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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I only started following baseball in 2010 so I couldn't tell you. Why, is there flopping in baseball...?
  2. The thing I hate most about Lebron and Wade is how much they flop. They're 2 of the best players in the NBA and they flop so damn much, they're shameless about it. I would root for the Bulls regardless but I'd be like "Go Bulls! Oh Lebron is a dick, I hate that guy. But go Bulls, yay!"
  3. I like to cheer for certain types of players, after Rose and Lu retire I'll find others to cheer for. I already like Kyrie Irving, I'd have no problem following Cavs games. I could never cheer for Lebron or Wade, even if they wore a Bulls jersey. I don't like how they play the game and I don't like how they carry themselves. Bosh is okay though.
  4. I think I would be a fan of any team Derrick or Lu go to. I wouldn't go so far as to call them 'my team', but I'd definitely follow their games.
  5. So Derrick/Lu/Noah go in a hypothetical trade for Lebron/Wade/Bosh. You'd have no problem with cheering for a Chicago Heat team?
  6. Well I guess thats the biggest difference between how I think about the team and how others do. People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them in all seriousness that I wouldn't want Lebron on my team. I don't want to win with him, I want to win because we beat him. Exactly the same way Derrick thinks too, I bet you.
  7. That has absolutely nothing to do with today... Let me ask a rhetorical question, and I pose this question to anybody who reads these words: If you had two choices between trading everybody on this team to win a guaranteed championship and retaining everybody on this team despite possibly never winning one, which would you choose? Would a championship be fun if you have no emotional attachment to the team or any of the players?
  8. I hate Andrew Bynum, he's an immature brat. Character matters to me, and it matters in general. Lu is a soldier and a warrior and the epitome of what I think a Bull should be. Bynum is just a dickwad. I'd hate that trade tbh.
  9. Seeing him in another uniform would break my little heart. RESTRUCTURE! Back load the hell out of that contract and kick the can down the road imo. Anything to keep him here.
  10. I think we need to work on not only amnestying Boozer but restructuring Lu's contract. I don't think he's the type of player that wants to chase the money. He probably wants to retire a Bull, and I want him to retire a Bull as well.
  11. Jay Cutler has been something of a front runner this year. His numbers when behind or tied are horrible when compared to his numbers when the team is leading. BUT, its a brand new offense, with a brand new OC, and 2 brand new WR's so the timing is not down yet. Lots of room for improvement. Also, lets remember, it's only a 5 game sample size.
  12. Derrick needs to come back whenever the medical professionals tell him it's best to come back. He's on a strict rehab/training regimen. Taking the entire year off sounds good to people who have no knowledge in the medical/sports field, but in reality extra rest is not only not a good thing, but it's counterproductive.
  13. Bulls fans thought we had a legit shot going into this year? Nobody expected anything this year. Just like with the White Sox. So how is it different?
  14. I fully expected the team to play out of sync in their first preseason game. The jump shots were not falling, but they will start to fall eventually. Jimmy is not gonna go 1-11 in every game. Taj is not gonna go 1-7 in every game. Boozer is not gonna go 3-10 in every game. But neither is Rip and Nazr gonna go for 6-10 every game. Guys that shot well will shootslightly worse and guys that shot badly will shoot better, things will even out in that department. I'm looking at the positives. Kirk didn't have a good shooting night but he did everything else well. His defense was on point, his 7 assists in 23 minutes were excellent. I saw Noah out of shape but also looking to his own offense more, excited to see what he learned training with Kareem Abdul Jabar. Luol, so far, looked excellent. He looked like he was determined to take on more of the scoring load. Shot 11 free throws and drove the lane with no hesitation. Will his wrist cause him to play badly again? Maybe. But you can't enjoy a game or a season if you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, you have to just find joy in wherever you're able. Which is what I'm doing.
  15. I can't handle this much pessimism. It's game 1 of preseason and it's already so much pessimism here that it's burying me. I want to do what Steve's icon is doing.
  16. "The consensus among several players and coaches after the first week of training camp is they’ve never seen Deng playing at such a high level, both shooting the ball well and going effortlessly off the dribble in addition to his fine defense." "Only Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Jerry Sloan, Bob Love, John Paxson and Tom Boerwinkle played with the Bulls longer than Deng. Deng ranks seventh all-time in franchise points scored, sixth in steals and 10th in rebounds. He is one of 14 players in franchise history to make an All-Star team." Stuff like that makes me happy. Lu is my fav player in the NBA
  17. Lu being healthy again makes me happy. Rip being healthy again makes me happy. Kirk being healthy again and tearing up in the locker room when asked what it means to him being back in a Bulls uniform, makes me happy. Maybe I'm just easily pleased. I can't wait until Derrick gets back, and the United Center gives him a standing O.
  18. All I heard after the White Sox choke job was how fans shouldn't be dissapointed with what was an excellent season, despite not making the playoffs. If fans are allowed, nay, EXPECTED to enjoy a good regular season in baseball, why not enjoy a regular season in the NBA even if you know you won't win a title that year? Thats what I don't understand. So many people here are resigned to the idea that we won't win anything and that fact gets in the way of their enjoyment of watching Bulls basketball.
  19. He's an upgrade over Cj Watson, that's what he is.
  20. Through 5 games, Jay Cutler is rated 2nd best QB in the 4th quarter with a QBR of 118. 5th best in the 2nd half with a QBR of 107 t-25th in the first half with a QBR of 57 He's like the anti-Lebron!
  21. Thats not why they're sensitive. You can make fun of me, I don't care. Go ahead and call me out by name. I won't take it personally.
  22. I don't care if you do it back. But he didn't do it back. He got huffy at me and said I'm baiting him and then ran away. Sorry ky, I didn't mean to offend you. Come back. Let's be friends. *hug*
  23. It's not a grudge, I don't harbor grudges. I just remember what was said and take joy in rubbing peoples noses in it. But in a friendly way. None of you guys ever laugh in your friends faces jokingly when they're proven wrong? S***, one of my friends is a Panthers fan. I laugh at him every week. It's not a grudge, its just ribbing.
  24. but he played really well, 7 assists, 2 blocks and a steal in 23 minutes. He seems to still have that chemistry with Lu & Noah
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