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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by SoxWS05

  1. That was a great read and man was that loss to Toronto heartbreaking. I was also at game six with the rally socks when toronto won and celebrated on our field. I was 11 years old at the time but still remember it pretty clear. That season and BIG FRANK are the main reasons why I'm still a Sox fan today.

  2. Can we let the team play some games that actually count before we call them a joke and fire the GM?


    "No, this sport is played on paper, so Detroit and Cleveland have already won the division. Sox will be lucky to finish 3rd...no wait 4th. No use in seeing how it plays out, fire Ozzie, fire KW, bulldoze the stadium." Signed, 80% of Soxtalk.

  3. +1


    I may gripe, but I'll be pissing myself on March 31 awaiting first pitch.


    Yeah, I guess everyone's complaints get thrown out the window when opening day comes and you sit and watch the first game saying "maybe this team is good, maybe I was getting all worked up over nothing. I'm sorry KW, you're smarter then me."

  4. Seriously. Not that there aren't problems, but, the way some people post, you'd think the 2008 Sox were a wreck. The lineup is far better, the bullpen is far better, the bench overall (except Hall) will be better, and the team has a depth of young talent it didn't have before. That is balanced against a starting rotation that might have gotten worse, though we don't know that yet... and some concerns over guys like Fields and Quentin having their development slowed a bit. Overall, this is a much improved team.



    No it doesn't matter what the Sox do, they could get arod, pujos and johan over the off-season and people would still be b**ching about Uribe! This board is just disgusting, christ people. Ozzie and KW are starting the best players they have available at each position, Yes Crede>Fields and Uribe>Ramirez. God, I can't wait for the season to start so people have real things to talk about instead of just speculation.


    I feel like Sox fans are rooting for Crede, Swish, Uribe, O-cab, Danks, Count, Floyd, Dotel, Linebrink, Anderson, Dye...to fail, so you can wave your finger and said I told you so. Make sure you complain about every player just to cover all bases.



  5. I'm glad to see Crede starting, it sucks that Fields was sent down after such a promising year, but at least they made the right decision and started the best player at third.



    We should trade Fields and try and get a good starter for him.

  6. And so does Crede? How the Sox justify keeping Crede over Fields, I will never understand. Get ready for two infield pop ups per game from him. And Hall just has no bat speed.


    Uhhmm...probably because he's the best third baseman on our team. I'll love how everyone just drags Crede's name through the mud a year after he hit 30HR and 90RBI's.



    Trade Josh Fields.

  7. Starting pitching is going to be sooooooooo bad this year. I like to believe it is only spring training and it does not count, but there is not even a sense of progress. And there I go again, b****ing, and all doom and gloom ...


    Good thing it's only spring training.

    It always makes me feel better to look at the starters spring era's from 2005:


    Buerhle: 2.66

    Garland: 6.12

    Contreras: 7.04

    Garcia: 6.41

    Hernandez: 8.25

    McCarthy: 3.79


    You just can't tell until the season starts, the ball jumps in AZ.

  8. Based on the way he's being looked at going into this season compared to the way he's pitched the last two seasons (although he was a lot better last year), I'd say he is. And Buehrle might be my favorite player, but he's a #3 starter right now on a good team, and is regarded as a 1 and a half but a lot of people.



    HAHAHA...there might be ten teams Buehrle wouldn't be the #1. He's one of the most UNDERRATED players in baseball.

  9. !?!?!?!?!? you wouldnt want adam dunn on the sox? what planet are you freaking on? who cares about K's when you walk 100 times, hit 40 homers and drive in 100?

    so i assume it was Jim Thome's fault last year that we won 72 games. he was on this team you know.

    Not to start anything over Adam Dunne, but I bet if you find a Reds board there are a hundred fans complaining about him and how he should of been traded to years ago, now his big salary his hindering there chances of signing another starting pitcher or the development of some AAA player

  10. what exactly is bad about this?


    oh yeah i forgot... joe crede is a MUCH better player than Adam 40 HR 100 RBI/yr Dunn


    Yeah I thought Dunn was a little worse, change that to poor mans Richie Sexson. The key here is "poor mans". Also, Dunne puts up good numbers but I'm not sure he will ever play on a winning team and some of the fault lies with him.

  11. As we know you love Joe. What exactly is the years and salary of a contract that you think the sox and Joe will iron out to keep Brooks here for the next 4 to 5 years. What would you give him per year.


    If he comes in and proves himself healthy, I would give him 4 years 30 million. That's 7.5 per year. Good deal on both sides.

  12. Not denying Fields will probably one day become a 40HR, 100RBI guy who k's 150+ per season and carries about a .330OBP. But he should ultimately become a first baseman. He is not better then Crede now, so Crede will start in '08. It's simple. If Crede is on the team he will start.

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