (and I'd assume probably state legislatures but haven't checked those). No way around the fact that this is a pretty big win for the Dems. One can argue how much of a "wave" it really was, but it's a good win for sure, overall.

    I personally am very interested in where the governor and state legislatures end up, because of redistricting, particularly in states with more than 2 or 3 districts. Anyone know a good place to look up all those state-level results?

    7 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

    Why? It's a criticism of the deeply anti-democratic (small d) nature of the Senate.

    This is not the case. The Dems were given a situation where they had hardly any map to work with for the Senate. The GOP had 42 seats that weren't even up for election, for one thing. For another thing, many of the competitive seats were in states like TX, ND, IN... deep red states by nature. The Dems losing three seats was not only predictable, it was also in no way associated with some sort of Senate model flaw. It's just the cycle. Next cycle the picture will be very different going in.


  8. 1 minute ago, Eminor3rd said:

    Well, ok, I guess I should qualify more. These are all guys who have gained velocity moving into a relief role, right? I’m talking about adding velo to a starter via Driveline-style strength trading and kinetic chain work, like the aforementioned Beuhler or nearly every Yankees prospect. 

    The only one who gained velo by moving to relief is Fry. The rest are still in the same roles.

    ETA: Also Thompson, sort of.

  9. On 11/2/2018 at 12:49 PM, southsider2k5 said:

    We just did it with Dylan Covey, didn't we?


    On 11/2/2018 at 1:05 PM, Eminor3rd said:

    Did we? If so, that’s a good sign. I was under the impression that we helped go add horizontal movement to the fastball, but I knew basically nothing about him before he was called up to us, let alone before we acquired him, so I could be wrong. 

    Jimmy Lambert went from 90-91 to 93-95, T96 last year. Mechanical changes and adding strength.

    Tyler Johnson bumped up a couple ticks with some delivery changes, now he's brushing 99 here and there.

    Zach Thompson had lost some velo, then regained it this year (a number of other pitchers fall in this category).

    Ian Hamilton was topping 95 maybe 96 in college and up through A-ball, he can hit 98/99 now and sits mid-to-upper 90s.

    Aaron Bummer was throwing HIGH EIGHTIES for most of college, then low 90's as a senior, then after TJS in Sox system jumped to mid-upper 90s.

    Jace Fry is throwing harder now than he did as a starter, though that may be a role change more than anything.

    Blake Battenfield added 2-3 ticks last year, though admittedly he's still not really much of a prospect.

    I'm sure there are others but those are a few examples I know of for prospects adding velo with the Sox.


  10. 13 minutes ago, lostfan said:

    I'm curious to know how many votes the Nazi running against Dan Lipinski gets. He will almost certainly lose big, but he should be getting *zero* votes.

    Some people just vote one-party all the way down. And won't even realize he's an actual Nazi. There are some very uninformed people out there.

    Plus there will be a few percent of people who see that as a feature, sadly.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

    The governor race in Illinois is going to keep me from voting.....I voted for Trump because i disliked Hillary, don't regret as I really detested Hillary but I am not going to do it again....I actually like Rauner in theory but his execution was terrible.

    The fact that the democratic constituents felt that JB was the best candidate is unsetteling to me.

    I believe that 60% of the population is rather uninformed or stupid and vote for whoever they are told to vote for.

    I live in Chicago and every politician other than US Senate, mayor and President of the United States that I would vote for was either handed their position or won simply because it was their time and they were a good solider for the Democratic party.  That is why Chicago/Cook and then Illinois are all f***ed.   

    Honestly, having nothing to do with party... are you saying that the fact that one race has two bad candidates (happens too often sadly), you aren't going to vote for anything at all? That makes me sad. Go vote! Pick a 3rd party or whatever. Don't let that 60% use the power of your vote that you gave up!


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  12. Sounds like we will start seeing results around 5pm CT as the first polls close.

    Polling seems to be that the Dems very likely take the US House, and the GOP very likely holds the Senate. Dems probably make some ground on governors and state legislatures generally (this is key for 2020 redistricting).

    In Illinois, JB has a wide lead on Rauner.

    My favorite part of voting in the Chicago area each year is voting for the Green Party candidates for the Water Reclamation District. They don't have control over budget levels, just what to do with it. I would never vote Green for any other office, but really, if what you are looking for is who manages how your water is handled, who wouldn't want Green? lol


  13. 1 hour ago, Sox Fan In Husker Land said:

    Just my opinion, but he only has 140 PA at A+. He needs to start at Winston-Salem. 

    Rutherford, Basabe, Call, & Booker should start at Birmingham. 

    Luis Gonzalez, Luis Robert,  & Micker Adolfo should start at Winston-Salem. That would be a fun outfield to follow. 

    Luis Gonzalez should definitely be in AA. And I think I might push Basabe to AAA to relieve the pressure there for roster space.

    But I agree that Robert and Adolfo could use more seasoning in A+.


  14. Danny Dopico's first 2 AFL games combined: 1.2 IP, 4 H, 3 ER, 1 BB, 0 K

    Danny Dopico's five games after that: 8 IP, 2 H, 0 R, 4 BB, 12 K

    Dude can be filthy when he's on. Not sure if those first two games were just nerves or lack of prep (he was added to the AFL at the last minute) or if this is just more of his inconsistency, but he's got the stuff to be a major leaguer when he's got it going.


  15. 22 minutes ago, GreenSox said:

    .348 OBP in an OBP starved organization. .674 OPS.  Raked in Rookie Ball. Out hit Steele Walker.

    1. Never rely on stats from the PIO for a college player. Aaron Schnurbusch says hello.

    2. You are not seriously comparing Yurchak's full season to the NINE GAMES Walker spent in Great Falls, while recovering from injury, are you?

    3. He's a first baseman with an empty OBP - no power. While playing as a 22 year old in A-ball. He's a super-fringe to non-prospect.


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