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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by SoxWS05

  1. People my age are freaking idiots. The pressure to look like you are rolling for some reason has never been higher. Trendy, expensive s*** is seen as a necessity rather than something that you indulge in once in a while. Getting hammered for $100-$200 every Friday/Saturday night is the norm.


    My friend, who lives in a two bedroom apartment with a guy he barely knows, just bought a 23k Chevy Trailblazer. Great decision, with gas prices where they are... let's not think about saving up for a downpayment on a home, let's buy a freaking Trailblazer.


    My wife and I cringe when we think of all our friends that blow their money on superfluous s***. I've got two friends who spent more than 5k on Cubs tickets the first day they went on sale just so they could be posers. One of them admittedly so.


    Seriously, most of my friends have no idea what it is to be responsible financially, and it's depressing. At least my wife and I have it figured out.


    Some people have different priorities. Who cares if your friend bought a Trailblazer, maybe he doesn't want to get sucked into a 30 year mortgage in his early 20's. You can still be financially responsible without being cheap. It's just money, you can always make more. Go out and have some fun.

  2. I'm glad this issue was brought up because I F**ING HATE THE SOX SECURITY. Everybody is just trying to have a good time in the parking lot and up rides johnny rent a cop to mess with people. I'm over 21 but last season I got a ticket for drinking in public (that ticket went directly in the garbage can). I sometimes go to the game with my cousin who's under 21 but we let him drink and they wrote him a ticket last time.

    There's one douche in particular who been "patrolling" the lots for the last several years whom I always get into it with. I like to park in the G lot and apparently it's the only lot where your not allowed to tailgate (for some reason). Everyone tailgates anyway and said douchbag likes to patrol through there writing public intox tickets.

    The guards inside the game are cool, it's the a-holes in the parking lot who really grind my gears.

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