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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxHawk1980

  1. I'm not talking about him talking about player reactions. I'm talking about the many times he says "the calls have all gone against us in this game" or "yet another bad call goes against the Sox"
  2. That's my problem with it. I have no problem with an announcer saying that he didn't like a call. Announcers don't need to be apologists for the umps. But acting like all the calls go against the Sox and that they are conspiring against the Sox just sounds like your average stupid, immature fan. I've got a 12 year old cousin who reacts to bad calls like that.
  3. Some. And I think Hawk complains about umpires more than Blyleven.
  4. Thankfully this message board gives us the option of commenting on it as well.
  5. Hawk thinks that the umpires around MLB conspire against the Sox. He's on the only MLB tv announcer who routinely not only complains about calls, but claims that the bad calls all or mostly go against his team and in favor of the other team. Another example of how craptastic Hawk is.
  6. The problem with Sox hitters going after Perez is that he's been wild both in and out of the strike zone. I think if they were more aggressive, there would be more swings and misses. I want them to be more patient and let Perez walk more batters.
  7. Maybe Mariotti will write another anti-Sox column and that will light a fire under Ozzie. Something has to wake him up.
  8. If there's nothing he can do, then what good is a manager? If there's nothing he can do, then apparently he didn't do anything last year either, and he deserves no credit for the Sox championship. Of course, in reality, there are things he can do. He did things last year that helped this team win. He's not being effective this season. I don't see him doing much at all. I see no fire, no urgency, no intensity from him. I don't see him even acting like this is unacceptable and it has to change immediately.
  9. Why is it that a Marriotti column pisses off Ozzie, but horrible, lacadaisical play and losses by his team doesn't piss him off?
  10. But Ozzie won us the championship last year. So leaving SP's in so long MUST be the right thing to do.
  11. Yup. More interested in getting Garcia a W than the Sox getting a W. Now that's good managing!
  12. FYI, the Royals are teeing off on Padilla in Texas. 6-1 in the second inning. I don't think we can count on the Royals laying down like they did earlier in the season. They are playing better. And we are playing much, much worse.
  13. He should be pissed that he didn't hit that ball that was right down main street.
  14. The problem has been Freddy throwing batting practice fastballs and all of his pitches have been very hittable, despite a good past couple of innings. And, of course, we've gotten almost no timely hitting.
  15. Well, you might get the chance to see Gload hit about .200 this weekend, replacing Konerko who is day-to-day.
  16. Come on, Pods is completely lost against lefty pitching. I have a feeling that a lefty little league pitcher would dominate him.
  17. I don't know. After he fouled a ball off of his ankle a couple innings ago, he took a long time and Ozzie and the trainer looked at him. Maybe it is hurting him.
  18. 2nd and 3rd, 1 out. What are the odds that we score a run? 5-1 against?
  19. Good point, but since you brought up age, Contreras is even older than Thome. How many more quality years do you think he has left?
  20. Sitting on his hands? He's going to be signing crazy Carl and Robbie Alomar by the end of the weekend!
  21. And sometimes the manager makes things worse (like by leaving failing starting pitchers in too long, and mishandling the bullpen). And sometimes a manager does a poor job of motivating his team to get them out of slumps. Ozzie deserves his share of the blame.
  22. I think both the players and the manager deserve the credit when they win and the blame when they lose. I gave them credit when they won it all last year. They all deserve the blame for this horrible face plant.
  23. Ozzie, what have you done for us lately. I give him a lot of credit for 2005. Thank you Ozzie. Congrats. Now, let us focus on THIS YEAR. Ozzie is not doing a good job THIS YEAR. You go ahead and give him his lifetime achievement award and use last year to alibi every mistake and failure he makes for the rest of his career. I'll hold him accountable for current actions (as it should be).
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