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Posts posted by ILMOU

  1. QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Mar 17, 2015 -> 11:37 AM)


    " If White Sox general manager Rick Hahn stayed with his first instinct, Gordon Beckham returning to the team that drafted him never would have happened "


    This is exactly why all mentors and gurus will tell you to go with your first instinct.

  2. QUOTE (Lillian @ Mar 17, 2015 -> 08:43 AM)
    Thank you. That was precisely what I said, and that was the point of starting the thread.

    I really like having a good left handed bat, or two, on the bench, when there is a lefty starting for the opposition.

    Having those bats available to face tough RH relievers is a point, which you and I are making, but few here seem to want to comment on.

    Until your post, that point was almost entirely ignored. Again, thanks for bringing the discussion back to the central point.

    There's others here with you, Lillian. LaRoche may be one of those lefty sluggers that gets increasingly platooney with age - his recent trend would indicate this. I have little doubt that he will rake against RHP in our park, and the fact that most closers and late inning relievers are Righties means that Adam should find his way into most late inning/close game situations, regardless. But having him on the bench as a PH, on days where he doesn't start against a lefty, gives Robin a late inning weapon, and allows him to give three AB's earlier in the game to someone more likely to do damage vs. LHP. If RV allows the opposing manager to work the key late inning AB toward ALaR hitting vs. a LHRP after a Jose pitch-around, it will cost us games.


    Yes, I know you don't pay a guy $25M over two years to be a (majority) platoon player (not really all that much, just sounds like it :)). Yes, I believe ALaR expects to be in there for the most part, regardless of handedness. And, yes, I believe that the season will start with this as the general plan.


    However, I believe that it may become very obvious, very quickly, that Adam just isn't good enough anymore vs. lefties, and Rick will be setting about looking for a remedy, by midseason or sooner. Maybe from within, who knows?

  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 17, 2015 -> 10:34 AM)
    I like Leury more than most, but Leury and upside with the bat should never be in the same sentence. Saladino had a nice offensive season last year before he was hurt. The 2 previous years he was putting up Gordon Beckham major league numbers in AA. I would really question his effectiveness on the major league level at this time.

    Saladino had two down seasons, in between two very good seasons. I'm not really sure what the total story behind it is, beyond some injuries, and anyone who can shed a light on it is appreciated. However, he's described as plenty competent at 2B, 3B and SS, plus has played a bit of OF, and he passes the eye test in my limited viewings. He raked last year, especially against lefties. He's had plenty of experience and time in the system, and deserves a first chance far more than Gordon deserves yet another.


    QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Mar 17, 2015 -> 10:39 AM)
    Yeah there's no question that Beckham would be better than Saladino, I just don't think the difference was worth $2m and a roster spot in the first place. But we'll see -- fans always seem to underestimate depth, so it's certainly possible his contract ends up being worth it. I tend to think, though, that if we reach that point, it probably means the season is already lost.

    Say what, now? This isn't a high bar we're talking about. Give Saladino a chance.

  4. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Mar 17, 2015 -> 10:31 AM)
    I'd admit it's probably Beckham in that instance, but it's just as likely that Melky or Avi or Eaton breaks a wrist instead, so having a guy that's able to step in at all of those positions (including 3B) is more valuable at this point.


    I don't mind Beckham on the bench in general, as opposed to being cut, but I wouldn't have spent the $2m on him in the first place. I'd rather give that role to someone who can be just as valuable defensively but who might have some upside with the bat, like Saladino or Leury.

    You had me til Leury. I don't think he has ANY potential with the bat.


    Time to look at Saladino or Sanchez in an everyday role, if someone goes down. We KNOW GB will suck, if we're being realistic.

  5. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 17, 2015 -> 10:15 AM)
    Say Gillaspie gets hit by a pitch and breaks his wrist, and is out 6 weeks. Consider 80% of the time in those 6 weeks, the White Sox will be facing RHP, which seems more than reasonable, who among Beckham, Leury, Bonifacio, Saladino, Sanchez or Matt Davidson is really the best candidate to take the majority of those ABs?


    Most won't admit it because of personal bias, but right now it's Beckham.

    Yes, s*** happens, and I'm glad you brought this up. IF an injury happens to Conor, OR Micah, or somebody else, you can, if you're smart, call up Sanchez or Saladino to start, and keep Bonifacio/Beckham in their utility roles. The kid who gets called up doesn't miss ABs, you'll get a real look at their mlb potential, and your bench isn't extended into undesirable roles - like playing Boni or GB everyday.


    If there's any bias here, it's our FO giving every last chance to a player who hasn't been worth a damn for five entire seasons, perhaps still not admitting the abject failure of Gordo's Sox career - and your defense of such crapitude.

  6. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Mar 16, 2015 -> 03:22 PM)
    Do you mean literally never? I'm confused. He'll pinch-hit sometimes and get the occasional start, and those should only be against lefties, yes. But he'll also pinch run and serve a defensive replacement lots of times and not end up getting an at-bat. Sometimes when he plays, though, there are going to be some at bats against RHP relievers, so he'll definitely face them sometimes, yes. In fact, since he is technically a "switch hitter," he'll probably face a few too many RHP.


    But that's not really any different than Beckham. He should only ever start against lefties, especially since it's looking increasingly likely that left-handed Micah is the everyday starter. He'll get the occasional pinch hit ONLY against lefties, and he'll pinch run and defensive sub sometimes but less frequently than Bonifacio because he's less valuable at those things than Bonifacio.

    This is an excellent post.


    And let me add that it may be Conor who's more established in needing a platoon partner, and Micah should probably be given the chance to hit every day, if he's good enough to start in the first place. Taking away most of Conor's ABs vs lefties makes the team better. And EB's high OBP vs. LHP fits the bill.


  7. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 16, 2015 -> 02:21 PM)
    So the switch hitting that Eminor pointed out means nothing. An why is it cherry picking when he said having him in the line up for decent stretches and the Sox won't miss a beat? Can they request only LH pitchers? Beckham was pretty good against LHP too last season.


    But seriously, telling someone they are cherry picking when they are using career stats with a veteran is pretty weak.

    I'm not Eminor. I think that Bonifacio is unplayable vs. RHP, except for injury or D replacement. His flame out with the Cubs is evidence of why you don't want him to play for long stretches. But he fits much better with the anticipated everyday personnell, as does Saladino, in getting us preferable matchups in game situations.

  8. QUOTE (Señor Ding-Dong @ Mar 16, 2015 -> 12:44 PM)
    For good reason.


    If this truly is an "all in" season, I'd much rather have Sanchez or Saladino on the bench instead of Beckham. I know they'd personally benefit from playing in Charlotte everyday, especially Sanchez, but team needs come first and both of them are better bench options than Beckham. It's the same reason we need to have Rodon up here as soon as we can without giving up a year of control.


    We know what Beckham brings, and that's average to slightly above average defense at 2B, average defense at 3B, the ability to play SS in a pinch, and little to no consistent hitting ability.


    Sanchez and Saldino are better defenders than Beckham and offer more versatility (Sanchez is at worst above average at 2B, passable at SS, and probably can play 3B as well; Saladino is our third best defensive SS behind Alexei and Cleuluis Rondon and can play 2B and 3B in addition to corner OF). As far as batting goes, they can't possibly be any worse than Beckham, and odds are they're better even if their numbers won't blow you away.


    Beckham is looking like this year's Leury Garcia without the versatility to play the outfield (well, he plays The Outfield but not the position ;) ).


    Sanchez and Saladino are better, but Beckham will stick around because of his contract and history with the organization.



    And, that was some pretty fancy cherry picking, DA, on the GB vs. EB comparison. EB has a 118ops+ for his career vs. LHP, which is how he should be used on the Sox. Killed it vs. LHP last season. If Robin uses him wisely, he'll almost never see RHP, which is good because he's terrible against them.

  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 16, 2015 -> 10:57 AM)
    If someone can show me where it is a non-guaranteed deal, I'd be happy to have been right earlier on and wrong now. Please do let me know if you find that!

    Might have read in a post here or on SSS, not sure. T'would be nice if it were true. I think they'll rather have Sanchez, given his age and tradeability, getting everyday ABS in Charlotte, so I'm thinking Tyler gets the utility gig, if Gordon's butt were elsewhere.


    I'm so ready to move on from GB, permanently. Just strikes me as the type of "devil you know " move that lacks creativity.

  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 16, 2015 -> 10:15 AM)
    I had originally thought that Beckham's $1.5M deal was only if he made the roster. But looking at the articles about it again, I think it's actually a true guaranteed contract. That being the case, I'll revise my earlier view that there was a chance Beckham doesn't make the team - he will make the team if healthy.


    That said, he may not last the season.

    Thanks for peeing on my day. :( I'd thought I read they could be on the hook for as little as $250k, but that's probably not the case.


    Tyler D looks better to me, though a ways to go in ST. Not really sure what he needs to improve upon, if he's healthy.


  11. I'm very pleased that Hawkins is looking composed and competent. Hopefully, he carries a lot of confidence into Birmingham.


    On a more immediate concern, who's with me in hoping like hell that Saladino can supplant Beckham for the last spot on the 25 man?

  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 11, 2015 -> 10:43 AM)
    Saladino is still in big league camp, but sadly, the presence of Beckham means his chances of breaking camp with the team are near zero. The only camp re-assignments so far have been Taylor's retirement and the addition of Engel Beltre to replace him in big league camp.

    Thanks, and that is indeed sad. Does TS seem completely healthy? I kinda thought the GB reacquisition might have been somewhat related to Saladino's recovery timetable. Would love to see him given a real shot.


    That Brooks data is freakin tremendous, imo, and I'll be checking it out for Rodon today and the other guys going forward, especially Montas. Did not know it existed for ST.

  13. Great stuff NSS, as always. I hope that you are right, and that Gordo can potentially be left off the 25, depending on his level of suckage and the performance of those competing.


    BTW, is Saladino already reassigned? He's the guy I want to see replacing Gordo, sooner or later. Unlike Gordo and Sanchez, seems to kill LHP, making him more platoon suitable to the other personnel. And probably has the most pop of the bunch.


    Found some nice info on Danish's outing http://www.brooksbaseball.net/pfxVB/pfx.ph...hamlb_kcamlb_1/ Apparently reached 92.5, not too bad.


    Found it through this article article on SSS, http://www.southsidesox.com/2015/3/11/8188...for-second-base

    talking about TD now throwing more of a slider ( "Coop calls it a cutter"), vs. the "slurve" type of pitch he had been throwing.

  14. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 9, 2015 -> 07:48 AM)
    Doen't the Spring Training I hope to be back by the All Star break in reality mean hopefully September?

    Rather agree. Would feel better if he said June. Any further delay pretty much torches his season.


    I guess I'm slightly more optimistic about Crain.

  15. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Mar 4, 2015 -> 03:39 PM)
    He didn't get lit up.

    Couldn't watch, working, but looked at Gameday just now (not sure I can trust it's info today, seemed buggy). Kid's likely nervous with the walks and falling behind. And the high A ball to big league camp thing. His MO has been strike 1.


    But most interested in how CH's swing looks. Does it look viable with refinement, or is more of a hopeful hack?

  16. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Mar 3, 2015 -> 05:37 PM)
    Oh good I see the fans are ready to appoint starters based on spring training results. That always works well. I just hope Robin realizes that spring training numbers have zero correlation to the regular season.


    Here's a thought experiment, if Beckham hits 350 with 5 homers in the spring and Micah only hits 300 with 2 steals, you gonna give the job to Beckham on the results right? If you want to apply the "Micah earned the start" rule for him, you might as well apply it to Beckham.


    Point is neither guy has much of a chance to slash better than 250/300/400 no matter what their spring numbers are. Pitchers don't take the spring numbers seriously and it results in incredibly skewed results for hitters.


    Yea I'm happy Micah is doing well but pump the damn breaks. Remember Jerrod Mitchell's nice spring? Yea.

    Aren't you a killjoy? Of course, you're right. But, Micah might be halfway decent, and I'd like him to get an everyday role near the back of the order and find out. He did hit a bit better vs LHP last year , albeit SSS.


    I think the ceiling is fairly high, so him being good could have real impact.

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