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Posts posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 02:00 PM)
    I'm going to the game, so I kind of have to watch it......and put up with the Twins fans.


    Represent, brother! Have fun, be safe, and bring us home a winner.

  2. Strategically, I think Obama has to say damn the torpedos, full speed ahead. It would be too damn Dem of him to let McCain unilaterally alter a presidential campaign in this historic, unprecedented way when there is no clear and present danger at hand. He promised to run a different campaign than Kerry, Dukakis, et al. (i.e., have balls), so do it. Offer to fly in to Oxford from DC together, debate for 90 minutes, and fly back to Washington right after. He can promise to teach McCain how to use his Blackberry to stay in touch with Congress on the plane. He can tell him he's willing to skip meals and legislate all night if you have to, taking full advantage of his youth and vigor. Obama will look weak if he capitulates.

  3. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 01:32 PM)
    Based on the reaction to the bailout bill both in congress (from BOTH parties amazingly enough) and among the American people, I think most agree with your comment in the bold.


    Yeah, I could see postponing the debate and suspending the campaign in the event of a crisis like an invasion or a terrorist attack (like David Palmer had to do that season on "24"), but this just seems gimmicky and odd. I mean, the economy is bad and everything, but as McCain has said, its "fundamentals are strong," so its not like its on the precipice of imminent collapse within the next 72 hours. The bailout vote might be important (even assuming it would be scheduled for 8:00 p.m. this Friday), but the process for choosing the next leader of the free world is kind of important too.

  4. Not totally sure, but I think an analogy to the law of commercial paper governing checks might be somewhat apt: If the amount written in words differs from the amount stated in numbers, the amount in words trumps (something has to break the tie), and the check's recipient can't legally engage in "self-help" to correct an apparent "mistake."


    Similarly, I suspect that on a charge slip, its the bottom line "total" amount that the card holder legally authorizes as payment via his signature, irrespective of how that amount is broken down, arrived at, or calculated. I don't think a charge recipient has the legal authority to alter that in order to effectuate the card holder's suppossed "intent." Too subjective and problematic.

  5. Ok then, I'm mistaken (I'll never run for office, I swear). But one day crashes can trigger events that take years to recover from, and that was the point I was trying to make. In any event, none of that changes the fact that Biden's quote was not nearly as far-fetched as it was portrayed in the original post, which totally assumed an unattributed reference to 1929.


    The stock market did crash (again) in 1939, and FDR did make televised speeches in that year.


    Biden may be a doofus, but that quote would hardly make his top 100 goof list.

  6. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 08:23 AM)
    And a crash in the stock market does not last 3 YEARS.

    You have heard of the "Great Depression," right? Not to hijack the thread or make excuses for Joe Biden, but that comment is just flat wrong.

  7. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 23, 2008 -> 09:03 AM)
    Michelle & Co. -


    Looks like Joe Biden, in his interview with Katie Couric, was copying off the wrong classmate’s exam again. He said (video here):


    “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘look, here’s what happened.’”


    My recollection is that the stock market crash was in 1929. Two problems here: Television did not even exist in 1929, and FDR was elected in 1932, so he wasn’t even the leader at the time of the crash. When Joe was in history class, was he cheating by looking over the class dunce’s shoulder, or does he just make this stuff up? Of course, TV celebrity Katie Couric also didn’t note that Biden’s statement was doubly incorrect. Her goal was a softball puff piece.”


    Looks like there might be a few problems with this post, too:


    Television was around back then, as the first station license was granted in 1928.




    Furthermore, although the "Great Crash" occurred in 1929, another extremely severe crash occurred in 1939, during the heart of FDR's presidency and the rise of television.










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