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Posts posted by chosk8

  1. 3rd inning observations...


    The Good:


    Daubach - great at-bat

    Crede - great at-bat

    Sandy - great inning

    Carlos - great at-bat


    The Bad:


    Everett - I'm tired of hearing about this guys great hustle. He absolutely, positively has to tag on that sliding catch in left. If he stays at the base and the left fielder misses the ball, he scores easily, and if he catches it, he easily tags from third. Terrible base running and thought process on that play.


    Colon - isn't bad, he's terrible so far.

  2. - Valentin jogging into third and getting thrown out

    - Everett slowly getting the ball in on A-Rods double in the gap

    - Everett misjudging 2 fly balls. He only played in this park for the entire first half of the season and he’s getting “bad reads”?

    - Not patient at the plate whatsoever

    - Not looking like a team that WANTS to win the division

  3. ESPN ticker just showed Michael Tucker is out 6-8 weeks with a broken leg. That foul ball he took off the leg looked very similar to the one Jermaine Dye took a year or 2 ago.

  4. Jerry just said no doubt he would have finished the 9th. Sandy, Jose said he was pushing the ball, was hurt. It was the right move


    If he leaves him in and Colon visits the dl because of it, he gets run out of town.


    JM just can't win with some of you people even when he does the right thing

    Great point, JM just can't win with some people.


    The bullpen has become a glaring concern these last few days. Hopefully tomorrows day off will help everyone. What a great series and again pulling to within a game of first place.


    Nice job White Sox!!

  5. Didn't hear about those. I knew about the G'ment employees though.

    First line of Morrissey's column in the Trib today...


    "Attendance at Tuesday night's White Sox game was boosted by 7,000 free tickets given to people who had donated blood through the Red Cross, but let's face it, if you follow the Sox, you're giving blood regularly."



    There was a lot of Armed Forces personnel at the ticket booths in the afternoon like you stated.

  6. Yes, we're still in it, but to say that we're "filling up the Cell" remains to be seen.  Selling a lot of tickets against a division rival on half-price night isn't saying much.  We'll see how many show up for today's mid-week afternoon game.  That will tell us a lot about Sox fans.  I'm predicting around 28,000.

    I'll take 28,000 for an afternoon game. And that's better than the almost 24,000 paid the night before (47 some odd thousand / half price night). As long as we hang around, people will come.

  7. I will be there Monday and Tuesday.

    This team needs to be supported, they have earned that. They also seem to get up for big games in front of big crowds ( scubs and Twinkies series). Time to pack the cell.

    40,000+ in attendance, 20,000 paid.

  8. The PTBNL in this deal is from a list of four, kind of like what Texas got.  Hendry would not speak as to names but I would think they are top flight (Cruz, Guzman, Kelton,etc.)  They have time to choose and with Guzman being injured this may be what they are waiting for.  There may also be a clause as to how Loften and Ramirez perform.


    Pit will not take Lee has he is going to arbitration.  They will also not pay any salary.  Hendry stated the cub are on the hook for the full amount of this deal.  The Sox best bet would be to give Borchard and Rauch for these two and then try to deal Kendall and take on some of his salary.  Remember Ordonez can be a Free agent after next season.  The Sox biggest problem is they have a-lot to offer (Olivo, Crede, Reed, Borchard, ) tha others do not.  The cub have a nice hype (not farm) system but do you think any team really wants David Kelton?  See Hee Sop Choi, Bobby Hill, and Juan Cruz.

    I'd take David Kelton. He's gonna be a good player.

    "Quite often, you'll read that a player has been traded to another team for "a player to be named later."


    There are two restrictions at work here. First, the transaction must be completed within six months. And second, the player named later can't have played in the same league as the team he's being traded to. That's why the player named later is almost always a minor leaguer."


    Kelton and Cruz cannot be the PTBNL, they have both played in Chicago this year. I knew about the first restriction, but was unaware of the second until recently. I did a little research when we made the Texas deal.

  9. There's always something like "geez, biddle has X amount of saves for the spos, wish we had him, nice job kenny" around here


    So easily people forget that was the Colon deal. Don't take out frustration of a bad Koch deal on the Biddle/Colon trade


    Two separate issues

    That's what i meant when i said this, i guess it wasn't clear, not a huge deal


    I just meant that people always seem really mad about biddle being gone because of Koch sucking it up, and that's not a fair assessment because they forget that we got Colon for him and Liefer and Osuna

    and colon aint doing the s*** hes capble of doing..........its gonna turn out to be a huge bust for us.......a very big disapointment all the way around..........glad our guys are doing well elsewhere and it doesnt directly effect us........well not till we see oaktown in the playoffs anyhow....if we get there that is...... ;)

    "colon aint doing the s*** hes capble of doing". Are you kidding me? You can't look at every trade in hindsight. Or did you predict he would have this record before the All-Star break? I would guess not. Not too many, if any predicted Biddle would have the success as a closer, except the Expos or I must have missed the thread "Let's make Biddle our closer" last year. Yeah, it would be great if GMs could just say to each other, "hey, this guy isn't doing what he's capable of, can we have the guys we gave you back, they're doing good now?" Some trades work out, some don't. It's the nature of the business.

    hmm funny i dont seem to recall you posting here last year when we discussed the colon trade.....i for one was not happy about it.... not because we lost rocko but because i dont like colon... never have never will.....but then again you would recall that talk wouldnt you......just as you would recall i was most likely the only one on here who dispised the lofton deal....i took alot of s*** for it and look what he got us.. absoutley nothing........one month and he was done.......i dont put alot of stock in colon because of a number of things... hes lazy, he demands things to be his own way and leaves no room for improving opinion, hes not a great clubhouse presence. , (ask his teamates)........and hes not our savior.......sure he will give ya a few complete games now and again but at what cost.......take me out cooper im tired.........its not worth arguing over cause he aint stayin anyhow........

    You're right, I wasn't a member back then, just a spectator. You can only take so much before you just have to let it out. Fact is, I am not a big fan of Colon's either, but for probably different reasons. I have a hard time rooting for a guy who has previously played for a hated rival and I do think he is lazy as well. But I understand how baseball goes and it is very rare for a player to finish his career with the team he started with. But to get a 20 game winner for what we gave up, I was happy about that. Yes, I am mad that Biddle is doing well as a closer, and that was my point that you can't look at the trades in hindsight. The Kenny Lofton signing was a good one in my book. Looking at the other options we had in center made it a no-brainer. Yeah, Kenny dropped off big time after the first month of the season, but look at what he did after he left. Makes me think it's not the players we bring in, but rather the players that are already here. The last 2 years, I have been very skeptical of all the trades and acquisitions we have made for the simple fact that the Sox uniform is apparently made of some fabric that seems to drain player of all their abilities. At the press conferences when Kenny Williams holds up the jersey the newly acquired player will be wearing I see it glowing green, like the necklace of kryptonite Lex Luther puts around Superman's neck.

  10. There's always something like "geez, biddle has X amount of saves for the spos, wish we had him, nice job kenny" around here


    So easily people forget that was the Colon deal. Don't take out frustration of a bad Koch deal on the Biddle/Colon trade


    Two separate issues

    That's what i meant when i said this, i guess it wasn't clear, not a huge deal


    I just meant that people always seem really mad about biddle being gone because of Koch sucking it up, and that's not a fair assessment because they forget that we got Colon for him and Liefer and Osuna

    and colon aint doing the s*** hes capble of doing..........its gonna turn out to be a huge bust for us.......a very big disapointment all the way around..........glad our guys are doing well elsewhere and it doesnt directly effect us........well not till we see oaktown in the playoffs anyhow....if we get there that is...... ;)

    "colon aint doing the s*** hes capble of doing". Are you kidding me? You can't look at every trade in hindsight. Or did you predict he would have this record before the All-Star break? I would guess not. Not too many, if any predicted Biddle would have the success as a closer, except the Expos or I must have missed the thread "Let's make Biddle our closer" last year. Yeah, it would be great if GMs could just say to each other, "hey, this guy isn't doing what he's capable of, can we have the guys we gave you back, they're doing good now?" Some trades work out, some don't. It's the nature of the business.

  11. For what it's worth, MLB.com radio has been saying all morning that they believe that a move in regards to Manuel will be made as early as Thursday, depending on hold they come out of the gate in the second half. Obviously, they keep stressing this is only rumor.

  12. Kansas City isn't the best team but they have a good manager and play like they want something.


    It makes a huge difference.



    I'm sorry, but I don't buy this argument. I have played for many years and have never had a manager who I played any harder for than any other manager. I've never dogged it because the manager didn't motivate me. If you are competitive, if you have the drive and desire, you show up to play everyday. You play to win.

    This team is a group of duds. In any given 4-2 game, if we have 2 guys on base, the next batter is thinking about hitting a home run regardless of what JM or Greg Walker is preaching to them. Everyone on this team wants to be a hero with the long-ball. KC has baseball players, not a group of DH's playing positions. They play all facets of the game.


    Youve played professionally? Or are you just talking about rec leagues?


    As clujer420 said, it doesn't matter, but for the record I played 4 years of college ball and a had a cup of coffee in the minors. You need to be self motivated in any competitive situation. I am in no way saying JM should not be fired, as a matter of fact that is the only logical move from here. Pro players get paid either way, playing or being benched and I think too many of our guys are either content or are just too comfortable because JM is the scapegoat. You get benched in college where there is no paycheck involved that is when you see guys fighting to get their positions back. Being benched means something there. Playing for the love of the game and playing to win.

  13. Kansas City isn't the best team but they have a good manager and play like they want something.


    It makes a huge difference.


    I'm sorry, but I don't buy this argument. I have played for many years and have never had a manager who I played any harder for than any other manager. I've never dogged it because the manager didn't motivate me. If you are competitive, if you have the drive and desire, you show up to play everyday. You play to win.

    This team is a group of duds. In any given 4-2 game, if we have 2 guys on base, the next batter is thinking about hitting a home run regardless of what JM or Greg Walker is preaching to them. Everyone on this team wants to be a hero with the long-ball. KC has baseball players, not a group of DH's playing positions. They play all facets of the game.

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