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Posts posted by UofIChiSox

  1. Hey guys, I just bought MLB 2004 today, and it has both the Knights and Barons on the game as well as every other team's AAA and AA teams, but the players in the minors aren't real. Therefore I want to go through and at least create some of the top prospects for the Sox and maybe some other teams too. I was just wondering if anybody knew where I could get scouting reports and info on prospects for free. I'm talking like what kind of pitches the pitchers throw and what not. I know it's kind of pathetic, but I'm in college, I have to do something to pass the time!!

  2. I was just looking on the sox website, and maybe I missed it, but are they doing away with the half price mondays and tuesdays? I really thought those games brought a lot of fans to the stadium, but I guess the revenue lost could be more important.

  3. I wouldnt put it past any of these sports owners.  Think of how much money they would make if they made all those beer swilling fans pay a quarter to use the pisser.

    That's a really good idea. I don't know how well it would work though. Do you put a guy at the door of the bathroom with a turnstyle collecting quarters from everybody who goes in? Or is there some sort of cover over the urinal that opens up only after a quarter has been inserted. If that's the case, perhaps people would just pee on the cover, which would defeat the purpose and make a big mess. HMMM.

  4. Like Reed, I don't think it would be good for Anderson to sit on our Major League Bench and get 4 at bats a week. He's young, develop him, that is why I thought it might be better to let Marvin Benard rot on our bench, but that didn't work out with the whole calf/roid thing. Benard is out of a job now, and no need to develop him for the future, so I wouldn't mind if he only got a couple at bats per week.

  5. I feel bad for poor Carlos Castillo. I always liked him, maybe because he was fat like me. Not saying he should have made the team though. What about Kohlmeier? I remember him closing for the O's with a little success a few seasons ago, and he looked decent enough when I saw him in spring training last year. Is this guy ever going to pan out into anything?

  6. What does the Big Skirt drive?  An ice cream truck?

    I know this isn't a serious question, but I have heard it's a black bentley, license plate says someting like got hurt or get hurt or just hurt or something like that. I guess he is at Maloney's in Tucson every Saturday. At least that's what I hear from my UA buddy, can't wait to get out there and see.

  7. note that the big hurt was not quoted saying anything bad or moody

    You guys aren't very good at this!


    Clearly, Mr. Lazy himself Frank Thomas points out how long and boring Spring Training is. Newsflash to the Big Hurt, quit whining and go out and do your job!


    That's how they can turn it!

  8. I have the belief that Reed was vastly underrated before last year and overrated now. He had a tremendous year last year, but I'm not ready for him to play everyday yet. I guess it's nice to have him if Maggs bolts, but I hope having Reed in the minors is never a reason to get rid of a proven superstar in Maggs.

  9. I hope Joe can turn it around too. It's fun to think about what our outfield will be 3 years from now? Ideally, I want to keep Lee and Maggs. CF is up for grabs, but out of the current major league outfielders and the minors, somebody is going to have to go. I just hope it isn't both Maggs and Lee.

  10. From the Sun Times:


    "Now I have to wear one of those stupid pads that everyone wears; I hate wearing those things,'' Konerko said. "I don't like the way it feels when you hit. And I hear the pitchers talk about guys who wear those things, and I don't want to be that guy.''


    I hate seeing guys wear those and then crowd the plate.

  11. Predictions: Thomas will reinjure his tricep, magglio will get traded, then get injured, Harris will tear his ACL, rowand will crash into a wall and will injure everything again, and lee will injure his ankle sliding into home.


    ....Very healthy club. :D

    You forgot about all our pitchers' arms freakishly falling off during spring training

  12. Did anybody just see the piece on Sportscenter saying Scrubs are best chance for Chicago to win a championship? 

    As much as it pains me to admit it, they are. I don't think it will happen though.


    Let's all concentrate on the University of Illinois, we have the #1 ranked men's tennis team in the nation and #1 men's gymnastics :P


    About the Sportscenter though, I liked how it was all AL East the first 15-20 minutes. Probably won't even mention the AL Central, I don't know for sure though, I didn't watch it.

  13. March 22-27.


    I'll be seeing them twice at TEF versus Arizona, once there versus Seattle and then once at Colorado elsewhere in Tucson.


    If any other posters are gonna be there at this time, let me know and we can meet up at a game...

    I'll be there at the same time, planning on going to those same four games as well.

  14. The MLB players union is the strongest in any sport.



    I think this is the statement that a lot of common fans don't realize and I have only just come to realize. The union is as much if not more at fault for this than the owners. People see the owners paying these large salaries, but they don't realize it's more a case of the union demanding them.


    If I was a BoSox fan, I'd be pissed that the Union is basically what kept Arod from being in Boston. As a ChiSox fan I'm happy, because I'd rather have Maggs for a year than Nomar for a year. Anyhow, that's off topic, I don't think the Union will allow baseball to do anything that will hinder the continual growth of player salaries. Owners won't have anything they can do about it, because if they try, the union will strike and the owners know that they absolutely can't deal with another strike, the game would be dead.

  15. This is from February 5, so it's pretty old and may have been talked about before, but Jayson Stark did the leaders for the 2000's. If you go down about three quarters of the way, it has the "Lonely at the Bottom"


    Most GIDPs -- Paul Konerko 84, Magglio Ordonez 83 (NL leader -- Jeff Bagwell, 80)


    That's a nice stat to know. The two most GIDPingest players in the 90s are both on our team.


    How much of that is on the Big Hurt's shoulders? What about Manual's? Do you guys think it'll change? All those GIDP's definitely hurt the Sox a ton.

  16. Can't these photos be basically fixed simply by zooming in or out the tiniest amount to even out the size or make differences? It seems like that's possible to me, and the chances of two photos being the exact same zoom in or out aren't that great. I think there is truth to the head enlargement thing, but you need actual measurements and what not to prove it. I don't buy this site.

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