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  1. Actually, I have read in a couple of sources that Veeck was secretly negotiating to sell to a buyer who was going to move the team to Denver after 1980. Marvin Davis, I believe it was. He and Veeck were going to be equal partners. The deal fell through, according to Davis, because the American League would not have approved any sale that would have moved the team out of Chicago.
  2. I think Gibsons homer got the credit because he wasn't even expected to be able to hit cause he was so injured. Oh. Good point. But he's still a psycho. "I hit the game-winning home run!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Cal Ripken was voted Number 1? ARGH! Double ARGH! Baseball fans today have no sense of history. In my mind, Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier is THE number one moment in baseball history, mainly because it transcended the sport and became a part of Amer- ican history. If I wrote an American History textbook, I would include two baseball players: Babe Ruth and Jackie Robinson. MAYBE Hank Aaron. They are the only ones whose accomplishments went beyond baseball. Cal? Ehh. I wouldn't even put that in the top five. Ten, maybe. As for Kirk the psycho pumping his arms and screaming like a nutjob while round- ing the bases, I vote for that as THE MOST overrated, overblown, overhyped, overdone, overshown, overover, over ANYTHING moment in baseball history. Face it, the only reason that moment gets any space at all is because he did it for a glamour team like the Dodgers. If he did it for one of baseball's pissant franchises, it would've been forgotten as soon as it happened.
  4. Welcome to the office of the Commissioner of Major League Baseball. Please check your brain at the door.
  5. That is the crap that I can't stand. For crying out loud, you would think that Frank was out committing murder and mayhem. Thugs like coach-choker Spre- well and "stick 'em up" Iverson get off easier than Frank. As for the Sports Show, keep in mind that one of the moderators is fat, loudmouthed, untalented bozo Tom Arnold. That should clue you in as to the overall IQ level of the show.
  6. Since when did LaRussa become sanctified? I never thought he was that hot. He tinkered like Manuel, too. Or have you forgotten the sight of lefty "Spanky" Squires at 3rd base? Sure, he became great with Oakland, but then again, if you had "Andro" McGwire and "Roid" Canseco in your lineup, you'd be a great manager, too.
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