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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by SoxWS05

  1. Which is why less than two weeks ago Ozzie said Fields was the starting 3rd basemen for the team?



    I always thought the unwritten rule in professional sports is "thou shall not lose his starting job due to injury." Although Ozzie doesn't like rules.

  2. Shall we start to list the posters here we could make that very same statement about, who also are negative constantly about the team?



    That would be a very long list.


    Journalism 101, report objectively. Jay failed that class.

  3. Fields D is not that bad, especially when you consider a 2b/SS combo of Uribe/Cabrera is above average. I'd much rather have Fields dominant bat against LHP in the lineup, when that's a huge weakness on our team, than Crede on the team and Fields in the minor. The fact it's even a consideration just speaks of the pathetic personnel decisions this team has been making over the past few years.


    Fields was awful at 3B. He blew more then a couple games at 3b last year.

  4. Fields won't gain anything by going to the minors. His continued development has to come by getting used to world class fastballs. He's not going to see that in the minors. He even stated in the paper that his struggles now is due in part to not being used to the 95-96 mph heat.


    His D will develop. Why do you think Crede is still on the team. Fields can't play 3B.

  5. Wow so now Fields will hinder the sox from winning.


    Who are these young players. The only one that looks to start is Owens. The rest will be in AAA or bench fodder as it looks.


    How is he going to develop in AAA. Feast on the crappy pitching of the International League. The same league that allowed Brian Anderson to hit 300 or better. Sure he can learn all sorts of bad things there.



    Not really to concerned with his hitting, but I'm pretty sure fielding a ground ball in AAA is the same as in the majors. He needs lots of work on that. They have other youngs guys...danks, floyd, quentin.

  6. Not exactly. I'd say what should be considered is whether the supposed "decrease" from Crede to Fields this year is worth hindering Fields' development. In all reality, how much is Crede's performance over Fields going to increase our chances this season? Not very much if you ask me. It's not worth hindering our future over. No matter what some people may think, another year in AAA will hinder Fields' development, no question about it. Given the current state of the Sox, it's more valuable to the organization to continue Fields' development.


    3B is not a critical point in the Sox success this upcoming season. Joe Crede won't win us the division.



    What is the Sox current status? 0-0 right? Why are people worried about hindering Fields development? Shouldn't we be more worried about winning the division and league in 2008? The fact is, Joe Crede will help us win the division, Josh Fields is just another piece of the puzzle that will hinder the sox chances of winning in '08. They are already trying to develop several young players. We have a better player at 3b now, why confuse the matter. Crede should and will start (if he's still on the tea0m and Josh should go to AAA. He will "develop" fine in AAA.

    Everybody preaches about pitching. Well, Crede makes the pitchers better by taking away hits, starting DP's and frankely making less errors.

  7. If you want the best player on the field in 2008, start Joe Crede. I'll go ahead and rank them equal at the plate but Joe D is far superior. He makes people around him better Pitcher, SS, 2B and 1B all look better defensively with Joe on the diamond.

  8. It was a joke. Hence the green.


    I don't agree that we are the worst org out there. However, I think our minor leagues need a refresh to say the least.


    Fields will start in AAA, that will solve part of the problem

  9. How can you project a Silver Slugger award or equal offensive output when he has done it exactly once in his career. When he wins a gold glove let us know.


    Owens and Uribe will start as well, doesnt make it right.



    Just because Crede doesn't have any GG's doesn't make it right. It doesn't really matter because he wouldn't be able to get the GG on over his World Series ring anyway.

  10. You should take a look at Crede's first taste in the majors with regards to fielding. You would of run him out of town with pitchforks. More errors in less games, yikes. Thank god we let him get better.


    Fields can work out those kinks in AAA, while Crede wins GG's and SS awards. Face it Crede is starting and Fields will be in AAA come opening day.

  11. Crede did that once in his career. Yet you think that makes it an automatic lock to repeat. He had a few years of action before that in the majors where he didnt produce at that level. What will he produce at, the one season, or the few season he produced before it. You will argue that he has matured as a hitter and this will be what we will see from now on. But this of course doesnt apply to the new 3rd baseman. He will suck forever. He hit 23 homers over a shorter season, and had 67 RBIs in 373 ABs. Yet he will never get better. Why. Do you realize that projected over a season, the production numbers from power and RBI are better than Crede's best season. Crede's Crew is quickly becoming more of a homer base than the Legend of Aaron Rowand.


    I do think they are pretty equal at the plate but the difference is in the field. Fields just stinks at 3b, it's just that simple. It's a pretty important position to be good at and he stinks. I value Crede's D and to many people under value it.

  12. Adrian Beltre's best year was one of the best a 3Bman has ever had, and yet I'd still take Robin over him in a heartbeat.


    One season does not make a career; how about doing something like comparing career averages...


    Ventura's average season - .267 23 HR 50 XBH .362/.444/.806 with a career 114 OPS+

    Crede's average season - .259 25 HR 55 XBH .305/.446/.751 with a career 92 OPS+


    Ventura was a well above average hitter and one of the best defensive 3Bman of the past 25 years; Crede's a below average hitter and is just fine defensively


    Ventura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crede


    Yeah you're right below average hitters hit 30 HR and 90 RBI. All I'm trying to point out is in 2008 Crede will help the White Sox win more games then Josh Fields. That's the most important thing right? Winning games in '08.

  13. Ventura's Great Years >>>>>>>> Crede's Good Year


    Ventura's best year with Sox: 34 HR 105 RBI .368 OBP .520 SLG .287 AVG

    Crede's best year with Sox : 30 HR 94 RBI .323 OBP .506 SLG .283 AVG



    Sure Ventura was awesome and everybody's favorite but not exactly Ventura>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Crede



  14. Joe Crede couldn't hold Ventura's jock, yet we let him go. Ventura of the actual Gold Glove defense ( 6 of them) and the real offense. Yet he could go. Yet you are shocked that they are talking about moving him for a guy they drafted number one, seem pretty high on, and showed offensive promise.


    And they let Ventura go for the same reasons everyone wants Crede gone, health concerns and possible declining ability. Ventura had some great years after he left the Sox and Crede still has some ahead of him. Just don't want to see them do it again.

  15. Also, if two of the all-time best Sox players, Maggs and Frank, aren't going to be resigned due to health concerns, little old Joe Crede won't be (and shouldn't be).


    Crede is 29, hardly old. The average age of the Red Sox is 30.2.

  16. And their agents aren't Scott Boras.


    Seriously, that's the only point that really needs to be made and understood to end this debate.



    Geez, get over who his agent is, it's Crede's decision not Boras's. He signed with Boras years ago when his upside was "superstar" level. I think we all know what crede is and what he's capable of. I would say he's easily worth 7-8 million a year.

  17. No one is saying Fields plays better defense at third. They are saying you have to take the whole picture into account - you seem to be ignoring his contract, his agent, his back problems, and his inconsistent offense.



    I've touched on each one of those in previous posts in this thread. Like I said, If healthy, offer a contract and if he signs, trade Fields. In that order. I'll take inconsistent offense over un-proven offense and brutal defense.

  18. As things are coming together now, some of the moves made were just incredibly short sided on the organizations part. Whether it be poor scouting, poor planning, or just lack of vision, in last year, two rather valuable pieces of the system(Cunningham and Carter) for players that at this point in time are not penciled in to start in 08, yet all off-season we keep hearing how the Sox are gong for it all in 08, In 2007, the team finished 72-90. As it stands right now, the only new full time players are Swisher and Cabrera, and they are relying on an aging core.


    Whats the plan Kenny?


    Besides Thome and Dye, who is old? I'm pretty sure Konerko, Buerhle, Swisher, Javier, AJ, Danks, Jenks, Crede/Fields, would be considered the core of players who will be around for a while. I don't see any over the hill players there, so who is the aging core you speak of?

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